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Not open for further replies.'s storming outside and it's 12;30 in the morning....12:30 is not a good time for a thunder storm :sad:
kafrun said:
^ Yes I am :) Why's your neck sore? If it's not injury related, some heat will help.

No, it's kind of a chronic thing that acts up from time to time. I think it's getting bad tonight because storms are going to be moving through.

I usually use Deep Cold, but I can't find it. :scream: I tried Tiger Balm, but that didn't help much. Icing it sometimes helps, but I don't feel like having an ice pack on it right now. :huh:
Tornado Watch valid until 6:00am CT

# Conditions are favorable for tornadoes to form. Stay alert, and be prepared to seek shelter in the event that a warning is issued.

oh this is not cool not cool atall...I'm not gonna be able to sleep...and I have school tomorrow :sad:
*pacing room* just gotta calm's just a's gonna be alright........ it's raining :(
^ wouldn't htat be weird if you guys actually knew each other wi/o realizing it?
oh my we do

well John you should name it since this one was named in your honor
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