Bush and Neocons are morally bankrupt.

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Blue Crack Addict
Apr 11, 2002
A far distance down.
How many people have died for this Iraq war.

They said it was for Iraqi Democracy.

and then this TOTAL crap.

US asks Israel to explore the reopening of an oil pipeline from Iraq


THE United States has asked Israel to explore reviving a pipeline route pumping oil from Iraq direct to the oil refineries in the Israeli port of Haifa.

The office of the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, sees the pipeline project as a "bonus" in return for Israel?s backing of the US-led campaign in Iraq, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported yesterday.

The pipeline from Mosul to Haifa was a vital supply line for British forces in the Second World War. In 1941, Britain sent forces to protect the oil pipeline and overthrow the pro-German Iraqi politician who had taken power in Baghdad in a coup.

But the pipeline fell into disuse after 1948, when Iraqis stopped the flow of oil to newly independent Israel.

Since well before the Iraqi war, the history of the oil pipeline has fuelled a busy rumour mill. Critics, including Israelis, have warned that plans to revive it could play to those in the Arab world and beyond who would claim the US fought the Iraq war for oil.

With pumping stations on the old pipeline unused for more than 50 years, a new pipe would need to be laid. It would take oil from the Kirkuk area, where some 40 per cent of Iraqi oil is produced, Haaretz reported, and transport it via Mosul, and then across Jordan to Israel.

The US request came in a telegram from a senior Pentagon official, the newspaper said. Israel had asked the US for the official notification, however.

Israel?s oil imports are 12 million tonnes a year, but it continues to suffer under a trade embargo by the oil-rich Arab states of the Middle East. Some 80 per cent of Israel?s oil is bought from the former Soviet Union, the rest on the market in Rotterdam and from Egypt.

"There is no precise plan at this stage. There is a project sketched out," said the Israeli infrastructure minister?s spokesman, Joseph Paritzky. The minister is to visit Washington in two weeks to discuss energy issues.

Mr Paritzki in April ordered a feasibility study on the reopening of the pipeline.

The Jerusalem Post said Israel?s foreign ministry criticised the initiative over concern that it would fuel rumours of an Israeli-US design to control Iraq?s oil reserves, the second largest in the world after Saudi Arabia.

Haaretz quoted Mr Paritzky as saying the pipeline could pass through Jordan, which would receive a transit fee. Jordan signed peace with Israel in 1994.

Haaretz said the United States has asked Israel to check the possibility of pumping oil from Iraq to Haifa.

It quoted sources in Jerusalem suggesting that the American hints about the alternative pipeline were part of an attempt to apply pressure on Turkey.

Ankara has already dismissed the threat that would be caused by an Iraq-Israel pipeline to its own pipeline with Iraq.

"Our route is the strongest, both technically and with respect to capacity," the Turkish energy minister, Hilmi Guler, said in April.

Iraq?s acting oil minister, Thamir Ghadhban, in June denied plans to resurrect the old Mosul-Haifa pipeline. Reports that it would be reopened were "no more than rumours" he said then.

The possible change of heart may have been fuelled by sabotage of existing pipelines.

Iraqi oil is now being transported to the Mediterranean via Turkey.

I have no problem with American support for Israel. Our tax money and arms have been going there for decades. I don't agree with all of our mideast policy.

But, or the Neocons, to think they can ship Iraqi oil to Israel without the support and approval of the Iraqi people is inciting and encouraging terrorists.
Sadly enough I'm not surprised. At all. :|

Great plan. Give their oil to Israel, the country they hate the most. That'll definately get the Iraqi's and the rest of the middle east see our prescence as positive.
This is shit. I got harrassed, called a communist and a traitor for saying the obvious, that the war was about oil. And so far, the Bushies* did a fairly good job of keeping the facade of "Iraqi Freedom" nice and shiney. But this is just throwing blood and sand and oil back in the faces of all the soldiers and civillians that died for this "war for freedom".

And yeah, might as well throw out the red carpets for terrorists striking Isreal.

*Not to be confused with The Butchies, a really good band.
It is politics. It is an attempt to get Turkey to provide troop support to protect the pipeline into their country.

In case you missed it, the terrorists have been BOMBING the pipleine costing the Iraqi people $7 Million Dollars a day in money that was to be used to help rebuild.

In rereading the article there has never been an OFFICIAL request from the Whitehouse, only a telegram from someone in the pentagon.

Have fun....
deep said:
to think they can ship Iraqi oil to Israel without the support and approval of the Iraqi people is inciting and encouraging terrorists.

Jews breathing is all the "incitement" or "encouragement" terrorists need to do their deeds.

I am sure you have a clear, objective standard for what is "morally bankrupt".
The article doesn't really say, but if it's Israel buying oil off Iraq, and the $ are going into Iraq, then there's nothing really wrong with it. Some Iraqis/Middle Easteners may not like it, but it's legit business.

If it's a sweet deal between the US and Israel (which it kinda looks like from this article) with say an Israeli oil company buying off a US oil company, just 'using' Iraq and Iraqi oil, with all the $ going back into the US oil company, then thats shite and is asking for it.
Another reason they hae no morals.


Some excerpts:
By John Hanchette
OLEAN -- Your faithful correspondent was excoriated as a "yellow journalist" last week for criticizing White House bumbling during the recent Northeast blackout, but I'll risk it again.

You think trying to allay public fears of terrorism by pinning the blackout blame on a phantom lightning strike in Niagara Falls was bad?

Wait till you mull over what happened near Ground Zero after Sept. 11, when the White House and Environmental Protection Agency started playing pattycake with the truth about health matters in Manhattan.

The gap in residual outrage is the painful difference between stubbing one's toe and breaking one's leg.

A scant week after the twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed from the attack by terrorist hijackers two years ago this month, the EPA told America and New York not to worry, the air was OK to breathe in Manhattan.

Turns out, the EPA didn't know that.


Turns out, the air wasn't OK to breathe.

Turns out, people are having all kinds of respiratory trouble in Lower Manhattan.

The EPA's inspector general, an internal watchdog who investigates the specific actions of a specific federal agency, unleashed a 165-page report in late August that has caused seismic tremors in Washington and New York -- through sections of government, politics, medicine and culture.

The report, by a courageous investigator named Nikki Tinsley, details how senior EPA officials, just one day after the terrorist attack, were instructed by the agency's deputy administrator to clear all public statements with the National Security Council.

And the NSC made no bones about its desire that all cautionary air quality statements be toned down or left out -- even to the point of omitting EPA tips on the dire health effects from copious dust in the air, which could contain lead, soot, glass fibers, asbestos, tons of particulate matter, smithereened concrete, and carcinogens such as PCBs and dioxin.

So where is the involvement of President Bush or the White House, you ask?

President Bush is chairman of the National Security Council. He uses the NSC as a forum to discuss and noodle over foreign policy and national security. The NSC is where senior aides and Cabinet functionaries speak up and provide input. When the NSC says something, you can be sure George W. Bush knows about it and approves.

The IG report is damning. It says EPA attempts to warn the public about the risks of breathing asbestos and various other contaminants -- especially the risks to children and asthma patients and old folks -- were either deleted or turned around 180 degrees.

The words "EPA considers asbestos hazardous in this situation" were changed by the NSC and White House to say that low-level exposure caused by the World Trade Center collapse "is unlikely to cause significant health effects."

Tell that to the 350-plus firemen now on permanent disability in New York City from respiratory damage.

Tell that to the 78 percent of rescue and recovery workers who have suffered lung illness.

Tell that to the pregnant women who were near Ground Zero and subsequently delivered so many low-birthweight babies that their risk of doing so was double that of non-exposed mothers.

I can't wait til next November. I can't remember a WORSE leader.
I like the quote from Leon Uris' Exodus, which is a fantastic book!! there should be a movie on it, if it's not already done

"A diplomat once opined that the Kingdom of Heaven runs
on Right and Wrong; the Kingdoms of Earth run on oil"
Scarletwine said:

cool article, and originating from the city of my birth! haha, being born in olean really doesn't give me much opportunity to say such things so i just couldn't resist.

but i think we all know there was much more to this war than just saddam and 'freedom' and 'democracy.' let's not fool ourselves.
There are also quite a few Jews among their alleged ranks, drives the likes of Pat Buchanan - a true conservative in so many ways and natural enemy of those very un-conservative neocons.

Sinister "neo-cons" control Bush and orchestrate the Iraq war for Israels security, general conspiratorial elders of zion bs that passes off as insightful commentary in this day and age are all part of the pointless neocons are bad view.

I think that the neoconservative movement is not a cohesive group rather a loose coalition of various individuals who all agree that peace and prosperity are best guaranteed through liberal democratic values and economic interdependence and that the old paradigms of pragmatism that worked in the cold war are out the window in a unipolar world.
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