Fave Vid?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Nov 5, 2001
What's your favourite U2 video?

Can't decide between SATS and Please. Bahnoh is so hottttttttttttttttt.........:drool:...............yeah ES is also great. :sexywink:

Post stills!

brb with some myself
:hmm: I've got lots of favorites - ES:)larry::sexywink:), Discotheque, Sweetest Thing, Stuck, WGRYWH, and Ground Beneath Her Feet are a few of them at the top of my list :up:


That's a toughie...

Right now, I'd have to go with EBTTRT...or "Discotheque"...that video is such a trip!
I have way too many favorites. For pure sexiness Electrical Storm, but I don't know if I would call it my overall favorite.

Other videos I love are Pride (both versions), Still haven't Found, WOWY, EBTTRT (original and remix), One (Drag Version), Numb, Stay, and The Sweetest Thing. I also love Discotheque and A Celebration because they make me laugh. I like Lemon because it's freaking weird.
Um, well excuse me, NOTHING is hotter or more beautiful than One bar! :love: Bono is so exquisitely beautiful, his pretty face, pretty hair (a MUST for a pretty Bono in my book!) and such sexy expressions and movements! Those EYES! It's just too pretty and sexy. PERFECT! :up:


Close second is Stay. He is so pretty and delicate and precious and sweet. The only reason I rate it second is that it's black and white!

Third is Stuck European. BEAUTY is the word for Bono in that video. Nothing less than gorgeous!


Of course, Desire is extremely hot and sexy! Sigh, his long hair, his open vest, bare chest, fur, sexy movements and expressions, major sex appeal :combust:


Mysterious Ways? Hey! What about Bono in those TIGHT black pants thrusting under the red moon?


Other videos I love watching due to Bono's good looks:

Elevation (evil Bono!!)
Pride (version 2)
The Unforgettable Fire (they are all so cute in that!)

The Fly
One drag (when he's not dressed as a girl)
Angel of Harlem
Two Hearts Beat as One
even better than the real thing. i'm a sucker for effects that make things look funky, such as spinning cameras.

but this is pleba, so i'll also throw in the video for the the fly, without whcih we wouldn't have kristie's THE gif :drool: :edge: :drool:
I could never choose just one. In no order: Numb, Discotheque, Lemon, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, The Fly, Two Hearts Beat As One, and probably a lot more but that's all I can think of for now.
Stuck in a moment :drool: :drool:
, Desire
One and
THe Sweetest thing all very cool and very hot Bono video's
yummy yummy
Could you please post those One stills from the leather day thread here? I would do it but my computer is screwing up if I have more than one window open. Are there any big ones of Stay and WGRYWH? I really love the AB videos best. Bono was so sexy. Thank you for any of those you can post:)
tiny dancer said:
U2Kitten you couldn't of said it any better of the One video in The Bar. :drool: My 2nd favorite is Stay, and I love Streets! :dance:

Yes, we have the same top 2! :happy: :hug: Excellent taste! :yes: ;)

And STREETS! How could I have forgotten STREETS? It's in my top 5 for sure! :love:


It's probably my very favorite in a band video, and the coolest they ever made. Up on the rooftop, the crowd, the cops, real rock and roll, and looking good! What could be better? Nothing!
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