Good Idea / Bad Idea

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2002
Brooklyn, NY
GOOD IDEAR: Elevation Remix

BAD IDEAR: Eminem's "Without Me" over music for "With or Without You"

anyone else have any related things?

They can be aboot anything, this one has just been on my mind all day.

I wanted to start with a Good Idea and have ppl alternate.....but I really wanted to get this Bad Idea off me chest. I listened to it and the two songs don't work together at all.......the "Dream On" thing he did wasn't too bad though....... :shifty: Not that I know.
Good idea-Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop

Bad idea-Eddie Murphy in all his other movies

Good idea-fat free potato chips

Bad idea-the ill effects that result from eating them
MonaVox said:

BAD IDEAR: Eminem's "Without Me" over music for "With or Without You"

Yes, the worst creation ever. I, of course, love U2's song and I even really like Em's song (probably my favorite of the ones I've heard from him so far), but combining the two? My ears bled. The mixer should be hung, then shot, then electrocuted, after which he will clearly go to hell where he be forced to listen to his creation for all of eternity. :macdevil:

GOOD IDEA: U2 interacting with fans. :yes:

BAD IDEA: Fans jumping on stage or camping out for weeks by the studio to interact with U2. :tsk:

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sometimes i beat my computer with a baseball bat for sport......

good idea: internet access
bad idea: dialup

ineviTable, lilly.

Good Idea: taking photos of friends

Bad Idea: posting the goofy ones in interference

*hides* :ohmy:
Good and Doable? I surely hope so.

Good idea: I Hope I just had one
Bad idea: I hope I didn't just have one

re: my Casa Gates idea from other thread:D I just posted about an idea that just struck me like a bolt of lightning LMAO @this place...again!!!!:laugh: :wave: :heart:

Good idea: get a puppy
Bad idea: not put enough research and thought into selection of breed:(
Gustovox is ailing.
my threads all go to page two like they're on the express train

Good idea: this thread :D

Bad idea: 99% of MY threads :tongue:
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good idea: talking to a friend of a friend of a friend online
bad idea: meeting him at 4am...then having him be obsessed with you....:shifty:
Good Idea: crunchy peanut butter

Bad Idea: sliced peanut butter

Lilly, I'm listening to a song right now, kind of celtic sounding, I don't really know how to describe it, but anyway, I was just lookin at your avatar, and your avatar looks like it's dancinig/floating around to the music...kinda spooky, lol!

I think I'm halucinating and need to go to bed, hehe :coocoo: :crack:
ABEL said:
Lilly, I'm listening to a song right now, kind of celtic sounding, I don't really know how to describe it, but anyway, I was just lookin at your avatar, and your avatar looks like it's dancinig/floating around to the music...kinda spooky, lol!

good idea: my avatar

bad idea: staring at it too long. :der:

:wave: mayhaps you should go to bed.
[color=royal blue]GOOD IDEAR: Lilly posting

BAD IDEAR: .... O_O you know that avatar IS hypnotic....

I don't particularly like smelling like tuna helper...BLECH

Good idea: making food to feed your hunger

Bad idea: wearing said food

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