"Did I ask too much...?"

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Nov 5, 2001
In One I always heard and hear

Did I ask too much
More than ALLOWED

instead of

Did I ask too much
More than a lot

What do you think Bono says? :scratch:
i always thought more than lots

one mitake #2:

one love, one plot, one life
I always heard "more than alot" which I thought was kinda goofy, but hey, it DOES make sense...

I always hear and say "when all you got is her" even though I keep telling myself HURT, waw.

Anyways back to the question, I think he says "More than a lot"
I always thought it was her, but it is hurt :hmm:
I always heard "more than a lot".

I hate it when you hear a different lyric, and even though you might know what it's meant to be, you still hear your own version. It can be quite amusing at times, though!
Did I ask too much?
More than a lot?
You gave me nothing, now it's all I got.

Asking simply for acceptance, was that too much?
You didn't give that to me. All you've got is hurt.
I adore this song... it's my favourite U2 tune. But, while I understand what Bono's trying to say with 'more than a lot' (or, rather, my interpretation of what he's trying to say), I've always thought that line was the only weak lyric in the song. :(

Forgive me if that doesn't flow very well... I've been up 40 hrs with no sleep!

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