I hate Northern Irish accents :( Favourite/ hated accents :)

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Oct 31, 2001
maze of your imagination, where the streets have n
Mad1 and Doodles you can both understand me, but how bad are our accents? we must have the worst accent EVER. I wish we had Irish accents like the people in Dublin and its only a 2 and a half hour drive away

So what is everyones favourite accents and most hated accents?? And am I spelling that word wrong, it does nay look right?

My favourite is Scottish accents

And if you look, you look through me.

L'amore giunger
E non so pi pregare
E nell'amore non so pi sperare
E quell'amore non so pi aspettare

miss_smith@emailaccount.com e-mail me :)
There was this study done awhile back, on Americans favorite and least favorite accents:
Australian turned out to be the winner, while the stereotypical New Yorker accent was the most disliked(although i like it,lol).
No surprise here was the fact that the Los Angeles "Valley" accent was judged to be the "Least Intelligent"...HA!
I love Irish ,British, and Australian ones, as well as most US accents, EXCEPT for the Val one. I despise that one. Ick!

Look...look what you've done to me...You've made me poor and infamous, and I thank you...

My name is MISS MACPHISTO...I'm tired and i want to go HOME...

"Well you tell...Bonovista,that i said hello and that my codename is Belleview" - Bono before opening night of Anaheim Elevation concert

[This message has been edited by Miss MacPhisto (edited 12-07-2001).]
I like all those Irish, Scottish, English, Australian accents (including Northern Irish). They sound cool...probably cuz they're different! What I hate? The Midwestern American accent I've picked up in four years of living in Minnesota. If you want to hear a worse case scenario...just watch Fargo sometime.

Dontcha know?

Anything European...but most especially Irish (duh) and the French accent is one of my faves. I think that any Frenchman could melt me by trying to speak English...

One love, one life...
Give peace a chance!
Don't let the bastards grind you down!

BONO: I think you pull it.
BONO: Or push it.
BONO: Just....feckin? twist it, I guess. I don't know. I WANT MORE!!
HIPPYACTRESS: *passes out*
BONO: NURSE!!! *rings bell* I did it again!
Well with me, I love the Irish brogue - always have, reminds me of my grandfather!

I've got a really strong Boston accent that gets commented on ALL the time ... I sound like such a townie
My Yooper acccent is damn sexy.

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
I have the best accent. It is the Midwestern accent that the media and newscasters aspire to have. I don't know how to describe it location-wise--the north Midwest does tend to sound like "Fargo"--but I have it and love it.



"Then she was in the helicopter, and it was rising, and I had not gone with her, and I never saw her again, none of us did, and the last words she screamed down at me break my heart every time I think of them, and I think of them a few hundred times a day, every day, and then there are the endless, sleepless nights." - Salman Rushdie, The Ground Beneath Her Feet
Worst: Bayonne, NJ
(think New York - but lose any proper grammar).

Also rated on the negative side: Northern Ireland, Manchster, Liverpool (wish I could actually understand these folks), Deep South (Miss/LA). Minnesota/"Fargo" - "you betcha" is annoying.

Best: California (not valley though), Ireland (Away from Ulster) and upper-class Britain.

How do you know you have an accent? How do you know you don't speak "regular" english (whatever that is) and everyone else has the accent? Just curious.
Sula you're SO crackin me up....cos I know whatcha mean...dontcha know.

I love *any* UK accent...they're so charming and lilting (to my American ears). If I moved over there I would pick up that accent faster than Madonna.

I don't like a Bronx-type accent - too abrasive; and goodness knows, since living here in Texas, I still can't stand a Texas accent...I guess because southern accents in general seem to denote a certain um...hick-ness to me (sorry, I know it's not really true, but it just seems that way to this non-southerner).


Originally posted by sulawesigirl4:
I like all those Irish, Scottish, English, Australian accents (including Northern Irish). They sound cool...probably cuz they're different! What I hate? The Midwestern American accent I've picked up in four years of living in Minnesota. If you want to hear a worse case scenario...just watch Fargo sometime.

Dontcha know?

The South African accent gives me the creeps. Perhaps its just left over from the Aparthied days.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, but the Irish brogue... coming from the sweet voice of a fiesty redheaded young lady..... Ooooooooo Baby!!

And the Scottish brogue is quite charming too. I could listen to Shirley Manson talk all day.

..Ohhh yeah... the New York-Puerto Rican-Rosey Perez accent... Oyyy Vey, that makes me cringe!
Originally posted by bono-vox:
Mad1 and Doodles you can both understand me, but how bad are our accents? we must have the worst accent EVER. I wish we had Irish accents like the people in Dublin and its only a 2 and a half hour drive away

I love the Northern Ireland accent! I had a professor in college who referred to "W.B. Yets" and said "em" instead of "um."


He was from Bangor, I think? Is that a real place, outside of Maine?
Bangor is a place outside Belfast.

Apparently I dont have a Northern Irish accent but a neutral accent
I hope i do

And if you look, you look through me.

L'amore giunger
E non so pi pregare
E nell'amore non so pi sperare
E quell'amore non so pi aspettare

miss_smith@emailaccount.com e-mail me :)
Anyone familiar with the Northeastern Pennsylvania accent? I've been trying for years to lose it, and I've succeeded a bit (I think.)

I hate deep South accents (think Arkansas); the only southern accent I like is the Savannah, Georgia accent (see Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.) I LOVE Irish, British, Scottish, Australian accents; also most Eastern European accents (Czech, Slovak, Russian.) I also LOOOOOVE Canadian accents. I'm a bit of a Canuckophile.

If you cannot live together in here, you cannot live together out there, let me tell ya. --Bono

You've got to cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice... --Bono

[This message has been edited by paxetaurora (edited 12-09-2001).]
oooh i just cant stand nothern irish accents theyre dispicable!
i like english accents the most...not towny english accents tho! and scottish ones as well, actually anywhere in the U.K bar northern ireland and its a nice accent! Irish accents rule tho

he's not the messiah, hes a very naughty boy!
I have a soft spot for Irish Accents...They are soooooooooooooooo sexy *drool drool drool*
Whenever i'm on the phone with my irish friends ( male friends of course! lol) I'm like: Ah jaysus......*drool drool drool*

On the other hand, i hate my accent....It's too....uummm...Latin! One of my friends even told me: you know what Flavs? You sound like Salma Hayek! LOL ( Yeah right!)

Aren't we afraid of offending people here?

Well, mine change all the time, but here are my current favourites:

+ New Orleans (not kidding)
- French
Originally posted by zooropamanda:
u people obviously dont listen to much to the croc hunter
hey, don't mock Steve

that's one of the few programmes I actually like to watch

Shake it, shake it, shake it

[This message has been edited by Salome (edited 12-10-2001).]
Irish, English, Sctottish, and South African melt me every time, but a deep south American drawl does it for me too.

After living in Memphis for 4 years, I've developed a very light Southern Accent. I was told just this morning that it was very "sexy... uh, um, cute."
Anyone here from Western New York State? I believe people here have the most annoying accent in the world...that flaaaaat A. Nasaly as hell! People tell me mine isn't as pronounced, though. :)

Don't feel bad, Nothern Irish in this thread - I visited Ireland two years ago (Ulster and the Republic) and I find your accent to be positively charming.

I also like Irish accents in the Republic, Cockney accents (anyone enjoy Are You Being Served? - Miss Brahms), and any other Scottish/English.

Oh yes - Minnesota, ya? Dontcha knowww? Hahaha....
Western New York...Like the Southern Tier (Buffalo and that)?

I was just up there over Thanksgiving...did not hear a noticeable accent. Matbe a VERY clean version of a New York accent, but nothing horrible.....Not like Bayonne, N.J.
lol Sicy, i know. that guy is far more fascinating than the animals he's chasing

you mean to tell me u dont sound like that manda????

i like Irish and Australian accents best. i like British too but most accents sound British to me

also love French Canadians and 'regular' Canadians accents
matter what part of Ireland we're talking about!

Finnish goes pretty next though.
James Rubin-like American accent's something that makes me sick.
Yes, you are correct.

LOL I have lived here for almost 18 years and we don't have any resemblance to a NYC accent! Oh well.

Originally posted by zonelistener:
Western New York...Like the Southern Tier (Buffalo and that)?

I was just up there over Thanksgiving...did not hear a noticeable accent. Matbe a VERY clean version of a New York accent, but nothing horrible.....Not like Bayonne, N.J.

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