Grammy Nominations 12-02-09

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I'll never identify myself as a Taylor fan, especially if her future output is as crappy as Today Was A Fairytale, but it's hard not to cheer for her.

Also, You Belong With Me was one of my favorite songs of the year. No caveats, no shame; it's fucking good. I was more than a little put off (albeit unsurprised) by one of the whiniest, most overblown ballads of the decade knocking off such a pure, catchy pop song for record of the year.

:up: Srsly. You Belong With Me has been on playlists of mine all damn year. I love it and wish it had been around for me to sing into MY hairbrush when I was in high school...
I just can't believe they are overlooked. Grammys suck.
lol I don't like the Grammys anymore either. But this last performance for Haiti is AWESOME. this is a great performance and mary j. blige is an amazing singer.
I'll never identify myself as a Taylor fan, especially if her future output is as crappy as Today Was A Fairytale, but it's hard not to cheer for her.

Also, You Belong With Me was one of my favorite songs of the year. No caveats, no shame; it's fucking good. I was more than a little put off (albeit unsurprised) by one of the whiniest, most overblown ballads of the decade knocking off such a pure, catchy pop song for record of the year.

MJ was the man. Not at the time of his death, but much of his output is undeniably significant and high quality. His voice breaks my heart every time I hear it these days.

I agree on all fronts. :up: Sucks that Taylor is notoriously pitchy live. YBTM and the Romeo Juliet song (whatever it's called) have been guilty pleasures of mine on the radio for the last year. And with MJ----I feel the same way. It's almost hard to hear his spoken voice now...
I love a lot of pop, but Taylor is not my kind of pop. I don't care for her. But good for her for all her success.

Is she winning pretty much everything so far tonight?
I love DMB too. They are one of my favorite bands. I've seen them live every summer since 1999.
Wow, I'm surprised - I thought Taylor was going to take 'em all home. She's won everything else under the sun this year.
Hope Gaga takes home Best Album, she deserves it.

Good for the Kings of Leon, I'm a huge fan and even though "Use Somebody" isn't one of their best songs, at least they are getting some sort of recongnition...

As for U2, NLOTH was a huge letdown in my opinion...oh well, better next time guys
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