Finally! The mp3 of U2 recording at HQ, 05-17-08 (no links please!)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
:lol: are you going to be sending for awhile then Edge89?
If you need to go and take care of some "in real life"-things then please go ahead. I can cope with this for a while I guess. If not, then we'd better come up with some sort of system so we avoid sending multiple files to people. :)

thelaj, nt2626 I'll send the link to the two of you in a minute.
Edit: Sent to both members.

My internet connection is acting up so if there are any requests please post them and I'll try to send you the link as soon as possible.
Ok I'll let you send for awhile then Edge89... I have some "real life" ( or maybe other Interference threads :lol: ) to tend to for a while then.
Can someone send it to me. I was certain that I wouldn't listen to any of the new music till the album was out (like I tell myself with any new album) but I have cracked under the anticipation again!! If you could send it to: That would be cool indeed.
Can someone send it to me. I was certain that I wouldn't listen to any of the new music till the album was out (like I tell myself with any new album) but I have cracked under the anticipation again!! If you could send it to: That would be cool indeed.
Are you sure laurent? ;)
I'm sending a link your way just in case...:D

Edit: Sent.
I made another cover for you to use with iTunes or whatever...

I'll go get some lunch since it seems like there are no requests at the moment.

Nice, I used this image on the news post.
Yeah, I noticed. I hope you manage to keep IFPI away this year though.
Don't want you guys to get in some kind of trouble, I like visiting u2exit every now and then.

U2lunatic has a gift on it's way to the inbox.

That happened once before now didn't it. :hmm: No much different than whats going on here lol.

Thanks for visiting!
merci the_edge89!

i am from germany and i write the first time in this forum. i am U2 fan since the joshua tree area. the time to wait until the album is released makes me always mad.
sorry my englisch is not the best but i hope you can understand me a little bit.

we all hope for a great album!!
Nate Dogg, your links are coming soon.
Edit: Sent.

Edit 2:
Ok, since it's getting quite late over here and I have school tomorrow I will have to leave you for now I'm afraid.
Hopefully the Americans are awake for a little while longer to help out with requests.
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