Caught singing the right/wrong/changed/whatever lyrics

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Mar 21, 2002
The Kitchen
Yep. I heard about some changes to songs and what have you but I did not really think about it on my road trip this weekend. I thought breaking the album in on a road trip would be proper. So there I am singing along to Mysterious Ways and BAM "She sees the man inside the child" has been changed to something else. I was like wtf? :eyebrow: I had to rewind the track like three times to make sure I was hearing it correctly. I was paranoid at first thinking I know there is no way I don't know the words.

Just thought I would share my new album experience. :wave:

Have any of you got caught singing the wrong lyrics?
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i've only listened to it personally so far, meaning on my headphones and such, so i've yet to sing mysterious ways. but i'll be sure to play it in the car tomorrow and see what i sing. :D

but i think the new lines for it suck. :madspit:
I was playing it on a trip to Pittsburgh with a bunch of friends, and we were all singing along (except for one of my friends who doesn't like U2 and was listening to Frank Sinatra obnoxiously loud on her Discman), and all of a sudden - boomcha (oh, no, wait, that's gone too) - different words than the ones we're singing appear on the track. My trauma knew no bounds.

Anyone been able to make them out yet? I haven't.
Eugene likes the BOOMCHA

I wish I had Bonos cell on speed dial. It would go something like this:

Bono: Hello
Me: Bono?
Me: Hey it's gheto
Bono: What up cheeze
Me: wtf?
Bono: wtf what?
Me: wtf Mysterious Ways
Bono: oh. yeah we changed some stuff
Me: I know. wtf. I was all singing along and bam!
Bono: oh sorry about that
Me: ooooh and don't even get me started on the BOOMCHAS. I gotta go. I will holla at you later.
Bono: holla at you later cheeze
Me: Peace!
daisybean said:

and yes I still sing the boomchas too

:sad:I miss them so

Oh thank God! I still sing them too! I felt like the biggest geek in my car the other night singing boomchas that are no longer there!
This decision of U2's is idiotic. Would you see Paul McCartney doing remastering, and deciding "Hmm, I never did like the name Eleanor. Let's call her Melinda Rigby instead."
PopFly said:
This decision of U2's is idiotic. Would you see Paul McCartney doing remastering, and deciding "Hmm, I never did like the name Eleanor. Let's call her Melinda Rigby instead."

:laugh: It ALMOST works, if you say MEH-linda...

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