Gingrich Admits He Was Having An Affair During Clinton Impeachment

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
Oh well, at least he admitted it all these years later..obviously he wasn't the President who was lying about it. But hmmm :slant:

"Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.

"The honest answer is yes," Gingrich, a potential 2008 Republican presidential candidate, said in an interview with Focus on the Family founder James Dobson to be aired Friday, according to a transcript provided to The Associated Press.

"There are times that I have fallen short of my own standards. There's certainly times when I've fallen short of God's standards."

Gingrich argued in the interview, however, that he should not be viewed as a hypocrite for pursuing Clinton's infidelity.

"The president of the United States got in trouble for committing a felony in front of a sitting federal judge," the former Georgia congressman said of Clinton's 1998 House impeachment on perjury and obstruction of justice charges.

"I drew a line in my mind that said, 'Even though I run the risk of being deeply embarrassed, and even though at a purely personal level I am not rendering judgment on another human being, as a leader of the government trying to uphold the rule of law, I have no choice except to move forward and say that you cannot accept ... perjury in your highest officials."
martha said:
1. I cannot stand Newt Gingrich for a bazillion reasons.

2. Who in the world would have sex with him? :barf:

Honest to God! :lol:

That's one thing I always found extremely hypocritical during the entire Clinton impeachment thing, how out of all those Republicans reading him the riot act for getting a blow job, how many of them were doing the same exact thing? :yawn:
And he was doing this while going after Clinton? What, was guilty-conscience driving him? :|
martha said:
2. Who in the world would have sex with him? :barf:

I know! He's one of those guys with an "eewwww" factor that's off the charts. :yuck:
Headache in a Suitcase said:
bill clinton was impeached for perjury, not for getting a hummer.

and that's the distinction Gingrich is making.

one can argue that questions about one's sex life constitute a perjury trap.

what do you think would have happened if Gingrich -- a sitting Congressman -- had been called in to testify about whatever affiars he was or was not having?
Irvine511 said:

one can argue that questions about one's sex life constitute a perjury trap.

what do you think would have happened if Gingrich -- a sitting Congressman -- had been called in to testify about whatever affiars he was or was not having?

I think this is the meat of the story, right here.
Gingrich admits it? How big of him...the question is, would the girl admit it? Ever?

And ya his "eww" factor is way off the charts...
Gingrich also lied to Tim Russert when he asked him about this alleged affair during the Clinton impeachment. Not perjury, but not exactly honest either.

I guess it's easier for him to be honest with James Dobson.
Eff Gingrich for being slimey and saying Bill Clinton "committed a felony" in that interview, when Bill Clinton was never found guilty of a goddamned thing in that entire bogus impeachment circus.

What's interesting to me about this article is that it indicates Gingrich is serious about running for President. When a candidate has baggage, the smart move is for them to discuss it on their terms, in advance of their campaign, to reduce the chances that it "becomes a story" later on.

And as a card-carrying Democrat, I hope Gingrich runs. He would be a disruptive force and wreak havoc on the other Republican campaigns during the primaries, and there's no way he could win a general election.
BonoVoxSupastar said:
The GOP once again outs themselves as hypocrites.:|

I do not agree with this.

The President was not impeached for a blow job.

I know it is convenient to ignore the facts of how the President was under oath.

To my knowledge, Newt was not, nor has he ever been brought to court for Sexual Harrassment. If he was under investigation for harassment and lied I would have wanted him prosecuted as well.

So I do not feel hypocritical about it it. I would like to know who the hell would do Newt though. Ewww.

What I do find hypocritical is the number of people who seem to rally around women's issues, who give Clinton a pass, on a pretty solid history of using his power to take advantage of women. There is enough smoke for me to believe there is fire.
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Dreadsox said:

What I do find hypocritical is the number of people who seem to rally around women's issues, who give Clinton a pass, on a pretty solid history of using his power to take advantage of women. There is enough smoke for me to believe there is fire.

i take your point on this, but the counter argument would be that, personal behavior aside, Clinton's policies are far better for women than the Gingrich Congress, hence the perceived free pass. there was no indication of any sort of sexual harassment in Clinton/Lewinsky, so we really do have two adults acting like stupid teenagers.

as for me personally, i see it as a staggering lapse in judgement that would make me question other, more relevant judgements he had to make as president. i'm not terribly surprised that powerful men use their power to seduce younger women, nor am i surprised that younger women lust after older, more powerful men. most male members of Congress, i would imagine, have women on the side. it does come with the territory.

the issue of hypocrisy comes to the front with the GOP because they like to position themselves as some kind of "morals and values" party -- in order to win the fundamentalist/evangelical vote ... members of which, ironically, have a much higher divorce rate than the secular progressives of SF, NYC, or Boston -- and it was the GOP that made such an issue of "character" (by which they meant the perception of sexual restraint, as "character" was a focus-grouped media creation meant to play as a direct foil to Clinton) and how "character counts" when you go to vote, that the personal history of the man and his personal behavior is every bit as important as his policies.

i've never thought that. i don't care about a politician's personal life. he could smear honey on his penis and have the dog lick it off and i wouldn't care if he could provide a solution to this Iraq quagmire.
Dreadsox said:
What I do find hypocritical is the number of people who seem to rally around women's issues, who give Clinton a pass, on a pretty solid history of using his power to take advantage of women. There is enough smoke for me to believe there is fire.

The fact he was in a position of power when he had sexual relationships with a number of women would certainly prima facie seem to suggest what you are suggesting. But is that necessarily the case?

I am not sure there was any evidence ever adduced or suggested that he took advantage of Lewinsky through abuse of power. Like Irvine said, they acted like crazy teenagers. To me, that then becomes an issue for him and his wife to resolve, not a women's rights issue.

With the other women, I am not sure what the facts are as I never really got particularly familiar with the individual cases.
I'm a huge Clinton fan, so of course I'm biased, but the thing that irks me is that people forget that Clinton was never convicted of doing anything illegal. Not once. He was acquitted on both perjury and obstruction of justice. There was a political game of chicken going on at the time, with Republicans threatening to impeach Clinton. Basically, Clinton said go ahead, impeach me. And the Republicans did, and Clinton won the trial.

Compare that to Scooter Libby's case this week. He was CONVICTED of four felonies and is off to prison. He is the highest-ranking White House official to be convicted of a felony since it happened during Reagan's presidency.



By Peter Baker and Helen Dewar
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, February 13, 1999; Page A1

The United States Senate acquitted William Jefferson Clinton yesterday on charges that he committed perjury and obstruction of justice to hide sexual indiscretions with a onetime White House intern, permitting the 42nd president to complete the remaining 708 days of his term.

After a tumultuous year of scandal that tested the Constitution and tried the nation's patience, neither of the two articles of impeachment brought by the House garnered a simple majority, much less the two-thirds necessary to convict Clinton of high crimes and misdemeanors. Article I alleging perjury was defeated on a 45 to 55 vote at 12:21 p.m. Just 18 minutes later, Article II charging obstruction failed on a 50 to 50 tie. Five Republicans joined all 45 Democrats in supporting full acquittal.

"It is, therefore, ordered and adjudged that the said William Jefferson Clinton be, and he hereby is, acquitted of the charges in the said articles," declared Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, the presiding officer, marking the conclusion of the first impeachment trial of a president in 131 years.
Dreadsox said:

I do not agree with this.

The President was not impeached for a blow job.

I know it is convenient to ignore the facts of how the President was under oath.

Yes I realize the president was not impeached for a blow job. But I also realize it was Newt and the rest of the GOP that set the perjury trap to begin with over sex.

But regardless of any of that how are we suppose to look to the GOP as the family values, sanctity of marriage, anti homosexual party when they themselves are destroying the sanctity of marriage and sleeping with pages?

That's why they are hypocrites!
If I recall correctly (and maybe I don't) the ranting by the GOP over Clinton was more about his affair(s) than it was about lying about them (they could get him legally with the lying, so there was the rub). So while technically Newt can say the impeachment was about lying in order to say he's not a hypocrite, yes that's why they are hypocrites.

And I hardly give Clinton any sort of pass if he sexually harassed any woman, but he did not harass Monica in my opinion. I think she was the pursuer there-of course he should have said no plain and simple as her superior and as a married man and as the President. The others, well I can't say for sure and yes it does disgust me. And Newt disgusts me too.
LyricalDrug said:

And he was acquitted on all charges. Just making sure no one forgets that!


He was found in contempt of court by Federal Judge Susan Weber Wright for lying under oath.

He did lose his Arkansas law license for 5 years and he did get ordered to pay a $25,000 fine.

Least we forget.
INDY500 said:

He was found in contempt of court by Federal Judge Susan Weber Wright for lying under oath.

He did lose his Arkansas law license for 5 years and he did get ordered to pay a $25,000 fine.

Least we forget.

and Bush has killed thousands upon thousands and laughed and mocked a woman on death row.
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