I just embarrassed myself in front of...

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Aug 19, 2002
Hammersmith Palais
...hot baseball boys.

I was walking back to my dorm after work, and two of the baseball players were out on the lawn playing catch. When I walked by them, the one closest to me held out the ball and said "Wanna throw one? Lemme see what ya got." So I took it, made sure my target way on the other side of the lawn was paying attention, and launched it....

...right into the branches a pine tree that was significantly to the right of the kid I was throwing too. :yikes: The guy who had told me to throw gave me a half-joking, half-knowing look and said "It slipped, it slipped."

Haha, I guess I haven't thrown a baseball in a few years and my arm was kinda rusty... :shifty: But my ears were definitely burning as I walked away... and now the muscles in my right arm are twitching :lol:
i'm horrible at throwing baseballs. i don't think i could throw one more than a couple feet :laugh:
As one who would be seen throwing a baseball outside a dorm, I would have done the same thing as them. In fact, I probably would have used the "it slipped" line too. Anyway, let me say that you don't have to worry at all.

Chances are they didn't even remember the throw 30 seconds after it happened. And hey, if they do ever mention it again, just use the "I'm used to a softball" line. I did as a slow pitch softball player. :wink:
It must have been "humiliate yourself in front of guys" day. I have been cringing over my hot guy encounter all day. :huh:

I had to complete in Ball Throw every year in grade school, it was only one of 2 "sports" I qualified in. :uhoh: Apparently I had a great arm. I won 2nd place one year. :up: Who knows what could have been...
ive never thrown a baseball but im pretty sure id be lousy at throwing one :up:
i am woeful at all sports except gaelic which i played for years, its a great game :drool: (I did get punched in the face once playing it though and got a huge black eye :up: :crack: )
Look on the bright side, U2girl. I've thrown the ball around a few times in my day, and if I offered the ball to a girl to throw, chances are I was flirting. Any girl I wasn't interested in I just would have ignored.

Who knows? Walk by again tomorrow. Your embarrasment may have a huge payoff.
:hug: AvsGirl41 - I hope your embarrassing hot guy encounter wasn't too scarring

Thanks for the info, stammer :wink: I'll have to keep my eye on the lawn to see if they're out again

i am woeful at all sports except gaelic which i played for years, its a great game

Lara... what is gaelic like? I've never heard of it as a sport before
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