Cockburn Street, Edinburgh, Scotland Superthread

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I'll take that to mean no shouting at former Irish presidents.
They're not from Sinn Fein, they're from San Francisco.
Listening to the album again, feel like compared to No Line it has much lower highs but the lows are a lot better. Nothing I find too cringe worthy (except that awful California intro), Song for Someone also sounds like they're trying a tad bit too much
Listening to the album again, feel like compared to No Line it has much lower highs but the lows are a lot better. Nothing I find too cringe worthy (except that awful California intro), Song for Someone also sounds like they're trying a tad bit too much

Yeah this is close to how I'm feeling. I don't have clear highs emerging except for the awesomeness of Cedarwood Road - but apart from California there aren't moments making me cringe. Song for Someone is definitely generic though. God I hope it isn't a single. I can just see U2 thinking it would have wide appeal, when in fact it'll sink, garnering just a modicum of play on bad radio stations for fifty-something dads in boring jobs who like to go on about how music just "isn't the same" as it was when they were twenty-something and didn't have kids.
Yeah this is close to how I'm feeling. I don't have clear highs emerging except for the awesomeness of Cedarwood Road - but apart from California there aren't moments making me cringe. Song for Someone is definitely generic though. God I hope it isn't a single. I can just see U2 thinking it would have wide appeal, when in fact it'll sink, garnering just a modicum of play on bad radio stations for fifty-something dads in boring jobs who like to go on about how music just "isn't the same" as it was when they were twenty-something and didn't have kids.

I don't think Song for Someone is bad I mean it just seems like U2 doing a pop ballad, and well it's better than some of the other ones they've done over the last few years but nothing great
Also I think I have decided it is my dream to purchase the website Before.Cool and create the ultimate hipster site! Or music blog, or nothing!
To be truly hipster, it needs to miss a random vowel:
So yeah, tracks 2-5 are as cheesy and embarrassing as U2 ever got, which is saying something.

Tracks 6 and 7 are better, but 8-11 truly sounds like a rejuvenated U2 with a purpose, with a cohesion and a sense of atmosphere they have struggled to regain in this century.

I'm really hopeful that this Songs of Experience will have more of the latter and none of the former. Of course, that's not going to happen (if the album happens at all), but I'm still hoping I'll be able to make a very concise mix of the two.
I just looked at the digital booklet for the first time. Who the fuck formatted that essay as one big lump of text? I can't even be fucked to read that.

And I was surprised to see every song's lyrics credited to both Bono and Edge. I thought Bono usually had a sole credit for lyrics, with Edge only infrequently getting a (co-)credit?
I've been in Northern Ireland in June and I've read a lot about The Troubles beforehand.

He was a nasty character. He mellowed out in his eighties, but by then it was far, far too late.

One still has to wonder what is so special about the power-sharing government now that couldn't have been done 40 years ago. Paisley was one of the main architects of the sabotage operations that led to the status quo back then and to more carnage. And then he becomes first minister in a political body that he spend a lifetime opposing to. Kind of revolting when you think about it.

Oh, and I especially loved the scumbag's support for Milošević, calling him a warrior against the "Vatican conspiracy". Good stuff.
Student's association released a report on the exam I did last week, can be summed up in two lines

The exam was stupidly vague and confusing about what they were asking you and what subject they were asking it in relation to
The exam was impossible to do in the time given

Makes me feel slightly better about the exam seeing that my feelings were common

On a slightly more cheery topic thank Christ it's the weekend, auditing training has been the slowest week of my life
Oh, and I especially loved the scumbag's support for Milošević, calling him a warrior against the "Vatican conspiracy". Good stuff.

Wow, I didn't know this, what a classy fuckhead.

On a slightly more cheery topic thank Christ it's the weekend, auditing training has been the slowest week of my life

Suddenly my week seems really exciting by comparison.
Suddenly my week seems really exciting by comparison.

To make it even better, I don't even work in audit! I will never do an audit! But I'm required to do two weeks worth of training in it annually! Made my exam feel slightly less soul crushing at least
And I was surprised to see every song's lyrics credited to both Bono and Edge. I thought Bono usually had a sole credit for lyrics, with Edge only infrequently getting a (co-)credit?

So Bono is not solely to blame for some of the lyrics!

Listened to the album three times on the way to NYC and I'm pretty positive about it. It's not the best thing they've ever done, but I do think they haven't sounded this good in the studio for a long time.
Perhaps it's because of Edge that this album seems to have the least clunkers and the most genuinely good lines since... well, Pop.

Also, I was just poking around in the bowels of Interference and here's a giggle. I think this is the first ranking of favourite U2 songs I ever made:

There are a number of WTF choices there and the absence of some of my biggest long-term favourites, but also a fair few examples of how the more things change, the more they stay the same.
That was funny. I wonder if I still have the ranking I mentioned somewhere...
Damnit I've got a whole bunch of old shit lying around, including some files with fucking primary school assignments(!), but not the U2 ranking.
Wow. I don't even have anything from High school, pretty much everything got thrown out we've moved so many times since then.

There's plenty of U2 fandom that I no longer have and don't miss. Such as fake tours and setlists. :reject:
Oh god yeah there's some appalling shit that I can't believe I wasted my time on. Can't believe the amount of free time I had back in those days - and I just wish I'd used it more productively.

I suppose at least the bootleg collecting and custom albums weren't as much of a waste as all those setlists and fake tours. I still listen to my custom album tracklists and occasionally I pick out a few of my favourite bootleg versions of songs. Have you still got the bulk of my bootlegs?
Hell, we just need to catch up sometime. It's been way too long! Of course, doesn't help you're in the wrong hemisphere right now. :wink:
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