Hi I'm Johnny Knoxville.. and I need Goo

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Apr 7, 2002
Someone is holding Mmm... Free Goo and her poutine hostage!

So I need a volunteer to stick their face in a poutine flavored pile of cow dung with your butt is stapled, while I run around in a diaper chasing Bam with a shopping cart ... naked. We must complete this task to get Goo back! :sad:

Any takers?? :sexywink:

I saved you the trouble. While the hostage taker wasn't looking, I stole the goo. Mmm...Free Goo was then subsequently shot six times in the head and is now dead. Goo can never post again. :sad:

But now you can knock yourself out. :sexywink:

When I'm in Canada next week, I'm going to order a bowl of poutine and if it doesn't look exactly like this:


with a side of headache and his X-ey eyes, I'm sending it back, eh. :mad:
Hello friends :wave: and Johnny :flirt:

Can't talk long!!! I scored a gig teaching Home Ec in the local correctional facility and net access is a touch spotty here! Guess what we're going to be learning to make when I do the cooking unit?! :hyper:

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