I Really Need to Drink More

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I serve MacPhisto
Dec 27, 2000
prettiest mess you've ever seen
Water that is! :reject: :slant:
It is only after receiving the results of my urinalysis (i know you all logged on to hear about this ;) ), and a stern warning from my doctor to "drink more water or else...!" that i'm actually feeling quite guilty. i mean, i don't want to deprive my body afterall.
for years my parents and friends have been insisting that i "drink more water". in fact, you don't know how many times i hear this throughout the day--countless.
but for some reason, i cannot bring myself to drink enough water. i honestly cannot stand pure, plain water! (unless of course i really work up a sweat and exert a lot of energy) that's not to say i drink carbonated, ultra sugary drinks; if anything, i prefer lightly sweetened iced tea or natural juices.
every now and then, i force myself to drink water for several days straight until i get so sick of it and just give up.
what is wrong with me? :shrug:
the thing is, i virtually never feel thirsty or dehydrated, and yet, it's clear from the test results that i'm not drinking enough liquids throughout the day. i'm starting to wonder if my internal body signals are malfunctioning or something. :scratch: :confused:

how do you water guzzling machines do it?
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i am a camel

i don't drink enough water either. yesterday i drank a glass of oragne juice. that was all. that's really bad.
i drink at least 10 glasses of water a day because i am forced to. it is really not a problem for me anymore. i have kidney problems and if i don't drink enough water my body lets me know so i make it point not to ignore my water intake. i would say keep a full bottle of water with you at all times. i love drinking water now. there are empty water bottles all over my car and i usually drink water with all of my meals instead of coke or sweet tea.

anyhow good luck i hope your efforts result in a better urinalysis test.
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TripThruUreWires said:
Water that is! :reject: :slant:
It is only after receiving the results of my urinalysis (i know you all logged on to hear about this ;) ), and a stern warning from my doctor to "drink more water or else...!" that i'm actually feeling quite guilty. i mean, i don't want to deprive my body afterall.
for years my parents and friends have been insisting that i "drink more water". in fact, you don't know how many times i hear this throughout the day--countless.
but for some reason, i cannot bring myself to drink enough water. i honestly cannot stand pure, plain water! (unless of course i really work up a sweat and exert a lot of energy) that's not to say i drink carbonated, ultra sugary drinks; if anything, i prefer lightly sweetened iced tea or natural juices.
every now and then, i force myself to drink water for several days straight until i get so sick of it and just give up.
what is wrong with me? :shrug:
the thing is, i virtually never feel thirsty or dehydrated, and yet, it's clear from the test results that i'm not drinking enough liquids throughout the day. i'm starting to wonder if my internal body signals are malfunctioning or something. :scratch: :confused:

how do you water guzzling machines do it?

Oh, first I thought you had to pass a marijuana test... nevermind.

I love water. I love it from when I was a child, travelling around in third world countries, and I couldn?t have it for two months. I remember coming back from India, and wow,,, water was the greatest thing on earth.

I remember staying in indonesia, and drinking sprite and 7up for two months... I can?t stand those two soft drinks :)

Actually my love for water was turned on again by a girl - I was used to drink champagne while... - but she showed me how clear and pure and fresh water is...
Re: Re: I Really Need to Drink More

whenhiphopdrovethebigcars said:

Oh, first I thought you had to pass a marijuana test... nevermind.


OTOH, I thought Trip needed to drink more alcohol.

I drink a lot of water...especially when eating.
Oh yeah...my Dad is a doctor and I keep hearing "drink more fluid". I used to drink less than now, a lot of Fanta (bubbles in it, like Coca cola).

It depeneds, most of the time I'll drink water, sometimes it's the artifucial fruit juice - at the moment I love lemonade - sometimes I squeeze oranges and drink the real stuff. I try to gut down 10 glasses, which would be about 2 l. I try to break it down, so it's 2 glasses at breakfast(in the morning, first I drink a cup of cocoa and the water)/snack/lunch/snack/dinner.
I drink water. I dont know if I drink enough of it. I drink a lot when I'm dancing, but I doubt I drink 8 glasses a day.. but I have a physical next month and I havent had one in years so I guess the doc will tell me if I need to drink more.
IWasBored and meeganie--we should start a support group together. every week, we could meet up in a room that is equipped with a water cooler and by the end of each meeting, check our progress by measuring how much water has actually exited the water jug. we'll chart our progress and use the "star" reward system. whad'ya say?

thks for the advice daisbean--i'll try incorporating cranberry juice (which i don't mind so much) into my diet

missvelvetdress--i'm glad to hear you have a good relationship with water :) i too will strive to be that type of person who has empty water bottles lying around everywhere :lol: you water guzzling machines have the same attributes ;)

whenhiphop--:lmao: yeah, you know me--brooke the pothead kindergarten teacher :sexywink:

dizzy--i hear drinking water prior to and/or after completing a meal is far better for you if at all possible. apparently, doing this aids in your digestive process. but who am i to talk? :silent:

ahhh yes u2girl....having a doctor in the family, there is no escaping it, is there? *lol*but at least you know your health is always being guarded day in and day out. ;)

sicy--if i'm not mistaken, i think "scientists/health officials" are now trying to say that 8 glasses a day is an overestimation. i don't know if this is true or not, but i suspect they are just trying to prevent the lot of us who fall short every day from being totally discouraged and give up (like me)

tiny dancer--someone correct me if i'm wrong, but if you're tea and coffee is caffeinated, it's actually causing dehydration. so i wouldn't count them as water sources. but, i guess so long as you're drinking "adequate" amounts of water to compensate, i suppose it's nothing to worry about. me, on the other hand....


april--you're work has a soda vending machine that's all too accessible, doesn't it? :uhoh: i know what those diet soda addictions can be like. break free now while you still have a chance! don't bring money to work...do whatever it is it takes! ;)
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Oh, can I join the water reward system??

I NEVER drink. WEll, rarely. I just don't feel thirsty. I have a cup of coffee in the morning, and maybe a glass of water at dinner. Occasionally I'll glass or two of water in the day, but I just never feel the need to...it's terrible really. I notice that when I don't drink enough my lips and skin get drier.

Juxtaposed with my brother, who drinks like a FISH....water, juice, anything he can get his hands on. I swear, we can't be related...
TripThruUreWires said:

missvelvetdress--i'm glad to hear you have a good relationship with water :) i too will strive to be that type of person who has empty water bottles lying around everywhere :lol: you water guzzling machines have the same attributes ;)

yes water and i have a lovely relationship. :heart:

best of luck with your relationship with empty water bottles.

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