Desert Island X: Rules and Signup Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I don't even understand the words coming out of your mouth right now. Otis...Redding?
I have no idea what it is but I nearly fell on the floor laughing.

Your post came between mine and IWBs.

Yours is a play on that "But that's none of my business" meme, probably made by one of those Christian Facebook meme pages. They almost always miss the mark and are very embarrassing for me to see.

Ugh. I just don't get this kind of stuff. Why does there always have to be the "Christian" version? Just enjoy what you enjoy. I'm not saying that I feel the need to separate things I love from Christian things I do, nor that they can't ever mix. But this...this is embarrassing.
I wrote a paper once a week before it was due. It was the only paper I've ever had to re-write. You'll get my list around the deadline.
I think I'm finally close to having my final running order locked down. It'll be nearly the full 160 minutes. If I have the time in the next few days, I may go through the trouble of putting a zip file together, but if not, it'll be Grooveshark only.
I'm so mustard. I posted it on FB and twitter and got a good response from friends and that's great but they don't understand... "I loved it XX is a great song" is all well and good but I need "I had never heard XX but loved it and the transition from YY to it to ZZ" was really good"
My playlist is almost ready. Will be sending it in a couple of days. Just so you know I didn't forget this thing...
God, I've realized that I hate doing DI now. I'm going to finish my list, but all of this overdoing it on transitions and shit is done, for me. I've started to overthink this thing to a point where I don't enjoy myself.
I was getting to that point. I took a step back from it and asked myself if I was overthinking things that listeners might not pick up on. I got to about 97% happy with it and decided that was perfect enough.
No one is going to hear transitions the same way you do, no need to worry about them.
I was getting to that point. I took a step back from it and asked myself if I was overthinking things that listeners might not pick up on. I got to about 97% happy with it and decided that was perfect enough.

Yeah, it's just a mixtape. I don't get the hub-bub about perfect transitions; stack the box with baller tracks.
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