Does anyone still remember SNL?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Blue Crack Addict
Mar 1, 2004
Berlin, Germany.
Hahaha.... I just saw the video again of the famous "I will follow" performance, and had to rewind the famous fiesty lap-dance at least 25 times. :drool: :drool: Not only was it.... sexy... but it was funny as well. :lol: :)

And at the end, when he hugs the overwhelmed Amy Poehler, who starts crying, he looks at her and says "Aww". Haha... the expression on his face was not "Awww, poor u" but more like "Aww, wait till you see what else I can do. :evil: "

Gotta love Bono for all his charisma and star power. :)
I just watched it today too. I recorded all my U2 stuff off of the Tivo, turns out I had 3 hours worth of goodies. Added 25 hours of time back to my Tivo. My hubby was happy.:wink:
Incredible performance! Loved the Amy Poehler thing. The only downside was that they kept playing after the broadcast was over and we missed some of their set. Bummer.

Speaking of sexy, Babydoll, that is an incredible picture of you...if that is in fact you.
X-it 7 said:
Incredible performance! Loved the Amy Poehler thing. The only downside was that they kept playing after the broadcast was over and we missed some of their set. Bummer.

Speaking of sexy, Babydoll, that is an incredible picture of you...if that is in fact you.

Yes, that is me. Thanks for the compliment. My friend took that pic a few weeks ago. :)
Does anyone else notice how during I Will Follow, Bono grabs Edge's neck and Edge messes up a chord. Then Bono smiles devilishly while singing?

Yeah I bet Edge beat him up after the show for that one.
::watches it again::
I want to hear that girls story too!!!
and about edge screwing up, I think it was Bono's fault! he was strangling edge!!!! but so cute, after that he did sing 'I will follow you anywayz edgE'.... :drool: they love each other, isn't it obvious? :lol:
The people who sit on the bottom floor are the writers for the show. The real audience is in the balcony.

And he said, "I will follow you anywhere Edge."
oh by the way, for those interested, has Vertigo and Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own live SNL... go to video and there they are.. they have some nice other vids aswell(New Years Day :drool: )
Galeongirl said:
who's amy poelhmer????
heh but Bono was so cute and evilthere... *happens to have the vid here*
http://s42. .com/d.aspx?id=1VBEQ6X4QYP4O2HNCCIF7QP9TL

enjoy it :)

*deadly wants to be the girl who got IT*
or at least want to talk to her abou tit... I want to know, how did THE butt feel???? (ghehe and the other side aswell, but I'm not sure she felt that...)


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