I moved on!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Blue Crack Overdose Get me off the internetz!
Nov 3, 2002
wishing I was somewhere else....
Nine years ago today I packed up my life into the back of a U-Haul truck and my son, the pets and I drove from No. California to San Diego to start a new Chapter. It was the best thing I ever did for my son. It's been somewhat of a struggle for me. We had an awesome talk today about how the past 9 years have changed our lives.

I've recently moved into a really cute and smaller place at the beach where I honestly believe I'm happier than I have been in a long, long time. Once again, perhaps another new Chapter for me. It really feels good.

So for all you deliberating about whether you should make a move, start a new relationship or take on something new, all I can say is sometimes to jump in feet first can be the very best thing!

Mr. BAW said:
Congrats! there are some people here who should take your advice and move on....good luck...:)

During my post-separation years from spouse #1, I had this recurring dream...sparing you the details, I always found myself standing in a hallway next to her and an elevator...the elevator doors opens...I actually remember looking at her and the open elevator...I got in and the doors closed, never to go back...it symbolized my act of "moving on" to where I am now....:foreverthankfulinmystrengthtowalkaway:
one4u2 said:
I want to do it but it seems near impossible going from 1 city to another job hunting :crazy:

Sometimes you just have to jump in! Seriously. You will never know until you just go for it. Life's a big crap shoot really.....I don't like staying complacent anywhere for too long. I'd much rather make a sacrifice here or there and be happy and content. Everything can't be rosey and perfect, but right now I feel pretty darn close to that balance. It's a great feeling!

I wish you lots of luck in your decision making phase!

Thank you Mr BAW for your always :up: positive advice. I miss many of you and YOU are definitely one of them! Hope to see you all soon!

:hug: to all.

P.S. Thanks Trevor! :wave:
You are a wonderful person Carek, and I'm so glad that you've found happiness and have moved on to a new chapter in your life. :hug:

Your advice is so good, I know I need to take it! :D I'll let you know how it goes.
ThoraSEB said:
You are a wonderful person Carek, and I'm so glad that you've found happiness and have moved on to a new chapter in your life. :hug:

Your advice is so good, I know I need to take it! :D I'll let you know how it goes.

Awww Thora, you are such a sweetheart! Much love to you! :hug:

And to everyone else here too! :hug:
Carek1230 said:


Awww Thora, you are such a sweetheart! Much love to you! :hug:

And to everyone else here too! :hug:

Congrats to you, Carek! :happy:

I have this personal credo that I try to live by. If I'm not occasionally doing things that scare me, or make me feel uncomfortable/unsure, I'm living in complacency, being too safe, and not taking full advantage of what life has to offer. I've found it's a very good way to live. You've gotta take risks, sometimes. :up:


Carek, what you did takes a lot of courage and I totally commend you. Sometimes I feel like moving on and starting over, which requires risks. But in order to grow up and to grow as a person, you have to do it, to find true happiness.

And you succeeded. Your life is a true inspiration, I mean it.

joerags said:


Carek, what you did takes a lot of courage and I totally commend you. Sometimes I feel like moving on and starting over, which requires risks. But in order to grow up and to grow as a person, you have to do it, to find true happiness.

And you succeeded. Your life is a true inspiration, I mean it.


Thanks so much! It really feels great and I am glad I did it-on my own, in my own time! It IS good to take risks and to jump in sometimes with both feet. I read a really good book once I've often recommended to others repeatedly and it was Face Your Fears but Do it Anyway but I forget the female author's name! It was a great book and it changed my life.
Moving on is quite possibly the hardest thing to do, I myself just moved on..or am in the process of moving on.

After a 10 month relationship with my first love, I have finally moved on and am finally okay with the fact we aren't together, and don't want her back. Not exactly the same thing as other people moving on, but for once I feel good, and know everything is going to be okay, without her.

Im in the process of moving on and I really find this thread to be quite an inspiration. Good luck to all of you who are thinking of taking those big risks or already have :hug:

Carek I have to agree with Thora you honestly do give some great advice :hug:
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