Caption-ing #14!!

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Kristin Machina said:

:edge: It's hatching...IT'S HATCHING! :hyper:
:adam: Number one, Edge: It's a dino egg, and it's too old to hatch. Number Two: It's the blood rushing through your big ears you're hearing and Number Three: If you don't hold your own damn egg, I'm taking one step to the right....
:edge: No! :yikes: My praying mantis needs a playmate!
:adam: :rolleyes:

Kristin Machina said:

Bono had given up on Edge teaching him the H-cord, and decided to take matters into his own hands.
:bono: H-CORD! *makes air-guitar noises* Hello, Cleveland!
:edge: We're in Boston, B. :rolleyes:

:lmao: nice move!

:hmm: can I photoshop a guitar there? perhaps with a special Hchord....
Talking about the Hchord...


:edge: hah I knew the Hchord would keep him busy for days, months, YEARS even! It's been over a decade, and still he hasn't figured it out!:rolleyes:

:bono: :hyper:Omg, Edge, will ya look at this!!! I FOUND IT!! BONO CAN PLAY HCHORD!!!

:edge: :shocked: wha?

:bono: *reads paper out loud*
"In German Music there is commonly an H chord. I was curious if anybody has experimented with German music or could explain to me what this H chord is"

"whiteaxxxe" replies:

In german music there is no "H" chord. the nomenclatura has changed in 1994/1995. "h" is forbidden. Germany was the only country in the world, where this chord - or better . this name for a chord was used. "H" means the same as "b" in all other countries. J.S.Bach has called the "b" as "h", because he thought of difficulties with "Bb". in Germany there was - to make the confusion complete - no "Bb". all this chaords were called "b".

so, to make it clear: German "H" is in fact "B" and German "B" is in fact "Bb". but only in old literature and in newer ones written by people, that doesn´t know the nomenklatura, means most pop-musicians without real abilities and classical musicians that are too arrogant to think that anything could have changed in the last 200 years.

:wink: thanks to chass for showing me the link..
Kristin Machina said:

:larry: OK, Edge. You. Me. Sexy Pose Standoff.
:edge: You're on!
:larry::edge: GO! *strikes a pose*
:bono: OMG! :ohmy: Too much sexy in one band! Can't look...brain exploding...left arm going numb....
:adam: Uh...guys...don't look now, but PLEBAns at one o'clock! :yikes:

Too much sexy,sexy man arms:drool:

:edge: :beachball:love:
:adam: Seriously Edge, I want you to dissolve this glue RIGHT NOW!! :mad:
:edge: Nein! You vill learn to love ze beachball!! Ze beachball is your FRIEND!! :rant:
:adam: :yikes:
Before coming up with the idea of POPMart karaoke, Edge thought about doing a solo sing and dance performance of Even Better Than The Real Thing with some typical boy-band moves, however the band refused to let that idea pass.


Give me one last dance, we'll slide down the surface of things
You're the real thing
Yeah the real thing
You're the real thing
Even better than the real thing.

:bono=so why are we here?
:edge=looking for newts
:bono=and why are we kno lookin for news?
:edge=NEWTS you minature eejit and because we all want to win that new steaming press the science club are offering as a prize!
:adam=speak for yerself, I just want some hair gel ,a good book and that comfy chair in german class with the cushion:wink:
:bono=that cushion would be my shoulder
:adam=(patting b) and a great one you make 2!
:larry=do we even have something for it to go in once or if we find it?
:edge= we will do once you go in and get that bucket
:larry=HEY HEY HEY!! im not going in after any reptile
:edge=amphibian actually
B and a=RUN!!
:(larry running after edge)
:edge=AAAAGH SAVE ME!!!!!!:sad:

Bono thought the crowd could do some exercise after seeing them eat too much junk food from the concourse.

That and "head, shoulders knees and toes" didn't work too well with the GA crowd near the stage.

"Hey, let's put Adam on!!!"

User name: SilverFoxx

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