Down The God, Pitcairn Island Superthread

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Night Chass. :wave:

Bloody hell I'm tired. I think I better get some food into me. I've barely eaten today.
Shit, it's Jen! Hey! I was just cooking dinner. How's it going?
Shit, it's Jen! Hey! I was just cooking dinner. How's it going?

not too bad, been pretty fucking tired , spent alot of today on teh couch when i should have been doing an assingment, when i need to lay down then i need to lay down.
how about you ? having anything good for tea?
not too bad, been pretty fucking tired , spent alot of today on teh couch when i should have been doing an assingment, when i need to lay down then i need to lay down.
how about you ? having anything good for tea?

Assignments. :crack:

Nah, just doing pasta. Nothng exciting, though I'm sure I'll have a couple more hot cross buns before the day's out.

I don't suppose you're free next weekend? Alison and I are thinking of going and visiting Cin and we're hoping you and Danny are free too.
Not sure which day we'll come yet. It may not even be next weekend! We will come some weekend soon, and at the moment the goal is next weekend, but if another weekend works better, we can do that.
watching one of the best top gear specials ever- botswana challenge , fucking hillarious

Oh man, I missed that when it was on TV. But U-Wen's given me a number of Top Gear seasons on an external hard drive so I'll have to watch them soon ...
well just rock up when the consensus suits the mosit people and i will either fit in or not ! :lol:

Still got to get in touch with Danny and see if he's in. Not even sure what we'll do, but I'm sure we'll find something!
Hello til my battery dies :wave:

Life is good.

Saw all your little countdown times :cute:, mine is at 33 :hyper:
we are talking about geelong?

other than go to cins house and smoke up a storm :lol:

Haha. Well, we want to get Cin out of the house for one thing! So I guess Alison and I will drive over and we'll ... do something, who knows.
I just have my countdown set to midnight, technically speaking, it is still four hours away from being 33 days lol
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