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Blue Crack Addict
May 11, 2001
Anybody ever fast?

I was thinking about doing a 3 day juice fast.

Any tips?
Fasting - an "operation without surgery"

"Fasting is, without any doubt, the most effective biological method of treatment... it is the 'operation without surgery'... it is a cure involving exudation, reattunement, redirection, loosening up and purified relaxation. While fasting, the patient improves her or his physical health and gains much. But he or she will have neglected the most important thing if the hunger for spiritual nourishment that manifests itself during fasting is not satisfied." said Otto Buchinger, Sr., M.D., Germany's great, self-described "fasting therapist," who founded the most famous of several renowned, European Buchinger Kliniks in 1952.

Prolonged, scientific fasting has proven itself, over several thousand years, as humanity's oldest, fastest and most effective weight-loss, detoxification, healing and longevity-enhancing modality known to mankind - both curative, as well as preventive - and here are the reasons why:

Just as hibernating bears and migrating whales, as well as much smaller beings, including caterpillars, salmon,hedgehogs, snakes, salamanders, spiders, turtles, tadpoles and woodchucks, do live for many months each year without eating, your body is brilliantly designed to live on its own stored substances. Similarly, during skillful, therapeutic and prolonged juice-fasts (and every reputable fasting book today begins with a warning that noone should ever undertake a prolonged fast without professional supervision, initially), your body will brilliantly live on its own stored substance via "autolysis", or autodigestion. Marvelously, the body decomposes and burns all the cells and tissue which are aged, damaged, diseased, weakened or dead.
Autodigestion during fasting
During fasting, your body will "autolyze", or self-digest, its most inferior and impure materials and metabolic wastes, including: fat deposits, abcesses, dead and dying cells, bumps and protuberances, damaged tissue, calluses, furuncles (small skin abscesses, or boils), morbid accumulations, growths, and amazingly, various kinds of neoplasms (abnormal growths of tissue, or tumors). In "Fasting and eating for health", Joel Fuhrman, M.D., notes, p. 10: "The fast does not merely detoxify; it also breaks down superfluous tissue - fat, abnormal cells, atheromatous plaque, and tumors--and releases diseased tissues and their cellular products into the circulation for elimination. Toxic or unwanted materials circulate in our bloodstream and lymphatic tissues, and are deposited in and released from our fat stores and other tissues. An important element of fasting detoxification is mobilizing the toxins from their storage areas."

New cell growth during fasting is stimulated and accelerated as the required proteins are re-synthesized from decomposed cells (during autolysis). Thus, your serum albumin reading - blood-protein level - remains constant and normal throughout your fast, as your body very smartly uses protein and other stored nutrients where needed. Again, Germany's late Otto Buchinger, M.D., after supervising over 100,000 juice-fasts, eventually concluded what is clearly stated in the book, "Fasting: the Buchinger Method", page 22: "The need for protein diminishes during the fast, until in the second week, it has been reduced from 100 grams to from 15-20 grams a day, and this amount is, in fact, quite sufficient while fasting."
Unfortunately, today's most Western diets are heavily loaded with artificial flavors and chemically-created coloring agents, toxic pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, and insecticides, and other toxic chemicals which overburden our bodies. fasting and pesticides

As this toxic overload accumulates decade after decade, augmented also by environmental pollution, drugs and medications, it eventually interferes with normal functioning and our body's elimination becomes impaired. During fasting, large amounts of these accumulated metabolic wastes and poisons are, during autolysis, very quickly eliminated through the greatly enhanced cleansing capability of all the organs of elimination - liver, kidneys, skin and lungs. Several common symptoms of detoxification seen during this process could be darker urine, the possibility of catarrhal elimination of excess mucus ("rhinorrhea" - a mucous discharge from the nose), continuous discharge through the colon, etc.
Fasting gives your digestive system a rest

For perhaps the first time in your entire life, fasting affords a physiological rest to the digestive, assimilative and protective organs of your body. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices require little digestion, and are quickly assimilated from the upper digestive tract. Therefore, most of the 10% of bodily energy normally involved in your mastication, assimilation, digestion, and elimination is freed up. This is another reason you'll feel more - not less - energy throughout properly-done juice-fasting - unlike the physically debilitating weakness water-fasters experience.

Additionally, these many fruit and vegetable juices all supply excellent energy, minerals, vitamins, live enzymes, and other nutrients necessary to enhance health during the fast. By providing much of the body's daily caloric needs with easily-digested juices, the release of toxins from the fat cells is much more gentle and gradual.

Scientific fasting enhances longevity, as Doctor Fuhrman notes in "Fasting and eating for health", p. 27: "If we restrict the calories an animal can eat, by underfeeding it or periodically fasting it, we can significantly prolong its life. In fact, periodically fasting animals can double their natural life span.(1,2)

Prolonged, scientific fasting has proven itself, over several thousand years, as humanity's oldest, fastest and most effective weight-loss, detoxification, healing and longevity-enhancing modality known to mankind - both curative, as well as preventive.

sounds like a good idea, no????

except for that damn enema part
I fast all the time, randomly but often after a trip to vegas or something like that after I've treated my body like crap. My goal is usually two days but I often go to 4. To be honest it's weird getting used to food again which is actually a plus :up:

The second day is hardest usually but not bad. I have no problem going without food for the most part.

Never done the enema though :sick:
do you do the water fasting or the juice fasting? i hear water fasting isnt recommended.
I fast every year for 24 hours over Yom Kippur, and, additionally, in the past, have fasted for 2-3 days at a time, just because. I agree, for whatever reason, that Day 2 is the hardest. Straight up fasting is not the healthiest thing you can do to your body, so, make sure you have water or, as redkat does, juice, diluted or not. Maybe a piece of fruit here and there.
Do you guys have the "40 hour famine" in the USA? It's a World Vision fundraiser where you fast for 40 hours and get sponsored for it. I have never found it difficult at all, I've just drank dilute juice and water and maybe a barley sugar here and there. I find you feel really good afterwards!
I fasted during Ramadan while in Mali. 1 month, but of course that includes eating in the evening and the morning. What I can say is that going without food for long periods of time does tend to focus the mind. You reach a point where it becomes easier.
In my humble one, if you dont have a valid reason to fast (such as a pending colonoscopy or ramadan), then it is not worth the stress to your body.
a fucking awful one. i like to match the bands i once professed a love of.

...and no, i dont give two rat's arses what that hobo says. he rates up there with wikipedia!!!!!!!
sulawesigirl4 said:
I fasted during Ramadan while in Mali. 1 month, but of course that includes eating in the evening and the morning. What I can say is that going without food for long periods of time does tend to focus the mind. You reach a point where it becomes easier.

I did the same this year. It was a really good experience overall, but I guess quite different than fasting for health reasons. In the end you do eat quite a lot when the sun goes down so I don't know if you really get any health benefits, plus not drinking any water for 14 hours is probably not the healthiest thing to do. But it was a great spiritual experience, I recommend it to everybody! I thought it would be more of a challenge, but in the end I kind of enjoyed it... weird :huh:
I have done it, too, Chizip.

But reading all this makes me realize that mine was hardcore.

In August 2001 i fasted for two weeks. For two weeks i just drank water. No juice, no nothing.

I felt incredibly great afterwards and even during it.

It was a very surreal experience, the first six days were the hardest.

Some kind of a 3 day juice thing is nothing.
Evalicious said:
I have done it, too, Chizip.

But reading all this makes me realize that mine was hardcore.

In August 2001 i fasted for two weeks. For two weeks i just drank water. No juice, no nothing.

I felt incredibly great afterwards and even during it.

It was a very surreal experience, the first six days were the hardest.

Some kind of a 3 day juice thing is nothing.

i like chicks that are hardcore

maybe i'll do a mountain dew fast, that would be pretty Xtreme
i was thinking maybe january 1st or 2nd would be a good time to do it. get all the toxins out from new years eve, help cleanse the body for a fresh start to the new year. yeah that definitely sounds like a plan.

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