Eek, Alaska Superthread

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It's not only that, but think of what would happen to the Academy acclaim it received.
Question for you all.

Me becoming a teacher is a few years off yet, but I'm already thinking about lesson plans. I am a nerd. But if your physics/chemistry teacher had one day every two weeks or so where you go to apply what you've been learning with an Erector/Meccano set for simple machines, or making oobleck during matter states, playing with a Tesla coil duirng electromagnetism, that kind of thing, wouldn't that make the class more interesting?
Sounds good to me, Reggo :up:. That kind of stuff was what kept me going in my high school Physic's class that I wanted to kill myself in every other day.
Sounds good to me, Reggo :up:. That kind of stuff was what kept me going in my high school Physic's class that I wanted to kill myself in every other day.

I think also a weekly/bi-monthly sci-fi day would be required. Star Wars/Trek, Doctor Who, etc.
So I've just stopped listening to Ride and put on the new Radiohead album. Let's see if they've become decent in the last couple of years.
So I've just stopped listening to Ride and put on the new Radiohead album. Let's see if they've become decent in the last couple of years.

Yeah, I don't think you'll like it any more than you did In Rainbows. More whining, processed drums etc. I think it's a decent to good album, and I can't ever see myself getting that into it. That said, it's like the best thing ever cause it's Radiohead.
I heartily endorse both of those ideas. :up:

Never did physics, but making goo and setting fire to things made chemistry a lot more tolerable. :D

Making goo and setting fire to things are some of my favourite parts of science. There'd be a learning curve to stuff, like making the goo, like needing to show me the chemical makeup of said goo or knowing its physical properties and whether it's a Newtonian or Non-Newtonian liquid. Calculating the force needed to catapult certain things across the football field. The ignition point of the things we're setting on fire and which chemicals become aerosolized by the fire and which ones simply break down. Fun, but learning fun.
Making goo and setting fire to things are some of my favourite parts of science. There'd be a learning curve to stuff, like making the goo, like needing to show me the chemical makeup of said goo or knowing its physical properties and whether it's a Newtonian or Non-Newtonian liquid. Calculating the force needed to catapult certain things across the football field. The ignition point of the things we're setting on fire and which chemicals become aerosolized by the fire and which ones simply break down. Fun, but learning fun.

I just had a vision of what would happen if teenagers got control of a catapult. :uhoh:
That said, it's like the best thing ever cause it's Radiohead.

FTR, nobody thinks the album is anything that spectacular.

I find it to be a supremely well-realized song suite with gorgeous production and a clutch of strong melodies but a couple notches below their best regardless of its craft.
I didn't mind The King Of Limbs. Nothing special, nothing offensive, no laughable moments like on In Rainbows. Last song is the best. I think it's around a 2.5/5 ...
I just had a vision of what would happen if teenagers got control of a catapult. :uhoh:

It would be a carefully-controlled experiment. Not like I'd let them build a medieval size catapult.
The parts where Thom wasn't growling at the palpable darkness of our pre-apocalyptic, numbed existence.
What were the laughable moments on In Rainbows?

Oh please tell us. :hyper: I like IR myself but I'd just like to know what you thought was funny, Ax. The whining on 15 Step? Radiohead failing at rocking on Bodysnatchers? Or just the laughably bad Jigsaw? :wink:
The parts where Thom wasn't growling at the palpable darkness of our pre-apocalyptic, numbed existence.
I'm either going to love In Rainbows or laugh my ass off at it. I hope it's a combination of both.
I just saw nerd after nerd sailing through the air (with mathematical precision, at least)...


No, no, it would not be big enough to launch a human, no matter how scrawny and nerdy. I doubt parents would sign a permission slip for that. A bowling ball, maybe, but no humans.
You could still cause a lot of damage/chaos/fun with a bowling ball. Or maybe it's just a good thing that I was never let near a catapult. *L*
You could still cause a lot of damage/chaos/fun with a bowling ball. Or maybe it's just a good thing that I was never let near a catapult. *L*

I realised that. A catapult would still be fun. Do simple machines around Halloween time, do punkin chunkin on the back field, :lol:
*L* I've seen footage of some farmers building huge trebuchet type things and flinging their excess produce around... which is a horrifying waste of food, really.
*L* I've seen footage of some farmers building huge trebuchet type things and flinging their excess produce around... which is a horrifying waste of food, really.

True. But hurling pumpkins is fun. Not sure why. Probably because the explode spectacularly when they hit the ground.

Idea: modified version of the Scottish Highland Games :hmm: Or the Olympics. Work out the physics of an event/game, build a strategy. See if you succeed.
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