Dems rebuttal to SOTU

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Aug 26, 2002
Haven't heard much talk about Senate Majority Leader Reid and House Minority Leader Pelosi's rebuttal to the State of the Union.,21625,1193896,00.html

Personally, I loved it. They seened very sure of themselves and very optimistic. They made a lot of great points and had a lot of great new ideas and alternatives to Bush's policies. I especially liked the bit about the Marshall Plan for America. I'm looking forward to these two leading the Democrats to future successes.
I thought it was terrible. It was all blank rhetoric, and I was left wondering if they had actually bothered listening to Bush's speech.
knox said:
I thought it was terrible. It was all blank rhetoric, and I was left wondering if they had actually bothered listening to Bush's speech.

Funny. That's exactly what I thought about Bush's speech: terrible blank rhetoric.

Hah.. Marshall Plan for America. What horseshit.

Truman probably shat himself in his coffin.

In fact, W. bears more of a resemblance to FDR and Truman than minority leaders Reid and Pelosi. I even believe FDR once discussed personal accounts for Social Security.
Well I thought they were some of the driest speakers I've ever seen but the points being made were great and what this party needs to focus on.

I'm not sure where you got your Marshall Plan analogy from but maybe you and I didn't watch the same speech.
Nostradamus said:
In fact, W. bears more of a resemblance to FDR and Truman than minority leaders Reid and Pelosi.

So does that make Dubya a "tax and spend librul"?

nbcrusader said:
Considering both are scripted, staged events, it is easy to cast either as empty rhetoric

You're right. But there's one man who I'm hoping will change that.

Haha...Jon Stewart is great, but I was more referring to my new thread:

Like him or not, I think Dean is the only person right now really serious about sticking to core Democratic values. For those who think the Democratic Party should become more conservative, he is quick to remind people of Newt Gingrich's success in the mid-1990s, when people thought the GOP should become more "liberal." Besides, the Democratic Party has already tried being "more Republican." It hasn't worked.


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