Does anyone recognize this .wma clip??? Plz Help Me!!!!!!!

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Here it is again:

@ Beli
My LiveJournal name?....Why....its Choaderboy...of course!!!!! Drop in and say hi sometime if you like!!!!!
Yeah, like anything, flying in Tas has its ups and downs (pardon the pun), but on a nice clear day, cruising around can be pretty special, there are some photos I think in my LJ!!! But alas, no deck in the plane, I have to listen to some chronically nasal monotone dude in the control tower.....doesnt stop me humming though!!!!

@ Angela

Lara is a definite superhero and champion for all things good!!!!
Angela Harlem said:
lara's always good with this kind of thing. i remember once really wanting aliu g's version of jervis cocker's help the aged and she even found the lyrics! i think she painstakingly wrote them out for me, if i remember rightly :love:

this thread is cool. i like that song too. can you you send it lara at testje?

i totally forgot about that. i think i did write out the lyrics. lol.

yes, anna and beli, of course i can upload it. will i put it in the recommend a song thread for you both?

you're welcome choaderboy (I think choaderboy would be a nice tesjte, btw :cute: ). I can add you to my live journal, if you don't mind.

p.s. you all can always have a friend in norn iron if you need one, except between sept and august 2006 because i won't be here then. :D

choaderboy said:
I cant believe it!!!! I have been searching for that song for over 2 YEARS!!!!! I cant tell you how much happiness you have brought into my life today!!!!!! Thankyou soooooooo much!!!! If you ever need a friend in Australia, you've got one!!!!!

Fantastic Music!!!! Out of interest, what other music do you listen to?

2 years is a long, long time. :laugh:

I don't really have a favourite band or anything, I'm quite partial to a lot of bands and am always willing to hear new stuff. Recently, one of my favourite bands have been Embrace. It's a pity they aren't well known outside Ireland/ Uk. I am also partial to a little bit of Travis and Moby. I'm awful at telling people what music I like, there's always some new band that I've discovered, my latest find is the pianist Ludovico Einaudi. He plays some beautiful pieces. If you like the Charlatans you may like Kula Shaker's - Hush although it sounds nothing like Forever and you probably already know it. I was listening to it today, it was out in something like 1998. It's realy funky and upbeat. :up:

Maybe one day we can talk about all things musical together. :love:
@ Lara
You're more than welcome to add me, ill add you back! Ill definetly check out those bands too!!!! Ill let you know how I go!!Thx!!!!
:wave: I added you.

I have all the Embrace albums so if you have trouble finding anything I can send you links for some of their best songs. :drool:

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