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Nov 21, 2006
Any ideas what Bono was saying to the girl he picked from the crowd during Angel of Harlem at the first Melbourne show??
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probably like... dance with me/relax... or like... jump on my back... cos it wasn't long before she was on his back getting a piggy back ride
didn't he say something to larry and edge when he brought her up on stage??
yeah something like 'i have a present for you' i think. along those lines. (as in she was a gift to larry and edge)
He said, "Larry, Adam, look what I've brought you!" :wink:

And before that, when Bono and the girl were on the B-stage, it sounded like he was inviting her to stay with them or something... "Is your mum cool with that?" and "Edge puts his feet up on the table"...

I think that was what he was saying anyway :) There's a boot of this show on U2Torrents now so we can all relive it :D
thanks so much for your help.
just one more question, i've downloaded the show from U2torrents but i'm unable to open any of the files due to windows not knowing what program created it.
i downloaded the flac frontend but wasn't sure what to do with it! i added the particular song file to fontend but am not sure what to do next. If someone could help that would be great!! THANKS

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