Christmas Time (Don't Let The Bells End) you Communist Sun God Worshippers

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Woah nelly, there's life :lol:

How is everyone?!

I feel ill, but I'm fab :lol:
I have yes Zee... was didn't know how to word my reply to be honest :lol: Your PM sort of shocked me :huh:
I hope you're feeling better for it Justin but I'm sure you'll enjoy it regardless, it's the big 21 right?
BBS, food beckons :drool: And Zee, I replied my dear one :up:
Emma I read it and I replied too :D :hyper:

Cassie :wave::hug: I have another friend named Cassie on facebook and keep confusing you with her... last night I was writing on her wall and I realize it's your wall just before I actually posted it :lol: Her name's Cassie Johnson :p
Emma I read it and I replied too :D :hyper:

Cassie :wave::hug: I have another friend named Cassie on facebook and keep confusing you with her... last night I was writing on her wall and I realize it's your wall just before I actually posted it :lol: Her name's Cassie Johnson :p

:lol: That could make for some interesting happenings on facebook.

:wave: Hi Cassie.

:wave: Hi Justin, how are you?

Good right now :)


I'm pretty good, just realizing that I don't have photoshop on this new hard drive I got for Christmas :grumpy: I was going to get a new avatar going too...

I'll have to resort to other means to find photoshop again. :shifty:
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