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Blue Crack Supplier
May 7, 2006
I'm in my late teens and I have not ever had a girlfriend, or even kissed a girl yet. I'm not one of the geeks or anything, I played for my high school basketball team this past year. I just haven't had a girl that's liked me that much. I feel about as left out as it gets. Anyone have this problem? Am I really that out there on this?
Sounds like me except I'm a girl. I'm 19 and have never had a boyfriend or been kissed. Sometimes I'll have my lowpoints where I can feel lonely, but most of the time I'm glad I'm avoiding the drama that comes with relationships, and I'm free to be myself.
everyone feels like a loner or a freak at times when it comes to relationships and physical activity. Don't force the issue, it happens for everyone at different times...the key is to relax and be comfortable in your own skin. Chicks dig that and it'll happen before you know it.

Good luck.
I'm in a similar situation, I haven't had a girlfriend or anything like that and I am 17. Sometimes I love that I am avoiding the drama but sometimes also feel lonely. Just know that you aren't the only one and I guess you just have to keep being yourself :wink:.
phillyfan26 said:
I'm in my late teens and I have not ever had a girlfriend, or even kissed a girl yet. I'm not one of the geeks or anything, I played for my high school basketball team this past year. I just haven't had a girl that's liked me that much. I feel about as left out as it gets. Anyone have this problem? Am I really that out there on this?

Nope, you're not a freak. I never went on one single date in high school, let alone a relationship. Like you said, I did sports (gymnastics), I worked a lot, and I honestly just didn't know of anyone I liked enough to make all the drama worth it. I don't regret it one bit. Granted, I never felt left out or lonely, because my friends were the same way I was so we always had each other.
I'm 16 (almost 17) and while I've been kissed and stuff, I've never had a real boyfriend. I feel the same as you. I have a few good friends who are single too so that's good but I still feel lonely a lot. I wish I had someone, but I'm not the kind of person who will just go out with anyone. I take things like this pretty seriously and I don't just want a boyfriend for the hell of it, I want the real deal. There's just no one I seriously like that's available. :shrug: It'll happen, eventually, for both of us. :)
Re: Re: Confession

LivLuvAndBootlegMusic said:

Nope, you're not a freak. I never went on one single date in high school, let alone a relationship. Like you said, I did sports (gymnastics), I worked a lot, and I honestly just didn't know of anyone I liked enough to make all the drama worth it. I don't regret it one bit. Granted, I never felt left out or lonely, because my friends were the same way I was so we always had each other.
Same here- I was too busy in high school for a boyfriend. Also I went to an all-girls school and went to figure skating practice 6 or more hours a week, so there was a severe shortage of boys in my life. :lol: I didn't have great luck meeting people after college, either but you never know who is literally waiting around the corner.

It sounds cliche but it's true: Don't fret about it, don't look too hard for someone; just be yourself and out of nowhere something great will happen!
U2democrat said:
I'm glad I'm avoiding the drama that comes with relationships, and I'm free to be myself.

I think that's a very negative opinion to have, especially if you're drawing it from other people's experiences. I usually find the only friends I have who talk about their relationships are the ones who are having some sort of problem. I'm in a very drama-free relationship and I am still free to be myself, I am a very independent person and I couldn't be with someone who would try and stop me from being independent especially as I am still young and have lots of things I want to see and do.

I started going on dates when I was in the last years of school / starting university - some were good, some were awful and some make for very entertaining tales. I never got into a serious relationship but it didn't really bother me to rush into something with anyone. I think my Mum and sister were more concerned than I ever was that I had to meet someone.
I don't find U2dem's opinion to be negative at all. High school relationships are often filled with drama because high school kids tend to not be as mature. They're going thru puberty, and that's a crazy time for anyone, no matter if you're in a relationship or not. You're discovering who you are, and what kind of people you're interested in. If you're waiting until you're more mature to date, that's very admirable.

I dated one guy in high school, and it ended dramatically. The drama was definitely due to my immaturity as well as his, and of course the other issues we had.

Anyways, I'm getting off topic here. Don't worry phillyfan - there are many other people in the same boat as you are. You are completely normal! Have patience, and the right person will come along. Good luck! :)
Thanks everyone.

Ladies, just one question: Does height play a role? I'm very short for my age, and I really think it does have something to do with it. Be honest, please!
Wait until it's someone you truly care about, it will be so much better.

And I'm tall and was even in high school, I wouldn't have cared at all if it was a shorter guy. Lips and good kissing have no correlation to height. Neither do respecting a girl or and treating her right :)
phillyfan26 said:
Thanks everyone.

Ladies, just one question: Does height play a role? I'm very short for my age, and I really think it does have something to do with it. Be honest, please!

I started dating when I was 18... when I was in school I was concentrated in my drawings, music, reading. Honestly I wouldn't mind to wait 4 years more to meet the guy I'm dating right now, but I didn't think that way when I was 16 or 17, sometimes I felt sad because I wasn't dating anyone.

Drama? drama is for "grown up" people too hehe... so don't worry about it :D...

about the height... I don't know I think that's a personal choice, but I will tell you (from my experience) that it doesn't matter that much if there are a nice relationship between
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phillyfan26 said:
Thanks everyone.

Ladies, just one question: Does height play a role? I'm very short for my age, and I really think it does have something to do with it. Be honest, please!

being pretty short myself (5'1"), I've got no problem with short guys, because they're usually taller than me. :p but even if a guy wasn't, it wouldn't be a factor, really. in fact, there are a couple REALLY short guys at my school, like way under 5'0", and they're xtremely popular, even though one of them is a total jerk :huh:

I'm in the same boat pretty much, never had a real boyfriend, I had one kiss but there wasn't tongue or anything and I didn't really want to kiss the guy. [I'm 17, almost 18 btw] I'm like sami - I don't want a boyfriend just for the hell of it. I often feel lonely and have low self esteem cuz I wonder if there's something wrong with me cuz I guess nobody likes me or whatever, but if I really think about it, there are very few guys I know that I'd actually want to date, and only one that I really do.

I feel weird because it seems like most people my age have had sex. Is that true or does it just seem that way? Is it bad that I haven't done it yet? I know this sounds ridiculous but I'm deadly serious. It's not like I'm waiting for religious reasons or anything, I just only want to do it with someone I really love. Do people like that still exist?
AtomicBono said:

I'm like sami - I don't want a boyfriend just for the hell of it.

but if I really think about it, there are very few guys I know that I'd actually want to date, and only one that I really do.

I feel weird because it seems like most people my age have had sex. Is that true or does it just seem that way? Is it bad that I haven't done it yet? I know this sounds ridiculous but I'm deadly serious. It's not like I'm waiting for religious reasons or anything, I just only want to do it with someone I really love. Do people like that still exist?

:yes: I agree- there's only one or two guys I know who I'd actually want to date, and one's taken and one's acting weird lately. I feel like guys our age (mostly) are too immature. I can't deal with that- they don't want a serious relationship. I have a feeling that when I get to college and I'm legal (lol) I'm going to end up dating somone much older than me.

No it's true about the sex, unfortunately. I only have 2 or 3 close friends who haven't had it. I don't think it's bad that you haven't, I haven't either. I'm not waiting for religious reasons either, I don't want my first time to be with some guy who I don't really care about. Not like I have to end up marrying the guy, but I want to be in love with him. Sometimes my friends call me prude or whatever, but oh well. :shrug: It's not like I wouldn't do it, I'm just waiting for the right guy.

So yes, people like that still exist. :p
I had my first serious bf when I was 21. Was interested some guys in high school but it never got further than just friends. Experienced the lonely times too when friends would have significant others or go out on dates. But when it finally all happened for me I felt the timing was just right. So when the time is right for you than it will all come together :). You sound like sweet guy and there are girls who love that :wink:

Oh and being only 5'4 I typically encounter guys that are taller than me too,lol. But if there was one in particular who I really liked and he was short than it wouldn't bother me. Sounds cliche and all but it is what is on the inside that counts.
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