DESCRIBE something random at the temple bar

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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:madwife: at both of you


Now this has to be the most exciting 6:00 AM describe i've ever seen
^^< writes U2 fanfiction.....that takes us to a whole NEW level of loser :lol:

I wish there was a place to write fanfiction that isn't actually fanfiction...just fiction :lol:
Nah, I don't want to post it here where anyone knows who I am

It's jst a story I've been making up for a few months now, and now that I've gotten to the end of the mental creation of it, I would like to write it down, but I don't really have anywhere to do it.

I'm this close to changing some of the characters in it in order to turn it into a fanfiction
LIVEJOURNAL! OF COURSE! I never use it, so none of my (see them everyday) friends will ever see it
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