Girls, Can you seduce Bono?

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The Fly
Apr 24, 2003
Just imagine that Bono is the world's most eligible batchelor (no offence Ali!).

What would you say to try and win him over?

As we all know Bono's relationship is rock solid, but what if he were single, would you seduce him and HOW?


Would you attempt the romantic approach or opt for a rather more direct route? :heart: :heart: :heart: :sexywink:
Hanover said:

Would you attempt the romantic approach or opt for a rather more direct route? :

Maybe if I were dog ass drunk.....but then I'd say somthing like
PPPPPSST come ere...closer I don't bite :drunk giggle: well.......oh wait what was I saying oh yeah... any body ever tell you you look like that guy from U2??

as for sober I wouldn't...the boy chases the girl until she catches him, he'd have to seduce me
he'S to small for my taste :D
but theorethicaly I'd try to win him over with being witty, inteligent (educated) and crazy
always worked so far :sexywink:
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Ooooooooooh directly...........:D..................although he is 20 years older. :lol:

I'm not smooth enough to seduce anybody. I'd try to be all sexy, and I'd just trip or spill my drink or something. :D
If he were single....and I were single...hmmm would i try and seduce Bono.... *busts out laughing* why even ask would...stick to the how. Now... *clears throat* would i go about seducing a guy like bono... I think first i would find something both of us had in common. Then use that to "accidently" bump into him around a place where he couldn't escape *evil grin* I mean a public place where i could corner him wait... that sounds BAD! lmao... ok ok. I'd find something in common and just start talking to him...since i'm a natural flirt i'd use my goddess like charm to get into his mind so i'd be the only thing he thinks about ^_^ after i've got his attention then i could begin w/the stroking his ego, letting him know he's caught my intrest and let the devil come out to play mawhahaha......*looks around for the men in the white coats* don't look @ me that way! ...that's how i got my boyfriend! :p

I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaay too shy approach a guy so I wouldn't be able to do anything! :huh: :lol:

You have no idea how long it took me to even hint at Brian that I really really liked him! :D
Best way to seduce Bono?

I would stand with a Drumstick lolly in my mouth and order food from him ala Angie Jolies character in the cafe in Girl, Interrupted.

I would, I would stand right in front of him, and talk softly, order a big pile of food and then walk on...

of course it would never work but i have tried it and gotten a few last night this Elvis DVD was going for 9.99 but after my way with the guy he knocked it too 7.99 for me.
I know this might sound dumb, but I always thought it would be cool if I met him in a resturant or something like that. Like, I would wait on his table and we would start talking. Or I wouldn't be working at the resturant, he would just come in and I would already be there. And somehow we would start talking. Yeah, thats pathetic.........

PaleBlueDot said:
"OK Bono, I know I'm young enough to be your daughter, BUT..."

LOL, yeah...

Actually, if I were trying to get Bono to notice me, I'd probably just plop down next to him and try and strike up some sort of conversation with him about something.

And I'd try some flirting while talking to him as well (according to a guy I did have a crush on, I'm not very subtle in my flirting, so Bono'd probably catch on pretty quickly, LOL).

Geez, why must there be such an age difference between us?

I would love to meet him in a bar or nightclub in Dublin....I sometimes have my little daydreams about that.......;)

Then we would dance....Ohmygod...Just thinking about it makes me....:combust: Drink a glass Black Velvet (champagne with guiness=heaven) together and talk about life and love.....would be nice....:D OK, I think I'll have some nice dreams now tonight.......:angel:
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~*Buffalo*~ said:

Do you think he'd fall for that? :lol:

I was wondering. This might sound dumb, but, do any of you think that if Bono and Ali broke up that he would date a girl who was, I don't know, say 20 years younger than him? I always thought that if he and Ali did divorce, that he would go right to Andrea Corr. Just my thoughts.......

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