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Blue Crack Distributor
Aug 9, 2002
Right now I'm having another episode of depression. It is being brought on by several different things. The main reason is the death of my father. It hit me really hard and I'm having a hard time dealing with it. I also had a sort of falling out with a friend 2 days before my father's death. That really hurt me too. I have tried to talk to friends, but a lot of them have been really no help. I also have a few friends who asked me how I am and when I tell them they don't get back to me. That just tells me that they don't really care about me or my feelings.

My friend Steve, who passed away last November was one of the only people who helped me last time. It got so bad that I didn't even want to get out of bed in the morning. It is like that again. I had to force myself to get up to go to work yesterday. I just want to sleep all day. I'm going on my vacation in a few weeks to see U2 and I don't even want to go. I was so excited and now I don't even care. I try to eat, but I don't really have an appetite.

I'm so hurt right now and I just don't know what to do. I feel as no one wants to be my friend and I just want it all to end. I went to the doctor and I feel taking to him didn't really help. He prescribed medication, but the last time I was on it it made me sick and I felt like a zombie. I didn't think that it helped much.
Hey gorgeous girl - sitting in my office pretending to work :) and just read your post on my phone. I am so so sorry you are struggling - you know it's okay to find things hard - life can throw some awful things at you and I know the last 12 months in particular have been really rugged for you :hug: - I wish I was closer so I could give you proper hug and hold your hand and help you through it - depression bites angel but the fact that you are aware of it nipping at your heals is a good good thing Laura. Please please please keep reaching out - someone will hear you beautiful girl - I know there are more than a handful of souls here who love you and want to see you back on your feet - I'm one if them :hug: - pm me anytime Laura - even if just to vent and get the hard stuff out. Sending you buckets of love and sunshine :hug::hug::hug: xx k
ps - sorry if this reads funny - bloody hard posting from mah iPhone :D

pss - one minute, one hour, one day at a time and the sun will shine again for you :)
I'm sorry to hear you're going through such a hard time.

I've never experienced clinical depression myself, so can only speak of second-hand information, but I know some of my friends that went on medication had to make several attempts to find the right drugs, dosages, or right combination of drugs. Everything works a little differently for everyone.

Hang in there and take care of yourself.
Laura, you're feeling depressed right now because you have damn good reason to! You just had a significant loss in your life, and the grieving process can bring on depressed feelings (but having depressed feelings due to grief because of the loss of a loved one isn't counted in the clinical criteria for a major depressive episode). It still feels like the same thing, though. Maybe even worse.

I'm not sure if this will help, but I lost my dad very suddenly 12 years ago. For three weeks, the pain felt so acute and crushing that I could barely function. After that, the fog sort of started to lift, but the pain lingered for months, gradually easing over time. It will get better.

When you've lost a loved one, people tend to react in odd ways. I think in a lot of cases, people really don't know what to say, they're afraid of saying something that will make you feel worse, so they avoid the person who's grieving. Could that be the case with some of your friends?

The only advice I have is to be patient with yourself, and to be as good to yourself as possible. If you feel like getting out of bed is too much, is there any way you could take some sort of medical or mental health leave? But then again, everyone's different, and maybe you feel better getting back to work and getting into the swing of things. But if you can't, don't feel bad, try to find a way to accommodate that. Lean on your family - they're going through the same thing you are. I found a lot of comfort from mine.

If there's anything I can do, let me know. :hug:
Jason has been trying to help, but he just doesn't know what to do. He works 10-12 hour shifts 5 days a week and he works 40 minutes away.

I would like to take some more time off from work, but I can't afford too.
Getting into personal info here, so you don't have to respond, but something to think about ...

Do you have leaves of absence at your job? Maybe you would qualify for Family Medical Leave? If pay is an issue, do you have short-term disability as part of your benefits? I know there's state disability in the state where (I think) you live.

Check into it, if nothing else.
I went to the doctor and I feel taking to him didn't really help. He prescribed medication, but the last time I was on it it made me sick and I felt like a zombie. I didn't think that it helped much.

My suggestion that you tell the doctor your concerns for taking that kind of medication. Like cori said, you would probably have to try different types before you find the one that helps you the most.

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I never lost a close family member, but I know what's like to have friends who don't seem to care. Maybe you should calmly confront them?

Getting into personal info here, so you don't have to respond, but something to think about ...

Do you have leaves of absence at your job? Maybe you would qualify for Family Medical Leave? If pay is an issue, do you have short-term disability as part of your benefits? I know there's state disability in the state where (I think) you live.

Check into it, if nothing else.

I have to look into all that. I work tomorrow so I can ask.
What you're going through is difficult, and what you're feeling is natural.

My suggestion that you tell the doctor your concerns for taking that kind of medication. Like cori said, you would probably have to try different types before you find the one that helps you the most.

From personal experience I really do believe this is good advice. It may take a little while, however you're reaching out for help and advice which is is good..

There's a lot of support in this thread, I hope some of it helps. :hug:
Ah, Laura--I'm so sorry to hear you are having such a rough go of it. All good advice from the others, so I will just add some :hug::hug:. Please know that all of us here care for you!
I am truly sorry to see all the pain you are going through. If I were there, I would give you a big hug. I cannot relate to a sudden lost of a family member so I can't even begin to act like I know what you are going through. I am with Cori on this, check out what time of extended leave your company has in place.

Talk to your family as it has been suggested. Your pain is felt by them too. Please know you have lots of support even if it is with your online community. We love you and are here to support you. I hope to see you in Anaheim. Being around your friends and seeing U2 may help you heal and offer some sort of emotional release that you need. :hug:
What you're going through is difficult, and what you're feeling is natural.

This can't be stressed enough - this is *very* normal. That's the reason that grief is excluded as a criterion for major depressive disorder - it is a normal reason for feeling the way that you're feeling.

Good luck at work tomorrow. I have no idea what benefits are available to you in the US, but I know in Canada that if the leave isn't covered by your employer, it's at least partially covered through unemployment benefits.
Laura, I am so sorry.:hug: I can completely relate to what you're going through. I remember reading in your blog that you had an episode like this in 2006. It's weird how parallel the situation is for us both again. In June of 2006, less than a week after I graduated from high school, we found out my mom had cancer. She was away for treatment most of the summer. (She's been cancer-free since December of 2006.) In August, my dad filed for divorce (he'd been planning to for years), we sold and moved out of the house I'd lived in for the first 18 years of my life, and at the end of that month, I moved 2 hours away from home to start college. Oddly enough, I didn't feel depressed at the time. I felt absolutely nothing really. I thought I was dealing with everything really well, but I've only recently learned that I was repressing everything to avoid having a nervous breakdown. Things improved over time, and I've been doing really well. Fast forward to March of this year. My dad calls me towards the end of that month and tells me he had just eloped with a woman he's known 6 weeks. On April 11th, one of my best friends passed away in an ATV accident. That was the first time I've lost someone close to me, and I've never experience a feeling quite like it. I'm sure that doesn't compare to losing a parent like you have, but it still hurts like hell. We also recently found out that my papa who's 87 had sarcoma (cancer) in a tumor on his arm. He had that removed during surgery last week, and the doctor said he should be fine after radiation treatments, but it's still scary. And I too have been feeling utterly depressed lately. Thankfully, I'm not in school right now, but I'm working and that's hard enough. Like you said, it literally takes everything I have to get out of bed in the morning. I just want to stay home and lie around or just not have any sort of responsibility whatsoever. I've been working a ton lately because we've had some crazy sales at work (Kohls), and we've all had to put a lot of time in. I'm just so mentally and emotionally drained that I just have no motivation. I'm supposed to work 12-8 on Friday and then 7am to 3 on Saturday, and I'm already dreading the mere thought. I wish I could call off, but I already had to for Aura's funeral and then once this week because I was just too exhausted to go in. I am so sorry for your loss and pain, and I get what you're going through because I'm in a really messed up place right now too. Feel free to PM me here or on Facebook if you ever need to talk.:heart:
I just had another thought/question that maybe those with more knowledge of the mental health field can expand on for me. With this depression or whatever that I've been experiencing recently, I've noticed a feeling that I've never really had before. The only way to explain it is that I have a clear picture of the things I need and/or want to accomplish day-to-day in my head, and while part of me still feels the desire to do them, a much larger part of me just feels like I have nothing left right now and doesn't even bother. Also, my moods have been up and down from minute to minute sometimes. I'll start feeling better and motivated again and then a few minutes later I'm miserable and just want to curl up with ice cream or something and not do anything. It's not me, and it's kind of scary.
Hi Laura!
I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your Father, I can't imagine your grief. Are you feeling better today?

I have felt the way you feel, you can feel it coming and you know you're in it but you can't stop the depression from washing over you...but we are here to help you get through this and you know that with some time and rest you will have brighter days ahead. Just hang on. Hold on to that bit of you that is at the centre. There is strength in you, you can get through this.

I went to a grief counsellor and talked it out for a few months, that helped me more than anything else.

I know it seems hopeless right now, but it isn't ok? You can ask your doctor to see if they can give you a note for a leave of absence for short term disability, I hope that works out for you and if not try to just keep your routine going as best you can.
Even though I didn't want to go to work and even cried at my desk somedays, sometimes having that routine can keep you from diving into a deeper depression.

Let me know if there is anything I can do and please reach out if you need anything.

Even though my mom passed almost 9 years ago, I still grieve. And I found a grief support group here in town that helped me tremendously.

Me too. Grief is very hard. Do you also find loss harder now when it happens?
I struggle with that...break ups are especially hard for me, I think I am ok but I just jam it all inside and that is no good.

I am a "I'm fine" kind of person. Like that old Nat King Cole song Smile...
I don't have a lot to add, since there's been a lot of good advice given. I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time right now. Today is the 10th anniversary of the sudden passing of my father-in-law :( I remember details like it was yesterday. Just take it day by day, or hour by hour, minute by minute. Email/PM if you need someone to talk to or just be an ear to listen to.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone :hug::hug::hug: I am feeling a little better today after talking with a co-worker. Tomorrow I'm going into the city, so I'll have a distraction and I won't be constantly thinking about it.
^That's a great idea.
I'm sorry you're going through this, Laura. It must be hard for you, given what has happened this year. It's understandable that you don't even feel excited about things anymore, and maybe you might be feeling a slightly guilty if you enjoy yourself and have fun (now or during your upcoming vacation), because of what happened with your dad?
Depression is a tough bitch to handle, because you probably feel bad all the time, and you try to tell people about it, but you feel like they don't listen to you, or that they're not helpful at all. I think it's not that people can't help, or that they don't care. Like you see here, so many want to help but we may not know how to. I've been in depression, and I've been around people who are depressed. Both were such hard experiences to go through.

I hope I don't sound harsh when I say this, because that's not how I mean it, but ultimately you are the only one who can get you past this. Family and friends can be here (and will be here) to support you, by consoling, listening, offering advice or even helping you forget. Professionals can recommend prescriptions or therapy to help you realize what it is that you need to get yourself out of the downhill spiral. Grief support group can sympathize with you the best because they've gone through the same thing that you have. But deep down you are the one who knows how to get out of it.

Taking time for yourself, do the things you enjoy, a change from your routine are good opportunities to do introspection, and help you realize what you need to overcome this. It depends on the person, but you don't have to be by yourself when you do this.

The grief support advice is a good idea. Because your friends might not have gone through a similar thing like you did (losing a parent, losing a good friend), so it would be hard for them to sympathize with you even if they are trying. But everyone in the grief support have gone through a similar thing. And sometimes, strangers listen better than friends. And that doesn't mean your friends are bad. Just the way it goes sometimes.

In the meantime, until Anaheim, lots of virtual :hug::hug::hug: for you.
Me too. Grief is very hard. Do you also find loss harder now when it happens?

Yes, I think so. It's like "How many more? Who's next?" But I also believe that things happen the way they are supposed to, no matter if it's good or bad. Otherwise nothing makes any sense! There's just so much we don't know! :sad:
Grief is a very hard thing to handle. It never goes away completely. But it's part of what makes us human. I have had periods of severe depression and anxiety attacks and I still suffer a lot from the loss of my mother which happened to me at a young age and under quite tragic circumstances. It doesn't go away. Sometimes I feel it's stronger today than it was years ago because I was unable to really feel the pain for years.

Going to psychotherapy helped me a lot. I did a lot of work on myself and talked to specialists, joined groups, so I wouldn't feel all alone with my problems. It's important to find someone you can talk to ... not a friend or relative but someone who has a professional distance and objectivity and is trained to help you out of your crisis. Painting, writing, acting, dancing .... doing all sort of artistic things also helped me a lot. It's important to try and focus on what's good and positive in life. I wish you strength and all the best. :hug:
Right now I'm having another episode of depression. It is being brought on by several different things. The main reason is the death of my father. It hit me really hard and I'm having a hard time dealing with it. I also had a sort of falling out with a friend 2 days before my father's death. That really hurt me too. I have tried to talk to friends, but a lot of them have been really no help. I also have a few friends who asked me how I am and when I tell them they don't get back to me. That just tells me that they don't really care about me or my feelings.

My friend Steve, who passed away last November was one of the only people who helped me last time. It got so bad that I didn't even want to get out of bed in the morning. It is like that again. I had to force myself to get up to go to work yesterday. I just want to sleep all day. I'm going on my vacation in a few weeks to see U2 and I don't even want to go. I was so excited and now I don't even care. I try to eat, but I don't really have an appetite.

I'm so hurt right now and I just don't know what to do. I feel as no one wants to be my friend and I just want it all to end. I went to the doctor and I feel taking to him didn't really help. He prescribed medication, but the last time I was on it it made me sick and I felt like a zombie. I didn't think that it helped much.

Hello Laura,

I haven't met or talked to you like many here have, but I see your posts all the time and I am experiencing something very similar to what you are.

First of all, I am very sorry about your father!

I lost my Dad relatively suddenly last year to lung cancer, only 2 weeks before my college graduation. I say relatively sudden because he was diagnosed in January and was finally getting treatment from 1 hospital in April after another lied to him for 2 months and told him he had an infection that would make treatment dangerous(they just had given up on him). In short, I was optimistic that he was finally in good hands last April, and then one perfectly sunny morning up at school, my mom called at 7 AM and said the cancer had spread to his heart, knocked it out of rhythm and that he only had a few hours left. If I had left right then and drove 90MPH all the way to Boston(230 miles) I would not have made it. A 58 yr old man who got through 13 months of hell in Vietnam as a combat medic, worked 90 hours per week and weighed 160 lbs but could bench press 235 in January 2009 was dead within 3 months of everything being fine.

I know what you are going through, I literally felt physically sick for days and like someone had ripped my heart right out of my chest. Nothing helped. It was worse to see people having fun and enjoying their last few days before graduation without a care in the world. Its horrible, and I know you will relate to this, the rest of the world goes on oblivious to what you are going through and while its not their fault, it hurts like hell and you just want to scream.

I have recently been feeling the same thing you have. Since graduating, I have not yet found a full time job and debt is starting to pile up. Leaving the house to see friends, or do anything for that matter, costs money that I do not have. The only time in the last year I have not felt despair and hopelessness was this past summer, when I was busy with my part time concert security job and driving my brother out to grad school in Salt Lake City. U2 and bands as enjoyable are rare, and I've done the job for 5 years now, so its not as if I really love it anymore, but nonetheless, being busy took my mind off what had happened.

To make matters worse, I am starting to question whether I will ever be able to find a girlfriend(I've never been in a relationship) and later be able to get married and have a family. I hate being out and seeing couples and hearing stories from other people who make it sound so easy. Most people I meet assume that I do fine with dating/relationships, if they only knew....I just feel like nothing has gone my way since the summer of 2008 when a girl from school I really liked and the feeling was mutual started dating another guy before our senior year of college. I think the spark was still there,and she got back in touch with me last summer, but we live far apart anyway and now she is abroad.

I feel like having that kind of intimacy and a future to look forward to helps somewhat in dealing with the loss of a close person, and it would probably help me a lot. I would feel like I have a purpose in life. Now, all I ever am is worried that not only will my Dad never know his grandchildren, my Mom never will either as I wont have any. It is really upsetting to me and scary at the same time.

I can relate to what you say about not even wanting to get out of bed. I have been sleeping until 3 or 4 in the afternoon some days and the only thing really keeping me going is I still find the motivation to go to the gym 4 or 5 times per week.

I also relate to what you say about not being excited about things anymore, U2 included. I will be in Philly and Montreal, but all I can think of is how the hell I am going to get the gas money to drive down there, pay for a hotel, etc. Even last September at 360 in Boston, it just didn't feel like it did in Somerville or on Vertigo. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it greatly, but it wasn't magical. Though I am no fan at all of the ATYCLB promo...sorry, 360 set list, I still think it was my state of mind in general that cut down on the enjoyment level and not the band.

I have all the symptoms of depression, but like you, I really am skeptical of getting it taken care of through a doctor or prescriptions with side effects, etc. I just don't know what to do. Its probably clinical at this point, but I keep telling myself, if I can find a job and meet someone, things will get better fast. The finding a job will probably happen soon, the meeting someone, I just don't know.

Losing a parent is always painful, that I have no doubt at all about, but I honestly think I would be doing a lot better coping right now if I had a steady full time job and a girlfriend. If it did not happen during such a time of transition in my life, maybe it would have been easier, I just don't know.

Sorry for the long post, but your story struck a chord with me and the last week for me has been extremely hard because its the first anniversary of my Dad's passing. I have no choice but to believe the people who have said it gets easier over time, because even with my lack of a job/significant other/any happiness at all, the pain of losing my Dad is not as bad as it was last May. Don't get me wrong, it comes back sometimes when I least expect it(it did the other night) and there are still times it feels like it only happened yesterday. I sometimes leave a venue midnight or later after working a concert and go to call my Dad to tell him I am on my way and then get sad when I remember he is gone. I'll come home to a quiet house, Mom is always in bed, Dad was always up, and cry some nights. There are also things I still can't bring myself to do, like listen to the two songs that were played at my Dad's memorial service again.

I hope you are feeling better, and for what its worth(sometimes it helps me, sometimes it doesn't to hear this), many, many people have been through the same thing and are thinking of you. I am one of them!

I hope things are ok, or at least better than they are now, for you soon!
my heart goes out to anyone suffering depression. i personally have never been diagnosed with depression or anything, but it runs in my family. the closest i've ever come to feeling like that (aside from just bouts of feeling pessimistic or mopey) was back in middle school when i was being bullied. but like i said, it runs in my family so i definitely at least know secondhand what it's like.

i feel for you, u2387, about feeling like you'll never be able to find a girlfriend. i never dated while i was in high school or anything, and even then i've definitely been unlucky in love in the past. it's incredibly frustrating and like you said, you wonder if you'll ever find anyone. i know this is incredibly cliched, but you'll find someone when you least expect it. like i said, it's a huge cliche, but i've found it's true. i may be a bit of a sap, but i think there's someone out there for everyone, at least for those who want to be in a relationship.

don't give up hope. :)
I was doing better and then today I seemed to have hit a wall and wasn't feeling that great again.

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