College Basketball 2013-2014

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I'm actually quite surprised at the Wojo move... Coach K clearly only has a few years left with his health, and everyone always assumed Wojo was the heir to the throne.

Guess he got tired of waiting.
I doubt a guy with zero head coaching experience is going to get that job anyway. And its not like there is a Bill Guthridge waiting in the wings that has been on staff for all those years. It could be Mike Brey but there's only 12 years difference between him and Coach K. And you could argue he hasn't exactly blown the roof off at ND.

There have been a few Dukies that have done some things like Tommy Amaker. And a few others like Quinn Snyder and Jeff Capel that went in the opposite direction. But Amaker has already been fired once. So maybe it's Johnny Dawkins at this point? If Wojo does a good job, it sets up nicely for him.

Also, there's Danny Ferry.
While not a coach, he spent about 14 years in the NBA and he's been a pretty good GM.
Wojo was seen as the heir apparent, much like Mike Hopkins is the heir apparent at Syracuse. Wojo had been given the title of Associate Head Coach in 2008. He was next.

He could still be next, as you said... If he does well at Marquette he could certainly return in 3-4 years to take over Duke. But leaving leaves him open to the possibility of sucking, which would take him out of contention for a job that was more or less his to lose. That's why it's a surprising move.

Amaker is certainly an option now. Brey and Dawkins might be too old. But this move leaves the door open a bit for an outsider to get the job... a Shaka Smart or a Greg Marshall...

I just can't see Coach K doing this for too much longer, especially as his health deteriorates. I know he has said that he plans on coaching for at least another 5 years, but I just think his hand will be forced at some point. How many fainting spells can one man have?
I'll send $10 PayPal to anyone who will let me use their cable subscription login so I can watch the Badgers game on the NCAA app tomorrow night.
Basically Napier only went hungry if he was too lazy to get off his ass and get to a dining hall on campus. (I believe he lived off campus), but he had the top UConn dining plan available to him, if he failed to take advantage its on him and he should shut his pie hole (or lack of pie hole in this case) about it.
Pauley Pavilion is flooded following a water main break at UCLA.

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