do you think that bono truly believes in his causes...

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Weak arguments. Have the rest of PJ been as outspoken as Vedder about their causes? Do you think if PJ had the oppurtunity to avoid certain taxes they would? Of course.

I think some people need a different perspective on things, maybe step out of U2 world for one moment.
BonoVoxSupastar said:
Weak arguments. Have the rest of PJ been as outspoken as Vedder about their causes? Do you think if PJ had the oppurtunity to avoid certain taxes they would? Of course.

The fact that when the new tax law was being proposed that Bono said if it passed it would have no affect on U2, but then after it passes to change your mind and ship out part of your franchise to another country, well then he loses a bit of credibility. And when he is trying to convince governments to give their tax money to Africa, that loss of credibility hurts his case a bit.
Bonochick said:
Now that I quickly addressed that situation though...allow me to take some more time to reply, since issues constantly keep coming up.

U2Kitten, I don't understand why you can't just peacefully post at this forum. You SET YOURSELF UP for trouble. You've used alters in the past to stir the pot. You're paranoid that the moderators hate you and take glee in others abusing you, especially members of this supposed cool, popular crowd that you think is immune to the rules.


U2Girl1978 had absolutely no right to call you idiotic. That is a personal attack, and that is not allowed. All you would have had to do is use the function to report a thread, and one of us would have handled it. Instead, you had a snotty little reply about how the mods don't care because we're all against you anyway. That is extremely insulting.

I will NOT continue this discussion in public either, so don't even bother replying. This actually isn't even a discussion...I'm just laying some stuff down and clarifying things. I hope you gain SOMETHING from this post.

Yes, I understand my comment was rude and I apologize but only to the mods.

I am seriously fed up with U2K. She brings her paranoia and people supposedly conspiring against her in practically to all her threads. She can't have a civil discussion whatsoever. She acts like a damn 12 yr old. I can't understand why she is still on this forum at all to be honest with you! I know the mods have a tough job and all but seriously, her shit is out of control and someone needs to put a stop to her ridiculousness. I for one, have had enough. I'm sure many others have too.

I'm sorry for even bringing it up publicly but it needs to be said.
Chizip said:
The fact that when the new tax law was being proposed that Bono said if it passed it would have no affect on U2, but then after it passes to change your mind and ship out part of your franchise to another country, well then he loses a bit of credibility. And when he is trying to convince governments to give their tax money to Africa, that loss of credibility hurts his case a bit.

so then, what are your speculations on why noone in the band has commented on this? ...i don't know if this is derailing or not. i'm just curious. i mean, obviously, they don't really owe anybody an explanation, what they do is their own business. but surely they would've known this would've drawn some attention and raised some eyebrows.
redhotswami said:

so then, what are your speculations on why noone in the band has commented on this? ...i don't know if this is derailing or not. i'm just curious. i mean, obviously, they don't really owe anybody an explanation, what they do is their own business. but surely they would've known this would've drawn some attention and raised some eyebrows.

i dunno, do they ever talk about the financial aspect of the band? thats something they usually keep to themselves
Chizip said:
The fact that when the new tax law was being proposed that Bono said if it passed it would have no affect on U2, but then after it passes to change your mind and ship out part of your franchise to another country, well then he loses a bit of credibility.

that's kinda talking about financial issues right there. you're right though, they otherwise don't.
BonoVoxSupastar said:

I thought it was pretty obvious.

Nevermind, this is a useless discussion.

ok, then no need for you to step in here or be condescending to anyone.
redhotswami said:

so then, what are your speculations on why noone in the band has commented on this?

I'm sure I do recall someone in the band (Edge?) commenting on this. I'll have to do a search but don't have time now. I remember whoever it was expressing surprise at the public reaction and saying that they couldn't imagine anyone who would NOT want to be more tax efficient, or something to that effect.
Just to add to the above: I think they completely misread the public on this one, and did not anticipate how negative a response this action would provoke.
biff said:

I'm sure I do recall someone in the band (Edge?) commenting on this. I'll have to do a search but don't have time now. I remember whoever it was expressing surprise at the public reaction and saying that they couldn't imagine anyone who would NOT want to be more tax efficient, or something to that effect.

It was Edge.:yes: I believe it was in the Q Interview. I'm not entirely sure though. And I've already made my beliefs perfectly clear on this in another thread, so I'm not going to go any further. Not that you care:wink: I was just trying to convince myself of that.:lol:
Chizip said:
obviously Bono was on board with moving part of U2 Corp out of Ireland.

You really think if Bono went to the band and said that it was really really important to him that they stay in Ireland that the rest of the band would have said "Fuck you, we want the money"?

i find that highly unlikely

Considering everything I've read about the band...I could see it.
kimby said:

Considering everything I've read about the band...I could see it.

What do you mean? Are you saying because they are business savvy they are greedy? I think the intention ofcourse was to save money but think about it, I am sure part of that money saved will go to other investments in the philantropic arm of the business. Maybe not, I may be naive when it comes to this but I chose to believe that their hearts are in the right place, they are good people and they have given so much back publicly to help others, who knows how much they have given back privately? I bet it's ALOT. It's really none of my business anyway...
so then, what are your speculations on why noone in the band has commented on this? ...i don't know if this is derailing or not. i'm just curious. i mean, obviously, they don't really owe anybody an explanation, what they do is their own business. but surely they would've known this would've drawn some attention and raised some eyebrows.

My guess would be that although it's gotten attention, they knew commenting on it would just prolong the story and give the media a few catchy "Bono says..." headlines. While this is a hot item in Ireland (not sure about other parts of the UK) and on U2 websites, I don't think that the majority of Joe Public has much awareness of this story.
U2Man said:
but why is it that those who are so close to bono cannot see what is at stake here? millions and millions of lives. why are they not convinced by bono's rhetoric? why cannot they see this that this is our putting a man on the moon? why? cannot you see that there is something very fishy about this?

doesnt it make you wonder what is actually going on when the camera and the mic arent on? when bono is sitting in the pub with his friends?

No, it doesn't make me wonder.

As for the first paragraph, are we still talking about moving the portion of the business to the Netherlands? If you are, then I think the first paragraph is quite an overreaction.

Why would moving a portion of the business out of Ireland mean they're not convinced by Bono's rhetoric?

I guess I'm more willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on this. If they start moving more pieces of the business out of Ireland, then I think it's cause to question what they're doing.

I understand why this move is drawing a lot of criticism, and I understand why some people are just completely put off by Bono. I'm just baffled why U2 moving part of their business out of Ireland somehow equals "Bono doesn't really think all of this shit will work and completely slags off all the world's poor when the mikes are off and the cameras aren't around."

(Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit at with that second bit, but you get the picture.)

And for the record, it doesn't bother me that he lives like a wealthy man while advocating for those less fortunate. Call me a naive dupe, but I still believe people believe in things and want to make a change. And I believe that of Bono.
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Copy said:

do you travel around the globe, asking governments to raise the tax levels of their countries in order to donate more to the poor?

now, do you?


But, it's all about scale. I travel around the Northeast US and visit family.

I'd encourage my friends and family to give to charity, all the while doing all I can to reduce my tax liability.

Is my concern not genuine?

If I paid extra tax, would my concern for others be more valid?
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U2Man said:

no, not at all.

but why is it that those who are so close to bono cannot see what is at stake here? millions and millions of lives. why are they not convinced by bono's rhetoric? why cannot they see this that this is our putting a man on the moon? why? cannot you see that there is something very fishy about this?

doesnt it make you wonder what is actually going on when the camera and the mic arent on? when bono is sitting in the pub with his friends?

who really knows what those close to bono can't see what's at stake?

i don't wonder what goes on when the camera and mic aren't on...that's private.
U2Man said:

ok, then no need for you to step in here or be condescending to anyone.

Ok, then no need for your speculations. You have very little to stand on, try to bring something that will support your weight.
I think some people think Bono is the new Ghandi, or Mother Thresa or something. Bono ISN'T his causes, he's just a 40 something year old rock star, who has a conscience and is doing as much as he willingly can to help it.

Just because he believes in ending starvation doesn't make him then have to give up all his worldly goods and sit in a cardboard box with his family to prove a point. The main point here is that he is raising AWARENESS. Focussing on the little part inside of everyone where good comes from and making us think.

Frankly, im less worried that Bono and Co have moved their "small fortune" publishing rights to Holland to save a couple of million that a greedy government wants, then seeing a TRILLION DOLLARS go into a WAR that is not NEEDED or WANTED or has helped anything.

I think if anybody was a millionaire you wouldn't give up that lifestyle just to "make a point" no one is that selfless not even saint bono.

For the record, Bill Gates gives huge sums of money, but this dude still has you know like 20 billion dollars in the bank, so its not like he's roughing it.

I do think bono supports his causes, i just don't think he's so farking godly, that he has to go a ghandi to show he means it. Thats just unrealistic in ANY sense.
dazzlingamy said:
I think some people think Bono is the new Ghandi, or Mother Thresa or something. Bono ISN'T his causes, he's just a 40 something year old rock star, who has a conscience and is doing as much as he willingly can to help it.

Just because he believes in ending starvation doesn't make him then have to give up all his worldly goods and sit in a cardboard box with his family to prove a point. The main point here is that he is raising AWARENESS. Focussing on the little part inside of everyone where good comes from and making us think.

Frankly, im less worried that Bono and Co have moved their "small fortune" publishing rights to Holland to save a couple of million that a greedy government wants, then seeing a TRILLION DOLLARS go into a WAR that is not NEEDED or WANTED or has helped anything.

I think if anybody was a millionaire you wouldn't give up that lifestyle just to "make a point" no one is that selfless not even saint bono.

For the record, Bill Gates gives huge sums of money, but this dude still has you know like 20 billion dollars in the bank, so its not like he's roughing it.

I do think bono supports his causes, i just don't think he's so farking godly, that he has to go a ghandi to show he means it. Thats just unrealistic in ANY sense.

You've just used far too much logic and reasonable thought.

Please, for the sake of the forum, stop.
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