Daylight Savings

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
Tonight is the night for anyone that forgot.

I know most like to set the clocks back but I don't like how dark it starts getting at night. It makes me want to go to sleep at 9:00. :depressed:
Tonight is the night for anyone that forgot.

I know most like to set the clocks back but I don't like how dark it starts getting at night. It makes me want to go to sleep at 9:00. :depressed:

Bleh. :crack:

I love daylight savings! I'm already discouraged with how early it's getting dark at night, so the switch back to standard time is even more discouraging. :sad:

I'd never survive a Scandinavian winter. :lol:
I changed my clocks a few minutes ago. I psyche myself into the new time zone this time of year every year same thing I do when I travel across time zones. Here we go with darkness falling way too early till Spring :sad:
My computer clock still says 11:38 and I've already set all my house clocks back to 10:38 but the interference clock says 12:38. I iz confused.

*oh ya its because Interference is set on east coast time.

i guess since it's already 2 am on the east coast it's tripped a time change even in my time zone, where it's still dst. weird.

Here in Indiana, most of the state, except for the northwest and southeast corners, never went on Daylight Saving Time--stayed the same time all year 'round; we never changed our clocks. So in the spring and summer, we'd be on the same time as Florida and the rest of the east. Then in the winter, we'd be on the same time as Chicago. A few years ago, our new governor led a movement to start using Daylight Saving Time. Which was fine, EXCEPT we are now on Eastern time, even though we are about 3 hours slight southwest of Chicago. So forever and always we will be an hour ahead of Chicago. Ri-damn-diculous!
Here in Indiana, most of the state, except for the northwest and southeast corners, never went on Daylight Saving Time--stayed the same time all year 'round; we never changed our clocks. So in the spring and summer, we'd be on the same time as Florida and the rest of the east. Then in the winter, we'd be on the same time as Chicago. A few years ago, our new governor led a movement to start using Daylight Saving Time. Which was fine, EXCEPT we are now on Eastern time, even though we are about 3 hours slight southwest of Chicago. So forever and always we will be an hour ahead of Chicago. Ri-damn-diculous!
i've heard about that! how stupid. i can't imagine how confusing it must be if you work in one time zone and live in another.

personally, i hate dst, just because i think it's such a huge waste. all because some guy wanted to play golf for an extra hour. :rolleyes:
Here in Indiana, most of the state, except for the northwest and southeast corners, never went on Daylight Saving Time--stayed the same time all year 'round; we never changed our clocks. So in the spring and summer, we'd be on the same time as Florida and the rest of the east. Then in the winter, we'd be on the same time as Chicago. A few years ago, our new governor led a movement to start using Daylight Saving Time. Which was fine, EXCEPT we are now on Eastern time, even though we are about 3 hours slight southwest of Chicago. So forever and always we will be an hour ahead of Chicago. Ri-damn-diculous!

Are you sure about that? Where in Indiana are you from? I'm not meaning to question you I'm just confused by your explanation, being from Indiana myself. I thought South Bend was the only place that didn't observe DST.
changing a clock twice a year is such a hassle :sad:
:madspit: it's just the whole shift in things. i don't know, i just feel like i somehow never recover from that lost hour when dst starts until it's all over. i know you all will yell at me, but the sun being out at 8 pm (aside from places near the north/south poles) is just unnatural.
I remember the people most vocally against daylight savings time in my area were the farmers. The one quote I absolutely loved (and still remember) was "the cows get confused."


I didn't realise cows knew how to read a clock!
i think that was from a queenslander. i dont mind daylightsavings , except for when it is super hot , makes it one hell of a long hot day .

the thing about confused cows was something to do with their milking time or some such.

It is the beginning of the end, really
If the year is a life, then really, september is beginning of fall.
is when the bloom is off the rose, and things start to die
Its a melancholy mountain maybe because of that, it is quite beautiful

Whoever has no house now, will never have one
Whoever is alone, will stay alone
Will sit, read, and write long letters to the evening
And wander the boulevards up and down restlessly
while the dry leaves are blowing
the thing about confused cows was something to do with their milking time or some such.

Yeah, but the farmers were self-employed. They could feed and milk the cows whenever they wanted. I think they just didn't like the whole idea of this newfangled time thing and wanted to bitch about it. :grumpy:
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