Dorking, Surrey, UK Superthread

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Walk on by
Walk on through
So sad to besiege your love
So head-on
Staayy in this time
Stay tonight in a lie
I'm only asking but I
I think you know ...
Come on take me away
Come on take me away
Come on take me home
Home again ...

:eerie musical passage of super pwnage:

And if the mountains should crumble
Or disappear into the sea
Not a tear, no not I
Yeah, fall and winter are the only seasons that are worth a damn here in Maryland. We actually have some tourism here in October, and it's positively haunting in the winter, though a pain in the ass to get around.

:rockon: The bass line owns. I may crank it up further.

Heh, "a pain to get around" in winter here equates to the one or two days when it actually rains heavily ...

I just love UF leading into Promenade.
I know I mentioned it yesterday, but I really really wish there was no gap between 4th of July and Bad
You guys underestimate me. I love the first half of UF. It's the second half that loses me.

See, I knew this, and that's why I knew you joining in on this listening party wasn't a lost cause. :wink:

And as much as people may bash it, I do think 4th Of July fits nicely in this spot. Bass Trap would be undeniably better, of course, but in an album context, this works effectively.
I remember the first time it dawned on me that 4th Of July --> Bad works really well. I was in either grade 11 or 12, participating in a speech contest, and Mum and I were listening to UF on the way there ... and I realised I hadn't noticed the change between 4th Of July and Bad. It had just worked.

As it just did yet again.
See, I knew this, and that's why I knew you joining in on this listening party wasn't a lost cause. :wink:

And as much as people may bash it, I do think 4th Of July fits nicely in this spot. Bass Trap would be undeniably better, of course, but in an album context, this works effectively.

I would have joined in yesterday, but I was listening to something else, and you were already at Pride.

I agree. It's not that I mind the track in and of itself, but the album would not have lost much without it.

Bad is on. I'm cranking it up in a vain attempt to hear what makes it so entrancing. It just sounds like a dull, watered-down take on the live versions to my ears.
It was the other day when I was walking to class when it dawned on me. I thought 4th of July had ended and Bad was starting, but it was actly still 4th of July :love:
I would have joined in yesterday, but I was listening to something else, and you were already at Pride.

I agree. It's not that I mind the track in and of itself, but the album would not have lost much without it.

Bad is on. I'm cranking it up in a vain attempt to hear what makes it so entrancing. It just sounds like a dull, watered-down take on the live versions to my ears.

Bad live did indeed make me appreciate bad studio a lot more. So I can kinda see what you mean
I agree. It's not that I mind the track in and of itself, but the album would not have lost much without it.

Bad is on. I'm cranking it up in a vain attempt to hear what makes it so entrancing. It just sounds like a dull, watered-down take on the live versions to my ears.

Oh yeah, I'm sure we wouldn't really miss it much. I kind of just take it as a little bonus. Except that I know U2 probably chose it over Bass Trap, rather than choosing it over adding nothing at all. Bah.

I think the live version and studio version of Bad have exactly the same qualities - the live version just takes them to another level entirely.

I was clearly destined to be a UF fan from the very start, since Pride and Bad were my two original favourite songs.
I spent hours and hours travelling to and from my Grandparents when I was a teenager. There was a walkman surgically attached to my ears for most of the time. Bad was a great one because it was long and beautiful :heart: I listen to lots of U2 with my eyes shut and earphones in.
I'm trying to follow the bass. Adam is really playing off of the beat. It's like he's playing to a completely different song. I have no idea what the hell Larry is doing.

This is the part where 11 year old me realised just how powerful music can be.
I'm trying to follow the bass. Adam is really playing off of the beat on this song. It's like he's playing to a completely different song. I have no idea what the hell Larry is doing.

And I love how Larry COMPLETELY changes the drumming live.
To lose along the way
The spark that set the flame
To flicker and to fade
On this, the longest day ...

I've always thought ISS is awesome.
And I love how Larry COMPLETELY changes the drumming live.

That just underlines how unusual (and likely improvised) the studio take is.

I have no comment on Indian Summer Sky. It's not awful, but I feel nothing towards it. I would like it more if it didn't stick out like a sore thumb.
I think ISS wouldn't stick out so much if one of the boomerangs or The Three Sunrises had made the album.
I'm pretty fond of Adam's bass in ISS. He does a rather good job carrying the song.
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