Coffee floods & electrical problems... but life is good.

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Elvis' Naughty Angel
Jan 10, 2001
not here
So this past weekend our office has been painted. Actually they are still painting it... so when I get into work this morning at 6am the place is a mess. This of course has pissed off alot of people in the office, but whatever, the place looks great with it's new face lift.
Anyway.... so I go and do my usual routine... make the coffee etc... about 5 minutes later I hear my name being yelled across the office. "THERE IS COFFEE ALL OVER THE FLOOR!!!" I run to the back to find that yes indeed... there was coffee all over the place! The water wouldn't stop pouring! It was a disaster! Piles of newspapers later, and buckets filled with coffee water... we manage to get the water stopped and soaked up. haha
What a scene! Keep in mind this was all at 6-6:30am!! Too early for such a fiasco.

Then!! Somehow it turns out the painters blew a breaker, but worse!! They have managed to wreck one of our power supplies ceasing electricity to a couple employees computers.... We are currently waiting for an electrician. All this and it's only 7:47am.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share my morning disaster story, because you know... life is still good! ---> I am nearly finished school, got 6 pages written on my essay last night, I have a week off work coming up shortly and I plan to do nothing but relax. I just found out yesterday that I got credit for a past course to put towards the current program I am in which is fanfeckintastic! And!! to top it all off, I met this really great guy on the weekend...
My bittersweet symphony...

Anyone have any work disasters to share?

I disappeared in you
You disappeared from me
I gave you everything you ever wanted,
It wasn't what you wanted

[This message has been edited by Angel (edited 03-19-2002).]
One time my boss came up to me and asked what interference is. Oh, that was fun!

Every question possesses a power that does not lie in the answer.

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