Chris Cornell's voice has

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jan 19, 2001
s p o r a t i c
never sounded better than it does presently.

yes, the songs on the Audioslave album may be excellent, but his voice simply put


Tim Commerford playing a slow song isa something to experience. It is amazing how thesae musicians have fused.

I hope it lasts...
I'm getting that album next time I go out. I still can't believe I haven't gotten it yet. :mad:
I've always thought he had an amazing voice. When he gets older, he should do broadway and really showcase his range. He's one of rock's most impressive belters. :yes:
yes, but bear, have you heard Audioslave yet

and I do not mean the first single Cochise.

there are some songs on the disc that rock, some that whine, and some that are really just nice melodies, which to me was quite a shock...
Flag Pole Pear said:
hes got a good voice, ill agree, but it certainly isnt my type of singing.
Try his solo album, Euphoria Morning, or Temple of the Dog. They're very little like Soundgarden or Audioslave; he actually sings and it actually sounds quite nice.
most u2 fans will probably like the 2nd single "like a stone"

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