Bono in Philly

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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BonosBaby12 said:

Lara,JC,Varitek and Edgeistoosexy :hug: :hug: It was such a blast hanging out with each and everyone of you!

So you got your autograph then? AWESOME!
I just got some good conversation. :D


My sistahs met THE man!!!

Shannon WOW you're looking awesome!!! :sexywink:

JC!! :love: My soul sistah did it again!! WOOT!!!

DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS before I die from bouncing off the walls in excitement for you all!!! :hyper:
Welll my conversation:::::
Varitek and Laura were talking to him and i think while he was signing something i think i blurted this out

ME: Omg bono youre so adorable
Bono: [looks up & smiles] YOU'RE SO ADORABLE! -in this amazing voice like i cant even describe how he said it..
[[[[squeezed my hand]]]]
and then
ME: Bono can i have a kiss please?
Bono: Sorry, I dont want you to get the virus.
ME: DUDE, I want the virus!
Bono: (smiles) walks towards other fans

........oh and we also talked to Bryan- edges security guard which was AMAZING
this was one awesome daY
Pics to come soon!!
:applaud: It's great talking to both the B's isn't it! Brians a lovely guy :yes:, and Bono....he's got it....... :drool:

Well done!
EdgeIsTooSexy said:
Welll my conversation:::::
Varitek and Laura were talking to him and i think while he was signing something i think i blurted this out

ME: Omg bono youre so adorable
Bono: [looks up & smiles] YOU'RE SO ADORABLE! -in this amazing voice like i cant even describe how he said it..
[[[[squeezed my hand]]]]
and then
ME: Bono can i have a kiss please?
Bono: Sorry, I dont want you to get the virus.
ME: DUDE, I want the virus!
Bono: (smiles) walks towards other fans

........oh and we also talked to Bryan- edges security guard which was AMAZING
this was one awesome daY
Pics to come soon!!

LOL!!! "The Virus" :lol:
EdgeIsTooSexy said:

So you got your autograph then? AWESOME!
I just got some good conversation. :D

Awwwwwww your conversation with Bono was so cute! :cute: Had to :giggle: at his virus comment

Oh and I did in fact end up getting his autograph. My book got passed along and he was asked if he would sign it. Was starting to get really worried that it wouldn't happen! The guy next to me got a bit pushy after he had his picture taken. Wanted something signed and security had to tell him back off. Bono moved on after that point and unfortunately I was passed over. It all worked out well in the end though! :hyper: Oh and when I was touching his arm I was trying to get his attention. I barely got a glance if that from Bono. He was pretty caught up in signing autographs and everything when I was around.

Just saw the group pic we took with Brian,what a sweetie! :cute:

Awwwwwww thanks Gluey! :hug: :)
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yeah wheres that pic of us with brian?
whoever took the pic on my camera didnt get it
Here is the group pic a friend e-mailed it to me. Congrats to everyone who was lucky last night! :applaud:

BonosBaby12 said:
Here is the group pic a friend e-mailed it to me. Congrats to everyone who was lucky last night! :applaud:


:bow: Brians AWESOME! He's such a sweetie!!!

Who's who in this pic? I see mah gurls BB12 & JC.... :love:
im right next to JC but u cant really see me
I'm the one who asked to take the pic with Brian :wink:
I just got home from a dinner invitation I had this evening and caught up on all of these new posts, reports and photos, thanks so much to all who contributed to this thread!!!! So glad to hear you people had such a good time in Philly.

EdgeTooSexy, great convo with the B-man. But what "virus" is he referring to?
I loved Bono's speech. And thanks to JC, I got to see him afterwards.
When Bono was signing, I said out loud, "Bono, did you have a good night?" he answered, "I had a great night. Thank you"

When he was finished signing, he said to all, It was great meeting you. He was right in front of me so I reached out and put my hand on his upperarm near his shoulder squeezed it
gently and said, "It was good meeting you, Bono." He added, "Bye now," and walked away.

Thanks so much for calling me, JC.
last unicorn said:

EdgeTooSexy, great convo with the B-man. But what "virus" is he referring to?

it was his way of saying i cant kiss u because then every1 will want one
at first i took it personally and i felt like crying but i realized it was stupid to think that way.
EdgeIsTooSexy said:


it was his way of saying i cant kiss u because then every1 will want one
at first i took it personally and i felt like crying but i realized it was stupid to think that way.

Don't take this personally at all but it may have been because of your age. He is very appropriate, most of the time.
Can I just say that all the lovely ladies in our pictures are just as nice in person as the are on here.

Had a great time hanging with you all.

Badger it was nice to meet you! :wink:

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