Hi from Toronto

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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May 27, 2013
I joined a few days ago, but I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Greg and I live in Toronto, Canada. I’ve got an interesting story about a friend of mine, although this happened several years back.

I used to live in New York City for a few years. I have a friend there named Andrew, who is also a Canadian but now permanently lives in New York, and he flies back and forth from NYC to Toronto frequently for business meetings. Since he flies during the weekday in 1st class he’s almost always sitting next to a person in a business suit. But one time the guy beside him was very, very casually dressed and that struck Andrew as unusual. :hmm:

As the plane was about to land, Andrew decided to ask this guy why he was visiting Toronto. “I’m artist, I’ll be in Toronto for a show, how about you?”. So Andrew tells him that he works for Goldman Sachs and he’s got clients to visit and that he had tickets to see a U2 concert while he’s in Toronto. The stranger turned towards him a little bit and gave him a weird expression. Andrew didn’t understand the odd expression until a little later when he figured out that he was sitting beside…The Edge!

I’ve never accidentally crossed paths with any really famous rock stars, although I did get to meet Nelly Furtado last night at a fundraiser. Nothing exciting to tell you, I just said "hi". :wave:
Hahaha that's an amazing story Greg! Welcome to the board! :beer:

There are many other Canadians here, some from Toronto even. I myself am in Oakville. Others are more central to the city.

I can well imagine the look - like - hello, does my face not ring any bells, U2 fan!? lol
Hi Greg - a former Torontonian here (now in Europe). Welcome to the board!
Hi Greg ! I am from Toronto too - well I'm really from France but live in Toronto now. I joined here a long time ago but never really talked until now, and I am glad to see there are other U2 fan here !

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