Frontier House

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Jul 25, 2000
It's the new PBS mini-series, a bit of a "reality" show, where modern American families go to Montana and have to hack out a life like the early modern conveniences, etc. So far, it looks quite fascinating. Although the one woman snivelling about leaving her make-up behind made me wanna laugh.
I wanted to watch it but didn't get to.. they interviewed the Mass couple on the radio this morning... pretty interesting idea!

Listen over sounds of blades in rotation

*U2TakeMeHigher*'s a lot like me going to college next year?

Come on wisdom tooth, don't fail me now!
Kinda sounds like the 1900 House. That show was cool! I'll have to check this out...

Gotta love PBS, I am such a geek.

Game On!
i would SOOO NOT want to do this...a "living off the land, outdoor gal" I am NOT. Give me air conditioning, cars, hair dryers, contact lenses, MAKEUP, and myriad other modern day heart went out to those poor girls freezing their legs off in the foot deep snow, having to milk the cow!

Originally posted by Discoteque:
i would SOOO NOT want to do this...a "living off the land, outdoor gal" I am NOT. Give me air conditioning, cars, hair dryers, contact lenses, MAKEUP, and myriad other modern day heart went out to those poor girls freezing their legs off in the foot deep snow, having to milk the cow!


AMEN, sista!!!!

"Thank you very much. This feels very Elvis. Thank you."

Bono ~ Houston, Texas 4-02-01
Originally posted by Discoteque:
i would SOOO NOT want to do this...a "living off the land, outdoor gal" I am NOT. Give me air conditioning, cars, hair dryers, contact lenses, MAKEUP, and myriad other modern day heart went out to those poor girls freezing their legs off in the foot deep snow, having to milk the cow!


LMAO!! No kidding!!

Phisto's ALLLL the way darling!!

And if the night runs over And if the day won`t last

I'd like to do something like that because I always wondered if I would be able to live back in those times. I came to the conclusion that I couldn't live without a proper bed... and no showers... and starving sometimes, I couldn't handle that. I could get use to a lot of things but those three things mean the world to me.
Originally posted by zonelistener:
I just had to bury my tampons, make-up and toothpaste in the field.

Fact: Before mass production of cotton in the U.S, prarie women WOVE tampons from prarie grasses.

Come on wisdom tooth, don't fail me now!
I had a good laugh out of most of these people's reactions to going without modern conveniences...mainly because my entire childhood WAS living like that. My dad had to clear land, build our house from scratch, we had an outhouse, had to carry water, Mom cooked everything from scratch, we had no electricity, etc. And it's not all that bad. In fact, I would have to say that I enjoyed that part of my life even though it may have been "disadvantaged" (my entertainment was BOOKS!
remember those?
) but it was definitely simpler and more peaceful all around than my life here in the States now.

In any case, it's an interesting series. I think the father and son who are building their house are the coolest. They seem pretty grounded and have good attitudes. The Klune family is hysterical. Talk about over-priveleged and whiny. And the folks from Tennessee will probably be alright since they seem to know how to manage with scarce resources.
OMG, i am SO sad that this show is over!!!!

I got absolutely hooked on this show, I thought Nate was SO cute...loved his wedding, loved watching all the stuff they had to live through for 5 months. I thoguht it was so interesting how they hated every moment at the beginning, but then cried when they had to leave at the end. I wondered what was going through their minds once back in the 'modern' world...the girls said they were bored, and one of the boys got hooked on his PlayStation. That's gotta tell you something. And that house that the Clunes built, wow. SO huge and SO empty...

what a great show!
And I'm more sad that I missed the last night of it! But I was dutybound to help my friends move their furniture.

Oh well, I suppose they'll repeat it just like they do everything else on PBS.

Nate is my new hero. He had the coolest attitude and seemed like an absolute sweetheart.

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