breaking bad

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3 episodes left this season and next season will be the final one
My earlier comment still stands:

im wondering if we are getting ready to be introduced to some really really bad characters, much worse than Gus and Mike.

I bet we haven't met these really really bad characters yet. But we will....soon...perhaps by seasons end.

Jesse has clearly been elevated to save Gus and Mike (and himself). I suspect he may be the only thing that keeps Walt alive at some point in the show. Or, does Walt flee to Mexico since there is an apparent job opening....and go against Gus/Mike/Jesse? Does Mike even survive?

Next season could be very fucked up.
The best way for this to end is for Walt's cancer to come back and kill him in the last episode.

Cancer is a bitch, and no one really beats it.
How easy would it be for Jesse to eliminate Gus and Mike at this point? Both are fairly incapacitated, so provided he stays with them long enough to get back over the border, a couple of bullets should do it.

At least that will be Walt's opinion. He's going to be mad when that doesn't happen.

I'm also interested in what happens between Skyler and Ted now her composure has slipped. Blackmail? Her ethics and actions have got murkier this season, she won't take that lying down.
How easy would it be for Jesse to eliminate Gus and Mike at this point? Both are fairly incapacitated, so provided he stays with them long enough to get back over the border, a couple of bullets should do it.

At least that will be Walt's opinion. He's going to be mad when that doesn't happen.

I'm also interested in what happens between Skyler and Ted now her composure has slipped. Blackmail? Her ethics and actions have got murkier this season, she won't take that lying down.

Ha! That's exactly what I was thinking about Walt probably going to be pissed at Jesse for not finishing them off.
Ha! That's exactly what I was thinking about Walt probably going to be pissed at Jesse for not finishing them off.

At this point Jesse has something from Gus and Mike he doesn't get from Walt, respect.

He won't go through with killing Gus imho.
At this point Jesse has something from Gus and Mike he doesn't get from Walt, respect.

He won't go through with killing Gus imho.

Oh I totally agree. It's just like Walt though to do that. However, who knows, maybe he'll have some kind of change in his attitude toward Jesse now after that little scene this week, but I don't know if his ego can handle it for very long.
Walt has typical intellectual snob ego..he believes he operates on a higher level of intelligence than any other character in the show.

The joke is, it's the other way around. Everyone else operates on a higher level of intelligence than he. He just knows chemistry really really well. He knows shit-all about everything else.
this show is sometimes predictable

and then sometimes it goes in a completely different direction.
this new twist with Ted could be setting us up for a fall guy, to give others a way out
As soon as I saw the bottle of alcohol, I was like, "That's got poison in it." When he kept Jesse from drinking, I was like, "That's got poison in it and he's gonna drink it and throw it up before it sinks in." It certainly didn't bring disbelief to me, is what I'm saying. I had a pretty good idea that it was all gonna go down like that. Was still awesome to watch, though.

Did anybody else notice him putting something in his mouth when he was standing by the pool? I figured it was something that would somehow mitigate the effects of the poison.

It's just not believable that he actually pulls it off successfully.

I've been lurking since Sunday's episode and I basically agree with you gvox. However I also think the following could be possible and could be believable:

maybe Gus has a little more help with their getaway planned than we have seen.

The best way for this to end is for Walt's cancer to come back and kill him in the last episode.

I agree wholeheartedly.

At this point Jesse has something from Gus and Mike he doesn't get from Walt, respect.

He won't go through with killing Gus imho.


Walt has typical intellectual snob ego..he believes he operates on a higher level of intelligence than any other character in the show.

The joke is, it's the other way around. Everyone else operates on a higher level of intelligence than he. He just knows chemistry really really well. He knows shit-all about everything else.

Agree with this too. Very astute analysis all around!
maycocksean I agree that the ensuing struggle to get out of Mexico alive could make for some very riveting episodes, perhaps some of the best yet. I'm not sure they could have planned much more in advance for getting some outside help, though, as I don't think they know where they are. They were led from the plane in blindfolds.

However, two possibilities: Gus has been to the capo's before (albeit 20 years before)...neither in the scene a couple episodes ago that dealt with that time, nor in the transfer from the factory to the capo's mansion do we see him in it is conceivable that he has a rough idea where they would ultimately take him after the factory cook. The other possibility is some sort of GPS tracking device on one of their persons, however I'm imagining they were likely frisked before being put on the plane. Not entirely out of the realm of possibility that they managed to sneak one in a shoe or something.

Could be really good! I'm overanalyzing, probably, but that's because I'm so thoroughly engrossed in this amazing show!
Did anybody else notice him putting something in his mouth when he was standing by the pool? I figured it was something that would somehow mitigate the effects of the poison.

Yep. I noticed it. The moment he gave Don Eladio the bottle I knew it was poisoned. For a second I thought he was going to let Jesse drink it. He places a much higher value on Jesse than Walt realizes. Whether or not he's doing it because he sees value in Jesse, or simply wants to get back at Walt is a mystery though.
Maybe it's both. I can totally see Jesse being Gus's right hand man, even more so than Mike, in the near future. He'll wear suits and have no problem shooting people. Badass.
finally got around to watching some of this. first couple episodes were quality, i finally found something i want to watch rather than toss on as background noise while i play video games. so now to ignore the rest of this thread while i play catch up.
gvox said:
maycocksean I agree that the ensuing struggle to get out of Mexico alive could make for some very riveting episodes, perhaps some of the best yet.

I think it could lead to some whacky hi-jinx
Now HERE'S something wacky...actually, not too far-fetched given some of the writing..

I've put alot of emphasis on how hard it will be for them to escape this situation alive. The cartel and some Mexican police are so entwined with one another in some districts that it would be a miracle to think that they'll get very far at all.

BUT...What if the head of the DEA office (Hank's boss) is either in cahoots with Gus, or Gus made a preemptive move to speak to that guy and cut a deal with him? Maybe he went back to the office and said "look, I have some past history that I don't want following me" and in exchange for immunity he convinces the DEA that the reason he keeps coming up with Hank is because he has some links to the guy Hank wants, that the guy is the capo. and that he can offer the capo's head on a platter in exchange for safe transport out of Mexico? The DEA will never get near the capo on their own, but with Gus as an 'in', all they have to do is provide the exit firepower - maybe just some air support etc. If Gus dies trying his own plan, it's of little consequence to them, he's not even on the payroll. They could reason hell if he's stupid enough to try it, we can get him out if he makes it.

I know it sounds wacky but honestly imo they need some serious help to leave Mexico. And Gus is a guy who maintains a very small crew and low profile. I don't recall him having legions of guys that could escort him back. I think it might have to be something bigger than him, and there would need to be incentive for them to do it. If Gus can convince them that he can deliver to them the answer to their meth problem....

I think I can't wait till Monday! :stressed: lol
This show is going to give me a nervous breakdown. :crack: :lol: :up:

The Ted thing was a little convenient, but that ending... dang!
They showed Mike's last name! I can't remember exactly what it was, it was like 10 letters and started with an E. Ehranfrett or something like that.
bonocomet said:
This show is going to give me a nervous breakdown.

Precisely why I can't handle week to week viewing anymore. There's a good chance I'll skip next week to watch the last two back to back. It's just too much.
Actually the Alamo does free screenings each Sunday where they play the previous week's episode before the one that airs that night. Commercial free, obviously. It might be worth waiting an extra week to see this clusterfuck unravel on the big screen.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me.

I don't even want to start typing about the episode because my fingers and brain probably won't work well together and I won't be able to stop before I end up rambling incoherently.

I'll just say, holy fucking shit that was stupendous.
The plane crash and Jessie's setup / payoff of playing light gun video games and actually firing a real gun proficiently are two pretty bad writing missteps, but they're not out of character for the series' writing. Walt blowing up Tucco's stronghold is almost universally praised by fans, but that is also ridiculous.

The last episode that just aired redeems the plane crash and gunplay missteps 100 times over.

I can deal, gvox, you should too.
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