Books Bono has Read

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ONE love, blood, life
Oct 17, 2005
It's a very, very mad world.
Has anyone read any of the books that Bono has mentioned reading like the screwtape letters or Yates, Brenden Kelly, etc.

and in this instance not the Bible.

Should you read what Bono reads? I suppose. If you like. To be honest, I'm not sure what books Bono has read. It's one of those funny coincidences that Bono and I, for instance, have both read The Screwtape Letters. And I know this is going to sound really obnoxious, but I didn't read it because Bono did. I read it for another reason - which is as relevant as the reason Bono read it. Ie, not. I read it because I wanted to see the fuss behind the debates on the topic.

Poetry, on the other hand, I avoid like the plague because so much of it is wanky verbosity and Bono could put it all to music and I'd still not care. You meant Yeats, yeah?
I read The Screwtape Letters long before I knew Bono had read it. I also read Yeats before I knew Bono was a fan, but that was because I majored in English in college and it was required.

Angela, I think you should give Yeats a chance. "The Second Coming" is one of the most amazing poems I've ever read, and it's incredibly relevant for the times we live in now even though it was written in 1919.
No, I haven't read any of the books Bono has mentioned in interviews. If I ever do end up reading them, it'll be because I want to read them and not because of some rock star.
this thread hurts me.

i mean, in my line of work and all, i should be like, well, at least she's reading.

but i'm not.

i'm just not.
Bono's shades said:
Angela, I think you should give Yeats a chance. "The Second Coming" is one of the most amazing poems I've ever read, and it's incredibly relevant for the times we live in now even though it was written in 1919.

How bad is this - I'm more open to your opinion than Bono's. Or is that actually healthy? :lol: I'm going with healthy. :up: I dont actually think I've read Yeats. I'll follow your recommendation, though!
Oh come on, it's not that much of a problem. Listening to the Manic Street Preachers opened me up to a lot of stuff I otherwise would never have touched - Camus, Sartre, Rimbaud and the like. Not all of it appealed to me but I appreciated the fact that even through the odd form of pop music I still managed to enjoy some good books.

So if you're going to be reading good books because Bono's reading them, then I think life is good.
Sorry I asked......

I feel that by him I have been introduced to new material that I may have not read on my own.

But just forget it.
Thanks for nothing.
I have to say, I don't understand the negative reaction to the topic. There's nothing wrong with seeking out something to read/watch/listen to because someone you admire read/watched/listened to it and liked it.

If you LIKE it only because they liked it, or go around bragging "I've read everything Bono's read", then I could see an eye-rolling ensuing. But if you like it (or not) on your own volition, yay for you.

I rented Wings of Desire because Michael Stipe mentioned it in an interview way back when. I see nothing wrong with that.
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Would you take me seriously if I came in here and said:

Bono reads nothing but Harlequin romances?

The ones that have covers where a pirate is clutching at a woman whose boobs are falling out of her dress!
Jcoster, I did get into Bukowsky poetry quite by accident. Then it turned out that Bono was one of the people on a video about Bukowsky's work, and read one of his poems, as well gave a short interview on how he got into his work and such. There are other people who they interview as well as Bukowsky's wife, Linda, Taylor Hackford (director), Sean Penn, Tom Waits, etc..
I happen to like some (not all) of Bukowsky poetry. Some people think he's garbage.
The video is called: Bukowski: Born into this (2003) Rated R
Hey TY, How are ya! Thanks for the information. I just picked up Screwtape Letters, Ground Beneath Her Feet and Dorian Gray.
I started reading Dorian Gray and I am really into it. I learned so much just in the first chapter consider I thought the book was about a boat. Then I learned the boat was named after the book.

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