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War Child
Apr 5, 2001
Larry's lap. Enjoying what may come... *grin*
*sniff* Ok, this has nothing to do with U2, but I'm really frustrated right now... I have this program that I'm supposed to do for one of my classes, and it's kind of a drill program, with different levels and 7 of 10 right answers are needed in order to pass the level. We have modules that we have 4 weeks to complete, and the second module is due today. I can't seem to pass this module!! And it's the tiny little stupid details that are biting me in the ass. There's NO WAY I'm gonna finish this by 5pm, and the whole thing is just so stupid and frustrating... I give up and I don't care if I fail!! AGGHHH!!!! *sniff*

Ok, sorry. I had to vent. Thanks for listening. *goes off to sulk*

"From an artist's point of view, failure is where you get your best material." -Bono

"Sunrises are God's hit singles. Do the big number first and then just get on with the rest of the show." -Bono.

My feeble attempt at a website:
Rattle And Hum
Been in the same situation more times than I like to remember!

Hope this cheers you up
hey look Bono is also frustrated...

I think we've all had moments like those Bonavoix, I hope things get better for you.

'listen as hope and peace try to rhyme' -*POP*

"Irish people are like Texans" -Bono, 4-3-01

What would Jesus Not do?
Thanks girls...
I'm feeling a bit better now. (((((((((hugs)))))))))

I have made some progress with it, I only have 2 levels to finish with this module... I hope I can get it done.

And Bono always cheers me up
Thanks girls.

"From an artist's point of view, failure is where you get your best material." -Bono

"Sunrises are God's hit singles. Do the big number first and then just get on with the rest of the show." -Bono.

My feeble attempt at a website:
Rattle And Hum

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