Big Brother 8 (US): It's That Time Of Year Again!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Slipstream said:
Who here watches the feeds or follows the show via websites, YouTube, etc?

I will admit that I have watched most all of the live feeds on Showtime. They are on from 9 PM - midnight , seven days a week.

Also, everyone is awake and active then, too.

When I read the feeds on Jokers, they do a pretty good job. but they do miss a bit and get some things wrong, or a bit off.

Like all these reality shows, the producers do manipulate the outcome, also, the editing goes for a more dramatic story then what may have actually occurred.

Don't you think the diary room can influence or steer the way this thing plays out?

I am convinced there is manipulation.
Is Eric even a legit contender?

There is no way they will let him win.

What if someone gets voted out over that mustard prankster?

It seems they may be keying in on Nick now.

Of course they will edit out the reason is because he is suspected of being the mustard prankster.

and yes Dick had one real bad day.

He was over bearing on Danielle, it seemed like it went on forever. It was grueling to watch.

Also, there was one heavy browbeating on Amber where he lost her. And she has gone around ever since commiserating with everyone about it.

Dick did have an epiphany that he blew it? I wonder if the DR helped him with this?

Anyways, I still am not pulling for Kail at all.

I still would like Jameka, Danielle, Nick, Dustin or Jen to win more than the rest

next would be Amber, Dick, Jessica, Zack

then Eric, Mike
Jameka is one of the least interesting houseguests they've ever had, don't understand the love at all.

And Eric looked like a royal moron with his obvious throwing of the HOH competition on Thursday. That will haunt him and send him packing at some point.
yes, I can't understand how the producers of this show think this "America's Player" is a good thing...they will figure Eric out soon enough....and will vote him out....if he doesn't get nominated, I feel, it will be a total sham to have hin in there:huh:
BigMacPhisto said:
Jameka is one of the least interesting houseguests they've ever had, don't understand the love at all.

In other words she's NORMAL. That might have something to do with it.
If anyone is going to mess up the LNC alliance it's going to be Wamber. She is an absolute mess, and if there is going to be any sort of strategising then she really shouldn't have anything to do with it. I'd get her out of the house soon, sequester would be painful with her in it.
Well our show is over. Meant to finish at 9:15 last night, didn't finish till bloody 10:05. They go "we're still counting votes, there's 500 between them" and I'm like well if there's 500 between them shouldn't there be a winner? :huh: WTF lol. :lol:
WildHoneyAlways said:
:dancing: I hope Nick goes home!!

Umm...Nick isn't nominated.

Unless you guys who are watching the feeds online and stuff saw the POV competition, and one of the people on the block won, so Nick got put up, which means you spoiled it for people like me who just watch the show the usual three nights a week on CBS. :madwife:
:( Sorry. I didn't mean to spoil it.

The shit hit the fan on the live feeds. It's worth spoiling it for yourselves. Trust me.

You can edit my post BC with a spoiler tag if you want to. :reject:
Ah, it's okay, I'm probably the only person following this thread who isn't ahead of the game. :laugh: I had to give you a hard time though. :madwife: ;)
BB Chatter for some reason hasn't changed the noms yet so I didn't know either until I came on here. I have the feeds anyway so I would have figured it out.

So now that we all know who the replacement nom is, can someone explain to me why Jameka was so set on using the Veto and going against the wishes of her alliance? I'm really baffled.
Bonochick said:
That's it, I'm out of this thread until after the show tonight. :mad: :lol:

Shoot...sorry! I thought you already knew because the above posts already had mentioned it. From now I promise not to post any spoilers. Accept a bow for an apology:bow:
Okay, by this time this should not be a spoiler as the should have been aired all over the U.S. Holy frickin' cow. . .how much of the Dick rampage against Jen did they show? ( I wasn't able to watch the show tonight, but I could catch it when it airs a week from now back home in Saipan).

I've been reading the feed updates and it's unfreakinbelievable what happened in that house on Monday. . .

I really want to know how much they showed. I kind of want to see it for myself, but it just sounds so sickening that I'm not sure I really want to.

All I can say is I am deeply disappointed in the BB8 producers handling of Dick, and really of this whole season. They put emotionally unstable people in the house ON PURPOSE, they're allowing Dick to brutally verbally abuse people (and for those of you that have seen what he does--even when his tone is calm--it's sick. Pathologically cruel, and I personally, think misogynistic as well. I think he really has some issues with women and has a need to demean them) and even dump a drink on Jen's head. It's wrong! And they're letting it continue in a naked and craven attempt to keep us watching. I'm not sure I want to let them succeed. . .
hmmmmmm...I would say they showed basically nothing of any kind of Dick/Jen attack....he was in the hot tub and she came out and he had some words to her...but not what happened in the house on Monday?
Dick is a jagoff. He's got to go. I guess he was talked to by BB and of course Dick says it's "no big deal." He's definaltly as misogynist. I don't know if he has the ball to dump a glass of iced tea on a guy's head.
I didn't want Nick to go, I would have much rather seen Kail leave. :mad:

I can't stand Amber crying! It's not even that she just had a tendency to get misty-eyed, she just downright sobs hysterically over everything. :huh:
Nick :sad: :sad:
Is it just me, or did Danielle seem a bit cold to poor Nick after he poured his heart out to her???:mad: This guy had it bad for her, and she seemed to just be workin' him:(
I agree, but Daniele does have a boyfriend at home though that she has to think about, because surely he is watching. This surely has probably already put some strain on their relationship, so I don't blame her for acting how she did.
I agree. In the context of a gameshow where everyone in the world can see your actions day and night, and the stress of living in that house, I think she did the best job that she could do.

Bonochick, I think the Veto meeting is on Monday night so after the show on Tues night there is going to be heaps to talk about! The Sunday night show will have the results of the HOH and the nominations I think which will also be quite exciting. I'm finally started getting into the show these past few days and getting glued to the feeds.
Dear Jameka,

Please start playing the game for yourself a little more.

Love, Bonochick

P.S. I like Eric and Jessica better than Dick and Daniele now.
^ :yes:

Oh, and PSS ...CBS, please stop mocking Jameka's religious beliefs with the sappy organ is insulting (and I am not even religious:| )

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