"Get On Your Boots" E-mail Request Thread...

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Digitize did over two thirds of the data entry on his own, so everyone that has an email address in this thread owes him their thanks
all new names added.

i will add a disclaimer though:

As I am in a different time zone to everyone here, it is possible that it will leak while I am asleep.

I will provide the account details and the list to Sicy, or someone else on the off-chance that it does leak during my 6 hours of bed-rest :wave:
Umm...what happened here. I just got an e-mail from another gmail account. I thought I was handling this? I have it all under control and was going to ask for volunteers soon. It is setup to be so simple and easy as it is. I can have the link sent to everyone of the e-mails in under three minutes. If someone thinks they can do it better then tell me and you can do it. If I seem a little annoyed it's because I've been collecting e-mails throughout the day. :shrug:

As long as everyone gets the link as soon as possible it doesn't matter I guess...
well you probably should have told somebody that so you could have coordinated. i mean, thanks for your efforts regardless, and im not headed back into the thread to see if you already did tell people you were doing this.
^ He did. I started collecting after Headache posted around page 30 that he thought something happened around page 7, but wasnt sure what was going on. Digitize and i went through and collected the emails.
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