I don't get road rage.

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Safety: 72.5%
You are a safe driver

Aggressiveness: 45%
You are a moderately aggressive driver

Courtesy: 87.5%
You are a very courteous driver

Rage: 40%
You are a fairly calm driver

Sounds about right.
You are a Safe Driver
Your Safety Score: 77.5 %

You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver
Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 52.5 %

You are a Very Courteous Driver
Your Courtesy Score: 85 %

You are a Potential Road Rager
Your Degree of Rage: 65 %
I answered as painfully honest as I could. Therefore, my scores are worse than anyone else's.


in that order. :cute:

Oddly in my 8 years of driving, I've never been at fault in an accident (got hit by a drunk driver who didn't stop at a light) or gotten a ticket. Oh, and I've only been pulled over 2x--once for having a tail-light out, once for forgetting to turn my headlights on before backing out of a parking space at midnight.
You are a Very Safe Driver
Your Safety Score: 95 %


You are a Passive Driver
Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 30 %


You are a Fairly Calm Driver
Your Degree of Rage: 20 %


Must be because I rarely drive and the only time I seem to get road rage is when I am the passenger and have plenty of time to complain about how badly people drive here. :D
Wow. According to these scores, most everyone here is an excellent driver :lol:

yeah, I drive in Toronto which, in all accounts is a fairly calm experience and even that pisses me off, I can't imagine driving somewhere like New York City or LA. Have you ever driven on the freeway in LA? It sounds like a real treat

Ugggh. Actually, I've been driving for over a year already and still haven't experienced real freeway driving yet. Never really had to deal with any of this merging, passing on the left only rule, etc. It does sound like it'll be a real treat once I start driving beyond Bakersfield.
Come to LA and I'll put you through a crash course (no pun intended) that you'll never forget...honest! :speedracer:

Haha, alright. But, just in case, we're taking your car.

You are a Marginally Safe Driver
Your Safety Score: 57.5 %


You are a Aggressive Driver
Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 65 %


You are a Courteous Driver
Your Courtesy Score: 77.5 %


You are a Potential Road Rager
Your Degree of Rage: 50 %

I get road rage as it's more common around here to drive below the speed limit, rather than the 10-15 mph over it that I was used to back East. I often wonder if people have nothing better to do at 7:45 am and 5:15 pm than fart along the major roads. GO! And don't hit stuff WHILE you're going! And for the love of God, when the light turns green, release the brake and step on the gas!

/east coast driver in the midwest rant
I have serious case of rage terror; in fact I become a traffic terrorist. Okay I don't honk at people or anything but I am always cursing at stupid drivers driving 5 miles below speed limit when I'm 20 minutes late for class. Also hate people driving slow in the 'fast' lane. Also hate people who, when you're driving fine, suddenly decide to merge in your lane - not exactly cut you off but definitely disrupt your flow and you have to brake or unrelax; more angry when they don't even indicate as if its their effing right to come into my lane.
I am always cursing at stupid drivers driving 5 miles below speed limit when I'm 20 minutes late for class.

If you're 20 minutes late for class you need to get your butt moving sooner instead of getting pissed off at others. I have absolutely no pity for people who always run late. None.
If you're 20 minutes late for class you need to get your butt moving sooner instead of getting pissed off at others. I have absolutely no pity for people who always run late. None.

You don't get it. I am 20 minutes late BECAUSE of the traffic. And not much I can do about that when one class ends I have to run to another one. So .. don't really care if you feel pity for me nor am I appealing for it.
You are a Safe Driver
Your Safety Score: 72.5 %

You are a Aggressive Driver
Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 62.5 %

You are a Very Courteous Driver
Your Courtesy Score: 82.5 %

You are a Potential Road Rager
Your Degree of Rage: 62.5 %

Sounds about right....I drive average 120-128 km/h, will pass at 140 if I'm in a hurry, hate left lane hogs and let them know with my high beams if after a minute or so they don't move over (because that indicates to me that they are either not doing regular mirror checks or they are just plain being a jackass), consider my horn to be a useful communication device if someone else isn't quite paying attention, and return a rude gesture if called for, however in practice ie what I do on the road, I'm very courteous, I let people in, I move right for others to pass me (which is rare, but I still do it, I don't feel any special need to police the road and deter others from getting where they're going).
You don't get it. I am 20 minutes late BECAUSE of the traffic. And not much I can do about that when one class ends I have to run to another one. So .. don't really care if you feel pity for me nor am I appealing for it.

Just plan accordingly, sounds pretty simple to me. :shrug:
If you're 20 minutes late for class you need to get your butt moving sooner instead of getting pissed off at others. I have absolutely no pity for people who always run late. None.

Thank you. Neither do I.

Leave in enough time to be annoyed by the people who are making you late, not the ones who are making you more late. :wink:
I do, in a small way.

I like to express myself vocally in the car if some plonker makes a dumb move.

They cant hear me, and no-one else is in the car but hey, better out than in.


I would not be someone who would tail someone in revenge or anything thou, thats really dumb to do, thats turning something into a competition and if males do this they look dumb. in fact, males have the cheek to turn round and thumb down on many safe driving female drivers when in fact the same males lack intelligence as they forget many road rules - Ive witnessed.

dumb f*************s
I talk outloud and yell expletives toward other people all the time when I am in the car. It's not so much road rage but a form of coping with the idiots that are out there on the roads with us who really shouldn't be allowed to be out there! It's therapeutic in a strange way to point out the stupidity of the idiots out there. I always manage to find myself laughing too. :lol: At the idiots AND laughing at myself! :doh:
I've driven for um (I have to count here)... 15 years and never had an accident. I've been in them, but never the driver and never at fault. This will statistically end one day. I just hope it won't be too serious, and that it won't be my fault/an avoidable accident. I used to suffer chronic road rage. I abused people, spent half my time driving with my middle finger up, I honked, I overtook, I sped, I did it all. Then I had an epiphany or something and realised I was just stupid. Why should another driver and my impatience combined put everyone at risk? I went through this major zen transformation and now almost nothing bothers me on the roads. I stick to the speed limit, I stay over to the left, I never overtake slower drivers, I indicate all the time, I wave and thank people, I let them in, I ignore others who are cranky and speeding and just keep a distance from them. No one's rage is going to get me all hot and angry. It won't ruin my day. It won't stop me from getting home to my people. I don't think agro driving or aggressive driving achieves anything. It doesn't get you to your destination any faster; it just increases your odds of one day having an accident.

You are a Very Safe Driver
Your Safety Score: 90 %
The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%

You are a Passive Driver
Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 32.5 %
The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%

You are a Very Courteous Driver
Your Courtesy Score: 100 %
The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%

You are a Fairly Calm Driver
Your Degree of Rage: 35 %
The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

Better to be late than dead on time, right?
I'm so surprised that my rage isn't that high. I have to drive 45 toand from work a few days a week and I hate it.

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