BONE-O on NBC news

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Rock n' Roll Doggie, FOB
Feb 2, 2002
Born under a bad sign with a blue moon in your eye

When will they ever learn!!!!!!!

On The NBC Nightly News they did a story on Bono's trip to Africa, but the stupid reporter pronounced his name BONE-O



~*~We are one, but we're not the same
We've got to carry each other~*~

I hate NBC news, they suck. I have to watch them all the time, cuz me mum has the hots for Tom Brokaw ( !!)

Anyway, did they show any good shots of Bono??

I'm not expecting much from them.
Not really, but I only only caught the tail end of it....I was so enraged over the Bone-o thing
. They were the same scenes that the AP pictures were taken from and a shot from the WEF.

You've got me feeling hella good
So let's just keep on dancing...
My Lair
Those BONE-heads! Have they been living under a rock??? How could they not know how to say Bono's name the right way...he's been in the news constantly so there's just no excuse for that
This report is being reshown on "The News With Brian Williams" on MSNBC. I'm waiting for it now; it's about 8:18 p.m. I think the Brian Williams show is on at 11 p.m. too.

At least NBC had a report on Bono; I don't think ABC or CBS had anything about the trip on their evening newscasts.
I just saw it!!!! Thanks for letting me know so I could catch it!
It was actually pretty long, and they showed more or less all the pics we've already seen but in motion! Bono looked great and they really talked him up saying that he has been so busy all last year with concerts and all he is doing in Africa!
Definitely worth trying to see!
I didn't have my tape ready so I will try to catch it again later!
ALIROSE: Ok, repeat after me...BAH-NO..


ALI: Bah...

TB: Bah...

ALI: No.

TB: No.

ALI: BAH-no!


ALI: No, no....

TB: Bone-o?

ALI: *slaps forehead*

Proud owner & lover *munch munch*(of the now late) Larry cookie

"SHHHH!!! Bono is HOO-ing!"
-Me, as Sula and Lilly talk through the end of WOWOY on Popmart Vid
Thanks to daisy's hot tip, I was able to catch it at quarter to seven out here. I coulda sworn Brokaw corrected it: it sounded like he said Bono correctly. I wonder if he looped it for the West Coast edition? I was in the kitchen, so I didn't see Tom's lips moving (oh, no!). The report was okay, worth taping.


You have fairly generic bunions. --my podiatrist, 4-11-02
martha- I didn't hear any problem with how they were pronouncing it either! I was wondering if we saw the same show!
on thanksgiving jay leno said bone-o, and i burst out laughing...people are kind of ignorant...but then again, not everyone is obsessed like me...
I wasn't even paying attention to the news and I heard EBTTRT in the background and I immediately pressed record and I taped over some stuff that at least wasn't U2 related. *whew*
Actually Brokaw wasn't the one who pronounced his name wrong it was the reporter who was doing the story on Bono and O'Neill's trip to Africa.

[This message has been edited by Lise (edited 05-21-2002).]
I can't believe these reporter are this stupid. Bono and U2 have been around for what.....close to 20 years now. U2 are internationally known, yet they still can't say Bon-Oh? How freakin hard is it to say Bon-oh. Not Bo-no, like Sony Bono, just BON-OH! Sheesh

[This message has been edited by the_fly2002 (edited 05-21-2002).]

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