How's The Weather Part XVIII

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Lots of rain in the morning, lots of sun in the afternoon, around dinnertime it was raining and sunny.

Yay for double rainbows.
Lots of chances for rain on the first day of fall, 50 and 60 percent chances, with a high of 84. :love:

Really, all summer long and it's going to get cold soon and now the rain starts?
Absolutely NO SUN outside ... just total overcast with a HIGH of 54. Tonight's Low is supposed to be 41.

Yep!! ... This is definitely TOO COLD for Mid-September! :sad:

If you've had a hellish summer heat up around 107 for months like we have, you'd appreciate the cooler weather. Georgia summers are not kind.

61* right about now, lowest 58* degrees.

Oh My! That does NOT sound like 'very-comfortable' weather at all!

Although, I have experienced 100 degree temps before (just not for 'months' at a time ... say, more of a 7-10 day range) ... still, I'd take the HEAT over the COLD, anyday! As our 'winters' are NOT too kind, either ... they're absolutely 'frigid' ... with below-zero temps, and wayyyy, wayyyy, wayyyy too much sleet, ice, and the 'dreaded' white stuff ... SNOW!! :help:

MORE RAIN today with a HIGH of 56.
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It has been raining all day, with of high of 49*F. It's to get down to 38*F tonight. This is most unseasonable weather here for this time of the year. I am not ready to put on my fannel sheets on my bed & put on fannel jammies. :scream::scream::scream:
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