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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
FallingStar said:
what about Larry for you?

Okayyyyyyyy....I'll give it a shot....no one laugh at me. I'll set up the journal tonight after this crazy work day ends.

I still like the idea of an obsessed fan....:tongue:
was just talking to FS about our AB rpg...and i know that we are going to have a bono, macphisto and fly, and i thought that macphisto could be like everyones devil on their shoulder. like in the other zootv rpg he was just kind of like everyones bad side, egging them on...not like a real person, but someone they all had to deal with *shrugs* just an idea to keep it less confusing.
cali*gal said:
was just talking to FS about our AB rpg...and i know that we are going to have a bono, macphisto and fly, and i thought that macphisto could be like everyones devil on their shoulder. like in the other zootv rpg he was just kind of like everyones bad side, egging them on...not like a real person, but someone they all had to deal with *shrugs* just an idea to keep it less confusing.

Hmm. :hmm: That sounds like an interesting idea.

Do we have a Bono and a Larry yet? :eyebrow:
Live Journal Is Ready!

alright my darlings... I have my live journal all set up. All thanks to the wonderful Edgette :applaud: :applaud: :applaud:
Thank you kindly for allowing me to have a code to begin my lil adventure as Lord_MacPhisto. Yes that's right...my server name to find is Lord_MacPhisto. I've already added Edgette and cali*gal while talking to her on AIM :macdevil:
so WHERE IS BLUEY??? or should i say The Fly?? I want to be able to add all of you to my friends list and you may do the same for me ^_^

oh and cali* ...... how is it that mackie gets put as the idea of being the devil on everyone's shoulders but the fly isn't put as the same suggestion? mac is bigger and badder than that leather clad, chain cigar smoking, womanizing,loung lizard ! ......*looks around and clears throat* ....anyways. i'll be signing off now. See you in LJ my beauties
Re: Live Journal Is Ready!

JemEvans said:

oh and cali* ...... how is it that mackie gets put as the idea of being the devil on everyone's shoulders but the fly isn't put as the same suggestion? mac is bigger and badder than that leather clad, chain cigar smoking, womanizing,loung lizard ! ......*looks around and clears throat* ....anyways. i'll be signing off now. See you in LJ my beauties

*grins* nothing against mackie...trust me...the other zoo didn't have a fly so the problem never arose....*snerks* he's all yours love, you can handle him however he sees fit, lol....oh this will be fun...:mac:
bluephisto said:
How about Fly is just sort of the Bono for the tour? It seems to be his main look at the time? Just an idea.



FS ... get YO BOOTAY ON!!!

I was thinking about The Fly being Bono earlier since we technically don't have one :shrug:

hehe, thanks, I'm glad the owl is loved. AB Edge is angsty enough as it is...he needs all the love he can get :sexywink:
I'm having a BLAST! WOOOOO! this is fun! I'm trying to make sure Fly doesn't FLOOD THE lj with entries, though. hyper. Hyper. Hyper.

*hug to angsty edge*

btw ... my aol is either bluephisto or THEFLYBABYYEAH. Either way.


cali*gal said:

nah...i don't see a reason to...it's always worked fine with our own personal ones, lol...

hehe, ok cool. :)

Sorry about leaving really fast earlier, my computer froze. *kicks computer* :mad: :madspit:

message 2 bluey

ok this is me speaking as myself for the great macphisto. *takes a deep breath* i'm tellin' mackie that u're picking fly over him bluey! i'm tellin' mackie i'm tellin' mackie.

here i never thought i'd see the day when a phisto would try and go so low as to use fly insults on macphisto..... *tisk tisk tisk* what has the world become.... *goes to tell mac and get a special lil treat for being such a good phisto girl* :mac: hehehe
BonoBabe40 said:
Hmmmmmmmm...someone email me a code please? Finally gettin around to creating a journal in between clients :)


I dn't have one left, but maybe someone else does. I'll add your AIM name to my list. ponygyrl62 Who are you? Larry? or bono?
FallingStar said:

I dn't have one left, but maybe someone else does. I'll add your AIM name to my list. ponygyrl62 Who are you? Larry? or bono?

I'm gonna try and make an attempt at Larry....
G: At least now it's all done. Our big peace maker will come and take care of or lost child Bono. He surely will show him what to do and what not. *nods, supressing a smile*
CALI I GOT YOUR AIM! I was sleeping, sorry! Lmao.

Trust me, the sleeping doesn't happen often so try it again and I'll prob be on.


Bluey and The Fly
(Is that like Smokey and The Bandit)

bluephisto said:
CALI I GOT YOUR AIM! I was sleeping, sorry! Lmao.

Trust me, the sleeping doesn't happen often so try it again and I'll prob be on.


Bluey and The Fly
(Is that like Smokey and The Bandit)


The Fly with bedazzles *tries to picture it, fails miserably*

OK....created the lj...thanks for the codes, kids.

No entries yet...later..gotta go feed the kids...they're eyeing the cat & salivating.

I don't know what prompted me to add the "meat" comment...musta been the after work rum n coke:)

Let's have fun:)
BonoBabe40 said:

OK....created the lj...thanks for the codes, kids.

No entries yet...later..gotta go feed the kids...they're eyeing the cat & salivating.

I don't know what prompted me to add the "meat" comment...musta been the after work rum n coke:)

Let's have fun:)

Edge: Lar, about time you joined us. We've got rehearsals and a tour to attend to.


It's the troubled trouble maker.

LMAO I just pictured a mentos commercial where the guys all are pictured being peaceful somewhere like a park, a library, a church etc and then THE FLY just runs through all mischevious like and the commercial says
"Fly: The TROUBLE Maker"

Like "Mentos: The FRESH maker."

Sorry. Sorry, Never again, I swear.

ANYWAY. I'm sorry everyone I was talking to saturday, my internet connection was truely BAD and it's just working steady-ish enough to be on AIM NOW. *sigh* And of course ... you're all being productive.



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