Clap your Hands and Say Yeah: the new arcade fire

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The Original, Rock n' Roll Doggie, VIP PASS
Jun 8, 2000
Hamilton, ON
A lot of people seem to really like these guys. I can't bring myself to listen to much of them because the guy's voice is utterly terrible... the warbliest voiced that heaven ever shat out.

But lots of people seem to like them, so you might as well.

I was going to give them another chance, but then I fell in love with Wolf Parade and now I don't need them anymore

Pitchfork gave them 9.3 or something.
not a new arcade fire

There's really nothing incredibly special about them. I think the voice is the only thing that keeps it interesting sometimes.'s decent enough
i really like 'in this home on ice'

thanks, SkeeK


not really the new arcade fire though. you had me all excited there for a minute.

Is it possible to have a "new Arcade Fire" already?

Shhh, I'm still listening to Funeral!
hopefully no one believed me when i was calling them 'the new arcade fire'. was in jest. the internet sometimes doesnt get that across.

wolf parade are still better, though.
after listening to this more I guess I sort of find it uninteresting.

There are good songs and even a couple near great songs...but they're not better than many local acts around town that can't get record deals.

And the lead singer is almost certainly hamming up his voice...and it takes you out of anything where you realize it's contrived.

Over and of the best songs of the year though
SkeeK said:

wolf parade are still better, though.

Love ya, but not even close.

I saw them live. They are boring - very middle of the road, totally unimaginative and after an hour, I wouldn't be able to pick out a song of theirs out of a line up.

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