Bush will help Bono

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I'm glad that Bono was bi-partisan for this election. It was indeed very smart. I wouldn't have voted for Bush, but Bono says he has taken some steps toward Africa. Hopefully this will develop and continue...
Ok, I'm pretty young and this was the first election I've voted on. I'll say that lately I've gained alot of respect for Bono over the AIDS crisis. I've learned to respect him because of the way he presents himself. He may not want Bush in office, but he should show him respect if he ever expects to get anything.

Being an annoying, whiny loudmouth like Stipe or Springsteen WOULD ONLY HURT HIS CAUSE. And if Springsteen or Stipe plan on trying to help Bono's cause he better tell them to shut their yaps a bit, because they just annoy people and breed disrespect and apathy. I certainly have grown to disrespect these artists. They just grate on my nerves now. Also, their plan to get more young voters to turn out failed. If they want their way they need to stay more neutral, like Bono.

I'm not saying everyone needs to vote Bush or anything, but he's here weather they like it or not. If we want anything done in Africa we have to go through Bush. I think Bono is performing quite admirably in this regard. Artists such as Springsteen, Stipe, Vedder and the Dixie Chicks have accomplished nothing but to be loud, annoying and ineffective.
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What Springsteen and company accomplished during this presidential campaign was to re-emphasize the fact that EVERY AMERICAN HAS THE RIGHT TO VOICE THEIR OPINIONS whether it is popular or not.:up:

And that is the most important right that we have as Americans.

And I really think that people need to keep Bono out of this Presidential election - he had no part in it.

And the present administration and their Republican cohorts in Congress have tried to do everything they can to UNDERFUND the Global AIDS programs which Bono has fought so hard for. :tsk:

So why is so many people here saying that the Bush administration is going to help Bono with Global AIDS funding?

YOU NEED TO DO YOUR RESEARCH on the struggle the Global AIDS movement is having with the Bush administration on funding levels for AIDS programs - maybe then you would see the erroneous nature of some of the comments in this thread.

Let me send this to y'all again:


This is Bono's advocacy group for Africa - do they look happy with the Bush administration's funding levels for Global AIDS?


shart1780 said:

Being an annoying, whiny loudmouth like Stipe or Springsteen

Down with free speech.:mad:

So we should tell the athletes that supported Bush to shut up too? Or is it OK since they supported your guy?
BonoVoxSupastar said:

Down with free speech.:mad:

So we should tell the athletes that supported Bush to shut up too? Or is it OK since they supported your guy?

I never said down with free speech. I never said they shouldn't have the right to do what they did. EVERYONE completelty misunderstands me when I try to make that point. I'm saying, while it's fine to practice free speech, if you're loud and annoying you'll get nowhere, so it's just a waste. They didn't help their cause at all because they approached it in the wrong way. All they did was alienate fans and further annoy people who aren't fans. They also pushed alot of people AWAY from their cause. It's just like Michael Moore with his film. After seeingg in alot of Kerry supporters turned to vote for Bush instead!! He helped defeat the very cause he was fighting for by handling it the wrong way.

I think if Springsteen and Stipe wanted Bush out they should have communicated it a little better and more people would have listened.
I should try to make myself clearer here I think...
I applaud those musicians and actors and performers who did what they could to get out the vote, who spoke their minds, all that.
I just thought that given Bono's role as organizational 'frontman' it was wise indeed to stay out of the partisan fray, thusly trying to ensure that whatever the election outcome his cause didn't suffer and indeed attempting to bring people together and build bridges. It sort of mirrors the causes in many ways; if the goal is for this big ol' rich country to give a shit about people half a world away, tell them why we're *all* in the same global boat, and that sort of message is hard to reconcile with partisan politics. Just as he was saying it would be wise for the US to make friends of potential enemies, it was wise for him in his role to make friends of potential enemies. Convince them that the goals are really the same, use the language they actually speak. Talk about 'human capital', which years ago was one of the ways for instance researchers in education had to talk about kids in inner cities and bad school systems. The funders wanted to see cost-benefit analyses, so give them that as you ask for the grant money.
What puzzles me is how the Dems this time around managed to do little on either the cost-benefit analysis *or* the broader brush-stroke vision of a country commited to higher human values of tolerance and freedoms ..It was almost like all kerry could manage was trying to convince us that he should make the apprentice cut over dubya, and that didn't cut it with enough voters...

cheers all...
BonoVoxSupastar said:
So anyone who was against Bush is classless, ignorant, and out-of-touch-with-America?

no... mr. springsteen, mr. stipe, mrs. streisand... they are all smart, classy people. they were, however, out of touch with the masses, as were the rest of the democratic party. perhaps now that this election is over, mr. springsteen can finally speak out against the corruption of the democratic leadership in his beloved new jersey.

michael moore on the other hand... he, too, isn't ignorant. classless, yes. ignorant, no. he knows exactly what he's doing.

yet, as a big pearl jam fan, it is eddie vedder whom i am the most disapointed in after he stabbed ralph nader in the back to hop on the michael moore kool-aid bandwagon.
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I agree with the title of this post. I think Bush winning is a good thing for Bono. First of all, Bush already knows Bono and has had dealings with him, and Bono has already made inroads with him. Bush is not against helping Africa.

I do believe Bono is wise and mature and shut up. Everyone else should take an example from him, and people like him if they EVER want to get whatever it is that they want. Bono builds bridges. He doesn't burn them. You can't lead a world and purposefully push people away.
It certainly served Bono well to make prank calls to Bush Sr. on the Zoo TV tour and come out and support Clinton quite openly during that time period.

Point is he does what serves him as an artist and diplomat, as does Bush as does anyone in the public eye. There is little point in equating Bush's agenda with Bono's or vice versa.
Bono, how I love Bono, how I've missed talking about Bono.

Anyway, Bono will continue no matter who was president, and the point is, so should every American. And COME together! Stop insulting, Democrats...come together.
I don't think it would make a difference either way if Bush or Kerry won, the fact is, as you can't make money off of something, no one will care about it
I find it amazing that every single time someone who disagrees with them talks about Springsteen or Stipe or whoever, they describe them as whiny or loudmouthed. Because they were a public figure and outspokenly pledged their support, backing it up with reasons? God forbid.

Lord knows Bill O'Reilly doesn't do that, right? :ohmy: He's louder than Springsteen or Stipe, and he doesn't even use a stage mic. But he doesn't drive me to call him names just because I disagree with his position.

Explain, someone?
To an extent, it infuriates me that Bono is so civil to Bush, given that he has done very little in terms of helping Africa, but then I have admiration for him too. He is smart enough to realise that mouthing of about politicians and regimes a la Chris Martin gets you nowhere in life. He's a smart guy, and he puts the interest of his cause before his personal beliefs, whatever they may be. That takes alot.
shart1780 said:

I never said down with free speech. I never said they shouldn't have the right to do what they did. EVERYONE completelty misunderstands me when I try to make that point. I'm saying, while it's fine to practice free speech, if you're loud and annoying you'll get nowhere, so it's just a waste. They didn't help their cause at all because they approached it in the wrong way. All they did was alienate fans and further annoy people who aren't fans. They also pushed alot of people AWAY from their cause. It's just like Michael Moore with his film. After seeingg in alot of Kerry supporters turned to vote for Bush instead!! He helped defeat the very cause he was fighting for by handling it the wrong way.

I think if Springsteen and Stipe wanted Bush out they should have communicated it a little better and more people would have listened.

They got up, played music, and said they don't like Bush's policies. Yeah sounds annoying to me.:huh:
Headache in a Suitcase said:

no... mr. springsteen, mr. stipe, mrs. streisand... they are all smart, classy people. they were, however, out of touch with the masses, as were the rest of the democratic party. perhaps now that this election is over, mr. springsteen can finally speak out against the corruption of the democratic leadership in his beloved new jersey.

You could say MLK was out of touch with the masses as well. Now I'm not comparing them as people, but I'm asking what is wrong with speaking up for the minority?

Hasn't the leadership already been replaced now since we've had an election, maybe now you should get over it. So he chose a larger fight? Are you going to dismiss Bono for speaking about Africa but not the drug problem in Ireland?
Bush was all for Bono's program when it was a political avantage to him.
It sounded really good in his state of the union address. But since then Bush & Co has allocated no additional funding and congress, which is controlled by Republicans, has actually scaled back on the amount promised.. Matter of fact the only monies allocated for this year hasn't even come to pass yet.
Besides the fact it was money that was already in the budget. Nothing new here. And even that amount has been reduced.

I'm just going on what Bono has said on numerous occasions, that he will not let them back down.

Yes he will work with this adminstration, but he's going to bust their ass when they lie.
And I have no doubt he getting ready to bust some ass..
BonoVoxSupastar said:
Bush hasn't done shit so far for Africa. Funding has come up for vote already once and not even one of Bush's party voted for it. He must pushing them hard...:|

I read in a poll that 65% of our leaders are ready to help, but only 18% of the people are willing to. I read it at a doctors office in I think it was the "The International Economy Magazine", but can't find the info I read online.

I think it is our responsibility to push our politicians into action on this. Too many people are too selfish with our tax dollars, too indifferent about all of the lives lost every day.
Jamila said:
As someone who has had to make incessant phone calls to Congresspeople, send numerous emails to elected officials (including the President) and whose had to go back out on the streets to get petitions signed to KEEP BUSH'S (and Congress' )FEET TO THE FIRE to get the Global AIDS programs funded that they all approved of two years ago - I can tell you that if Bush and his Republican cohorts in Congress really wanted these programs to be effective, THEY WOULDN'T STAND IN THE WAY OF FULLY FUNDING THESE PROGRAMS!

Look what is on the DATA website:


If Bush and the Republicans were REALLY COMMITTED to keeping their promises to Africa, they wouldn't stand in the way of funding those programs! :ohmy:

To argue effectively, you gotta know what you're talking about.

Jamila - I am so proud of the work you do! I can not wait to see successful results! If more voices and petitions hit congress - do you think that Bush and his Republican cohorts would be standing in the way? Or is it that the American people are standing in the way with their indifference? I am starting to believe that too many Americans don't care and that is what the problem is to the road to results.
U2Traveller said:
I agree with the title of this post. I think Bush winning is a good thing for Bono. First of all, Bush already knows Bono and has had dealings with him, and Bono has already made inroads with him. Bush is not against helping Africa.

I can't agree that Bush winning is a good thing for Bono vs Kerry winning. I agree that Bush does want things to change and isn't against helping Africa - but I don't see him being very vocal about it. I would admire Bush's desire to help much more if he came out and spoke to America about the need to get the proper legislation through to help bring Justice for Africa. He talked of it in the State of the Union address almost 2 years ago and has spoken of the issue little since.

Kerry was front burner in a bi partision effort to end global AIDS. It is incorrect to assume that he wouldn't be equal to Bush in bringing justice for Africa. He might have been more vocal about it too given his support on the issue in the senate.

Again - I think the change has to come from the people first. More people need to wake up. This is also backed up by the change of Bono's strategy in the last couple of years. He spent a lot of time meeting with the leaders in America. While he hasn't stopped this - he has added a lot of things that are meant to open people's eyes vs. the government. 1st the tour in the Heartland meeting people. DATA participates in Rallies encouraging people to request a change. I really think the next step to success is bringing awareness and getting the support of the people.
bcrt2000 said:
I don't think it would make a difference either way if Bush or Kerry won, the fact is, as you can't make money off of something, no one will care about it

What can be done to change this attitude?
sue4u2 said:
Bush was all for Bono's program when it was a political avantage to him.
It sounded really good in his state of the union address. But since then Bush & Co has allocated no additional funding and congress, which is controlled by Republicans, has actually scaled back on the amount promised.. Matter of fact the only monies allocated for this year hasn't even come to pass yet.
Besides the fact it was money that was already in the budget. Nothing new here. And even that amount has been reduced.

I know I'm being repetative here, but I don't think it's Bush - it's lack of interest from the people that is causing a lot of the problems now. Again - I wish Bush would be more vocal to the people about the need to do this instead of letting the people direct him away from it all - but I think that is what is happening.
BostonAnne, that's why it's up to us to bring the message of the AIDS pandemic in Africa to our neighbors, our schoole, our co-workers, our places of worship, etc. - to help the American people understand this pandemic and why it is important for us to care about it.:up:

This what Bono is hoping that we would do - help him spread the message of The ONE Campaign and help ensure FULL FUNDING of the Global AIDS programs (including the Millenium Challenge Account) that Bush and Congress agreed to. :wink:

When you hear Bono speaking about the AIDS pandemic in Africa, this is ALL he talks about.

AN AMERICAN PRAYER....:bono: :heart: :heart: ;)
Considering that Bono has more money than Bush, I don't see why Bono needs Bush's help.

Avoiding AIDS doesn't require any federal funding. I have avoided AIDS without any federal grants, the folks at my church have avoided AIDS, but then again - the folks at my church follow the teachings and have morals. Bush has told Africa that an abstinence policy is most effective, he is 100% correct, if the folks don't want to listen to him, that is their fault. Personal responsibility is an amazing thing.

Abstinence = 100% effective, 100% free
I you can invent for me, right here and now, a way for billions of people to practice total abstinance that costs absolutlely nothing - well you would be a very interesting individual.

People fuck - always have and always will.

Your trollage is getting rather grating.
A_Wanderer, well, if these people want to F as you put it, then they can deal with the consequences of F'ing.

The whole planet knows by now how to avoid AIDS.

If you think someone advocating abstinence is a troll, then you have just called the Pope a troll, real classy on your part.
If people were to follow such a program then humanity would be extinct in 100 years, abstinance is simply not a feesible option for the AIDS crisis, if you have a religious oppositon to condoms and advocate an abstinance apporach then fine - but one shoulnt allow innocent people who do not even adhere to such beliefs to die because of them.
A_Wanderer....f'cking is not the total picture here....

The crisis of AIDS in bound up in the crisis of poverty that is bound up in the crisis of ignorance that is bound up in the crisis of debts.

This problem is not a one sided deal.

There are many angles that need to be treated. And I for one feel that Bush has UNDERFUNDED his 'promises' is because he is incapable of dealing with them or he just doesnt care

I do understand that, and I am very pissed off at the lack of funding by the Bush administration towards family planning and the underfunding of the promises, talk is cheap.

I am making the point that people will have sex one way or another, therefore simply proclaiming abstinance as a solution is fundamentally flawed. Given that you have to solve it one must drop the debts, reward good governance, fix up the patent issues and get the treatments to the people. It is not as simple as sex, therefore any solution that focuses solely on sex will ultimately fail.

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