Hannibal Rising

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I'm going to pass. I thought Hannibal (the movie) wasn't very good, but I really loved the remake of Red Dragon. This one just looks ... bad.

I may read the book out of curiosity, despite the reviews I've read basically calling it a stinker.
I read the book. It was really short, and honestly kind of read like Harris was trying to bang something out to make some cash. You know, because "Hannibal sells". I kind of liked it anyway, but that was the impression I got.

There's just something that doesn't seem quite right in making Hannibal have a soft side...the whole chopping off his own hand in the end of Hannibal, for example. The real Hannibal is the guy who gave Graham's home address to Dolarhyde, in Red Dragon. But maybe this isn't so bad, as he hasn't really become Hannibal yet. I mean, avenging his sister is definitely something I can get into, but it doesn't seem like the M.O. of a sociopath like Hannibal Lecter.
I don't want to see a "Hannibal" movie without Anthony Hopkins.

Although the original Manhunter with William Peterson was quite good. :drool:
I read the book, and it was nowhere near as good as the others - but I wouldn't call it a "stinker", it had alot to live up to.... and even though I don't think it succeeded, it was still pretty good :up: I'll probably check the film out (if I even get in :|) - but from the trailers it doesn't look particularly brilliant.
Noone could ever top Anthony Hopkin's portrayal of Hannibal.

As for seeing this latest movie I think Im going to pass. I really enjoyed "Silence Of The Lambs" and the "Red Dragon" remake A LOT. However when it came to "Hannibal" I wasn't impressed with the movie though I really loved the book.
^ I rather enjoyed the Florence part of "Hannibal" but the rest nto so much. I think what hurt it was the bad guys (Verger, Krendler) were so one-dimensionally bad that they lacked depth. What made Red Dragon great was that Dolarhyde wasn't just some maniacal serial killer; you got to see how he was made. I don't mind that type as a side dish as it were, like Chilton in SotL, but as a main course they just won't do.
CTU2fan said:
^ I rather enjoyed the Florence part of "Hannibal" but the rest nto so much. I think what hurt it was the bad guys (Verger, Krendler) were so one-dimensionally bad that they lacked depth.

I agree. Hannibal was a huge disappointment, but Hopkins was still great and Hans Zimmer's soundtrack was amazing as usual. The parts with Julianne Moore sucked.
I liked that Hannibal didn't have the exact same ending as the book, because the ending of the book made me want to throw it across the room.
^ Ya that ending sucked. Is it true Jodie Foster refused to do Hannibal because of the ending, or is that just some urban legend rumor? Jodie Foster >>> Julianne Moore.
I'll probably watch this one... I love the other three specially "Silence of the Lambs". My expectations aren't too high simply because there's no Hopkins... But I'll give it a try...
i saw it, i enjoyed it :shrug: of course that's partially because the actor is so dang cute :lol:

of course it doesn't compare to Silence of the Lambs. It's not going to go down in history as a great film. but I don't regret seeing it.
CTU2fan said:
^ Ya that ending sucked. Is it true Jodie Foster refused to do Hannibal because of the ending, or is that just some urban legend rumor? Jodie Foster >>> Julianne Moore.

She has never verified any of the rumors (that I am aware), only to say once that she didn't agree with the script and that she was doing two other movies at the same time.

I can't remember where I read it or heard her say, but I think she felt like Clarice became "too sympathetic to Hannibal" in the script. Which could mean the ending or could have been a cover for saying "this script sucks" She may have said that on James Lipton's show, i can't remember.

The fact that she wasn't it was enough to think it would suck.
I didn't think it was awful but it wasn't even in the same league as the others.

1. Silence of the Lambs
2. Manhunter
3. Red Dragon

all very good, SOTL is a classic obviously, Manhunter was incredible and Red Dragon was a nice remake that payed more respect to the book, with great performances as well.

Hannibal could have been much much much better.
Add Jodie as Clarice, a different director, some script tweaking and it could have been pretty damn good.

As a huge Harris/Lecter fan, this new movie doesn't interest me one bit.

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